Unfortunately, we don't get much snow in Texas, but we get freezing rain a couple times a year. It's not fun like snow, but I still like to take pictures. Here are a few from yesterday...

Benjamin's blackberry bush.

Today is much warmer and this afternoon I'm going to introduce my friend to my favorite thrift store. Hopefully we'll find something good. Is it cold at your house?
Well it was warm and sunny around here today. I loved it!
Yes, it is but not as cold as it has been. It is about 45 degress out right now. I love your pics of the freezing rain. I have been in it a few times in my life. It is amazing how everything looks encased in the ice!
My Christmas tree is still up. As are our meager decorations. I just hadn't felt well enough to take it down.
very cold here too! Had a few inches of snow Sunday night, then a high in the upper 30's to melt some of it yesterday, so plenty of ice and possible freezing rain today. That's winter though!
My decorations are still up includeing our little tree. We have rain here but not too cold.
It's cold and I think the ice you had yesterday is coming here! Schools are dismissing early and they're predicting quite a bit of ice and then some snow. Your pictures make something like ice look beautiful!!! Enjoy your shopping trip!
Our decorations are still up and last night was the last time I said ok no more Christmas lights being turned on.. Ha ha
Pretty pictures, hope it didn't do any damage to electrical wires,etc.
We had freezing rain, then snow Sat. night, sidewalks and parking lots are still hazardous because the temp stays below freezing.
But that's Wisconsin.
It's getting up to 29 here
today--heat wave for us:)
Linda C
It's not too cold here but it has been raining all night and all day.
It looks like it is cold. My friend who lives in Texas was telling me about this yesterday. We just have snow, and lots of it.
Is it summer yet? I love your pictures with the ice due drops. You are very talented when it comes to pictures my friend. I am having a giveaway so pleas come to the cottage and sign up.......hugs and blessings.....Sharon K
We're having a windy cold day today - heating up to -6C. But the windchill is down to -16! It just makes it all that much more fun to bundle up by the woodstove though. Happy New Year.
I heard that Texas had an ice storm! The Lord even made the ice on the plants beautiful(even though it was cold)!
Time for some warm tea?
Miriam :)
It is in the low 30's here....we have had some freezing rain and ice but no good snow yet....I'm still waiting for it.
Wow, great pictures!
Hey girl! I didn't know you were in Texas! :) Where are ya?
The Southern Housewife
PS, your pics are amazing! What sort of camera were they taken with? It's so funny, cause I was out there yesterday freezing my patooty off taking some exact same pictures!! :)
WHen I got into photography, my sweet husband bought me a Pentax K100 or something like that. It's a DSLR and I am in LOVE with it!!!!
Your pictures are so pretty. I love winter. I don't mind the snow but I don't care for the ice.
Keep warm and cozy!
It's in the low 40's here, but the sun is shining! It feels nice out with just a light vest on. Come on over! We'll have a cuppa on the porch!
I still have all of my decorations up. I have started collecting my Christmas China and dishes onto the DR table to be packed up. I display them on my kitchen hutch. So I am cleaning it out today.
Today is the day of Epiphany. Growing up, we never took our decorations down until after the 6th. And, I am still enjoying them. :D
It is warm and balmy here today. Tornado warnings, etc. I guess, with all the rain we have had lately, our drought is over. Seems like the freeze is just a little north and keeps trying to come down and we keep getting tropical gulf air coming up. Makes interesting weather combinations...
We can't seem to find any winter weather around here. We're running about 20 degrees above normal EVERY DAY. Yes, 65-68 degrees in January. We've been taking walks and eating dinner on the deck. Really strange.
I have only my snowmen left up. I couldn't bear taking everything down. Looks too empty.
You are not the only one with decorations still up - as usual, everything will stay up for another week, or maybe two or three. :)
Oh, my! Those pictures do portray the cold! It was very cool this morning, but it's warmed up. My tree is still up!
Love your photos!
Well I am right down the road from you and it has been to warm in Georgia these past few weeks...I am ready for some type of Winter. Those pics are nice...I love seeing ice dripping off from something...so cool looking!
I still have my tree up ;o)...where I live it's a lovely 72*...
71 degrees here. I opened the windows at one point today! Good riddens to all my Christmas decor on the 31st!! Yeah!
Hello I am just passing by, I am new here to Blogger and trying to learn how to navigate...lols. I loved your Christmas photos, the one of the dog drinking the milk was adorable. They are all just so cute. Well I hope to become friends.
Have a blessed evening....Linda
Looks like perfect weather for a cup of hot tea! It's 83 degrees right now at my house. :)
Stunning icy photos.
Freezing here in N Ireland but no snow (yet).
My eldest daughter is away on her outward bounds activity week with school this week in the local mountains - brrrrr! Hope she keeps warm.
You must have sent the ice our direction. Hubby had to scrap almost an inch of ice off of his car so he could head home tonight. :-)
Hi Kelli,
It's not that cold here in VA, but it is in the 40's and rainy. I think the Northern and Western parts of the state are getting a winter mix. On Christmas Day it was downright balmy...as for decorations, my big tree is down, but I put all my snowflake, heart and snowman ornaments on a smaller "winter" tree that I leave up til Spring. i just can't bear to take everything down at once..it seems so sad! Loved your pictures!
What beautiful pictures! It's not been cold here in SC at all - just rainy. We need the rain, so I am trying not to think about how much I miss the sun. We've even had the AC on a little bit the last couple of days. But I think we're supposed to get a cold spell here soon.
No, not cold at all. Hi, I'm from Australia and just stumbled across your blog! It's Summer here and it's been humid and very warm most days!
I liked your idea for a look back on 2008, and have joined the fun if you'd like to take a look. :)
Oh, and we still have ALL our Christmas decorations up! :)
it's cold here too with freezing rain today & tomorrow. so far, nothing has frozen so maybe we'll get lucky. i still have my decorations out and my tree is still up & decorated, lol!
Yes it is!!! And I hate the cold!
Hi Kelli :) We must be having your weather. It's cool and rainy - a nice day - and we are still hoping for some snow this year.
Our decorations came down the 29th this year, because it was the best time for us - we had to get ready to put up Miss M's bday decorations. She is a New Year's baby, so it's a tight squeeze. Love to you, Q
Most of my Christmas is put away but it has taken me a long time. I would rather be playing. Hope you and your friend had fun thrifting. Hope you share your finds with us.
Thanks for the beautiful photos. You should enter them in a contest of some kind. Photography is another one of your many talents. Love, Debbi
Those pictures are great. We are very cold right now with really not much snow. We get freezing rain some but not too much. I don't like driving in it and worry when the kids are out in it when we do get it.
Yes, it is cold and icy with snow on the way. I am always ready for Spring by this time of the winter.
My sister lived in Dallas for many years (she passed away when my son was a baby). She would call my mother and describe Christmas Eve sitting by their pool.
Obviously it wouldn't be that way today!
It is always cold here. Yuck. We had freezing rain today. I would have gone outside, but your photos are a thousand times cooler than anything I could have taken. It is wild how weather looks better in pictures!!!
Those good ol' southern ice storms! They are pretty, but so dangerous.
The snow has finally stopped up here and we've now graduated to just our normal, every-day rain. The temps are in the mid- to upper-40s.
Yes, it's especially cold today at our house because the heater isn't working right-GRRRRR!!! I love the beauty of the winter season, just not the COLD!! Have a great day. Julie
We're in the low 80's here in Florida! I sure miss the hot chocolate - but I'm enjoying the iced tea!! Our Christmas is coming down tomorrow, right after homeschool is finished. I'm really looking forward to putting up the cheery Valentine's!
Wow those are beautiful pictures! You take such great photos! Mine are almost down...but I'm keeping my pink tree up for Valentine's Day. :)
Yesterday was 65 degrees out and today has been a little chilly and rainy (all day) with the low being 48 tonight. Love your pictures of the frozen leaves.
Pretty pictures - it does look cold. It has not been so cold here lately, in the 50's, but it is supposed to turn colder.
Nice pics...rainy here!
Beautiful shots Kelli! It's wet, muggy, and warm here. I hope we don't have tornadoes.
Hi Kelli,
I am glad to hear someone else still has their decorations up. We work so hard at all of it and I see no reason to kill myself getting it down fast. After all, the Spirit of Christmas should be with us all year. I love how it brightens the cloudy days of January. But I will probably start dismantling everything on Saturday.
Your photos are amazing!
The blackberry bush is amazing. It looks like blown glass.
Roberta Anne
What pretty icy pictures. It is warm here during the day but some nights it gets down to freezing. Our beautiful bouganvilla is brown now. It will recover next summer but looks bad now. We got all the decorations put away today. It's good to get back to normal.
I've gotta get back to Show & Tell. I didn't participate last week or the week before.
We didn't get the freezing rain - just a little too far south, I guess - but it's been very cold and wet. We still have our Christmas up as well! I am having time to enjoy it now that things have slowed down a bit. :)
We don't get much snow either in the southeast. I wish we got just a little :) Your ice photos are lovely!
Great pics. Is is cold here. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Do you consider 10 degrees cold or balmy?
Hi Kelli, it's about 40 over here right now. This morning it was probably about 35 or maybe even less. It's cold in this house because our heater don't work so we have to put the stove on and an electric heater that is going to give us a big bill this month. I dread that. Have fun at the thrift store. Brrrrr, cold cold cold.
Take care.
We have had snow off and on since before Christmas! Just the way winter is supposed to be, I think. But, today the weather has warmed up and now it's windy and rainey! Oh well, I am thankful for what we have had. It has been fun!
P.S. We just took our tree down ~ we didn't celebrate until New Year's. I will be blogging about what I did with our tree, soon! Hope you can come by to take a look!
Your ice storms bring back memories of when we lived in Wichita Falls.
It's freezing here. I hate to say it, but I can't wait 'til Spring!
It's snowing again here, and the last few days we had -7°C!! We all have decorations and trees up around here, we usually put them away after the 6 january, the Epiphany, but my hometown celebrates its saint patron the 13th so here we have the decorations stored away after that day.
As I sit here in my family room right now, I can hear several neighbours trying to get their cars out of their driveways...lots of snow last night, and it seems most people are getting stuck in it! Looks very pretty though!!!!
It is cold and snowy here in Chicago! And we have had some of that freezing rain also! Stay warm, and the pictures are beautiful!
The pictures of the ice are lovely! We have had quite the weather in the pacific northwest with snow for three weeks. Now we have torrential rain and wind. We are all ready for the sunshine that is suppose to come next week.
We are getting hit with an ice storm now...no school today.
Hi I just love your blog! If you get a chance stop by my blog I gave you an award! And my decorations are gone. Well packed, sitting in the middle of the hall! lol
Jennifer :)
I finally got my decorations put away yesterday except for a few snow men and snow bears. It has been in the 40s here with rain and clouds for 5 days. Today I've seen the sun. Yea! Sure lifts ones spirits.
Mama bear
You have a beautiful blog ~ and if you don't mind, i'd love to come back and visit.
Amanda x
Hi Kelliures are beautiful !!
Here in The Netherlands it's freezing too. Everyone is skating ; )
It will be feezing for another few days and we sure hope for longer. It has been 11 years since people could skate as many days as now !!!
Have a great day with your friend !!
Kelli, you must be as fine a photog as your husband. I love these.
If you haven't seen Jennie's blog post on "ice bells", you must. I can't imagine why I'd never seen them before, but what an amazing phenomena.
Kelli, you must be as fine a photog as your husband. I love these.
If you haven't seen Jennie's blog post on "ice bells", you must. I can't imagine why I'd never seen them before, but what an amazing phenomena.
It's really cold here, I'm actually shocked cause being Arizona, it's pretty much hot all year long.
Love your photos :)
BTW, I posted a video of me on the blog today, I'm showing everyone my accent or lack of one LOL
these pictures are awesome...thanks for sharing.... you would hate it hear...we have lots of snow and its been ssooooo cold... we had -34degrees celsius on the weekend....brrrrrrrr
Brrrr....you are really have some serious cold weather. It's cold here and I feel like I'm freezing but a cozy quilt really helps. I hope you find a treasure or two while shopping...hugs, Linda
those are lovely pictures! yes, it looks like it's cold and wet where you are! snow just melting away here in Vancouver, making lots of locals happy, we've had weeks of the white stuff in the city, that's enough :)
Don't feel bad about the decorations. Ours are still up! Hubby went outside after he got home from work today and pulled up the outside decorations. I put them up and now I have the inside to do. Just not feeling it, but I guess I gotta do what a girl's gotta do! LOL
Over here in Tarrant County, TX, we had the same wonderful ice! I should've taken pics, but I wasn't feeling it this time. I did take some before Christmas when it was freezing. Got an interesting shot of one of those hay-looking bushes that are part of the landscaping at our nearby JCPenney. I might go ahead and post them!
Be Blessed!
It has been cold today and snowing, but not much accumulating. I love the pictures! They are wonderful!
Beautiful photos!
I noticed you have lots of cool things on your blog...you should bring one of your recipes over to my "Tasty Tuesday!"
Have a great weekend!
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