Hear: I am hearing the sounds of "I found one" and "I found another one!"
They each found 7 coins. Boy, those leprechauns were generous. ;0)
Speaking of leprechauns, here are my little three, having a St. Patrick's Day treat...
Taste: Lime Green Jello. I believe Emily and Benjamin ate it with their fingers.
My friend from Marine Corps Nomads mentioned that Krispie Kreme had shamrock donuts so guess where we ended up today?!
Smell: I am smelling a chamomile plant, that I planted in an extra large tea cup. I put it in my kitchen window.
Touch: I am touching St. Patrick's Day napkins that I found on the clearance rack. 4 for $2.00!
See: Fern was very sad to be left out of the gold coin hunt!
I am seeing a new Jan Brett book that I picked up for my nephew. Christine reminded me of Jan Brett's website. She has so many cute printables so be sure to take a look, especially if you have little ones.
And finally, I am seeing our new shabby chic mail holder. The girls and I each have a slot for the letters we recieve.
I hope you all had a great day and if you celebrated St. Patrick's Day, I hope you had fun. I'm off to tuck everyone into bed and start on the Irish Soda bread.
Thank you for reading my Five Senses weekend!
Things always look like such fun at your house! I can't believe how those kids are growing!
What a fun day! Thanks for sharing! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Kelli, you have a true gift of making every day a special day for your family:) They are blessed to have you!
Love the tea cup and plant! Great idea! oh your kitty is so sweet!How wonderful that you give your children these wonderful memories kelli!
I am having a celebration today come on over ..my 1 yr. celebration!
hugs NG
Hey Kelli,
I just got back on this morning and got your note. You just fill the small pot to the top after adding the tea bags. I am guessing it's around 3-4 cups?
Hope this helps! Enjoy your Sunday!
I no longer have little ones at home, so my favorite things were your shamrock napkins and the lovely chamomille plant in the teacup. Such a homey feel. Looks like it was so much fun to find those gold coins. What a great little memory for your kids.
My friend from Marine Corps Nomads mentioned"
Just what I need, another idea of a great blog to read. Oh dear. :-))))
But I do love mil blogs.
LOVED this Kelli! All the pics were awesome!! :)
Your kids are so cute and SusanP is right, you are a blessing and are blessed too in the ways you are able to make each day special.
May God to continue to bless you.
Of course you know how much I LOVE your shabby chic mail holder! (I one have very similar) :)
Hey, I'm back. I left a hurried note to you before church, and I just got back here to read your post! Susan is right, you make everything soooo fun for your family. I love it!
Krispy Kreme? My biggest weakness. I have to stay away. LOL!
Looks like ya'll had a a great time! Love seeing the pictures! What a great way to capture moments...thru the 5 senses!
Lovely photos, gorgeous kids and great sunny weather. It snowed here yesterday, sending everything back white again, sigh. I cannot wait for spring but it will be another month at least here. Just as your days are getting too hot, we are able to get the winter wear away at last.
I love your five senses weekends! I am going to try to plan to do one soon! We are enjoying a quiet Sunday - our company cancelled at the last minute so we are just resting!
Krispie Kreme....OH you just dont know but I am the QUEEN OF KRISPIE KREME!!!
Your children look adorable. My wife is also homeschooling our kids but they are much younger than yours...lol. Your house looks like alot of fun. Thanks for sharing this story.
the reason I read your St. Patricks blogs is because my middle son Tobias is a miracle baby (Micro-preemie) and we almost lost him in St. Patricks day. So I tend to thank the Lord for his faithfulness and St. Patricks day is a speacial day in my heart now. So whenever I see a blog or whatever it is that has St. Patricks day in it, I tend to read them now.
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