Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Herb and Fairy Garden

Happy First Day of Spring!

Thank you for sharing the things that you do to keep your home running smoothly. Also, thank you for the tips on making the shower and laundry lessons easier. I will let you know how things went later this week! If I survive. ;0)

Since it's the first day of Spring, I thought I would finish up the garden tour I started last week.

This is my fairy/herb garden, although there are some flowers too. A yellow Columbine, Asparagus Fern, Lamb's Ear, and Snap Dragons. Ivy is climbing up the trellis.

My Rosemary, Oregano, Sage and Thyme survived the winter. Last week I added Parsley, Chives, Cilantro, Lemon Balm and Dill.

This is a simple birdbath at one end of the garden. It's just the bottom of a plastic terra cotta planter. It needs a good scrubbing! The Morning Doves use it almost every day.

I've posted this before, but here is my little fairy house. I painted a doll house door and added some miniature gardening tools and stones.

These plant markers are new and I got the idea from my friend, Anita. She posted about them last November and I've been waiting until Spring to make them!

Tiny terra cotta planters resting on top of a wooden dowel. I used a white sharpie to write the name of the plant or flower.

Finally, at the end of the garden, by the back gate, is this set of keys. The girls and Benjamin have fun playing with them. They remind me of my favorite book, The Secret Garden.

Thank you for looking at my Herb Garden! Is the weather warming up at your house yet?

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.


Anita said...

Hi Kelli!

First of all, congratulations on your new plant markers! They look fantastic! Now the kids will have to learn quite a lot: Laundry & shower lessons PLUS the names of all your plants! ;-)) But I am sure they will enjoy this "game".

A fairy house in the garden with all those litte gardening tools is great! And I like the rusty keys, too! I saw them in a garden store the other day but had no idea on how they would be useful... now I know! ;-)))

By the way, I love the "secret garden", too!

Happy gardening and an even more happier 1st day of spring to you all! I hope you'll get better weather than we have this week (winter seems to be coming back, with snow!!!)


Rowan said...

Really like your fairy/herb garden, the bunch of keys is so atmospheric, the Secret Garden must surely be somewhere nearby:) We are having another taste of winter here with a bitterly cold wind and snow/hail showers. It's supposed to warm up again at the weekend thank goodness.

Rowan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracy said...


What fun ideas, the fairy house, and the keys to the secret garden! And I LOVE the plant markers out of mini pots! So cute! What a peaceful little place you have there.

Rebecca said...

Have you seen the movie Fairy Tale, A True Story? We just recently watched it-and I just fell in love with the fairy house they made. This summer I plan to tackle that with the kids.

LOVE the fairy garden and herbs...I am SUCH a sucker for herbs!!!

And the keys-they are postively precious. Where did you ever FIND keys like that?

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli the fairy house & all is sooo cute!! It has been very nice here. I would really like to plant some things outside but I would kill it. A bunch of the ladies from my church said they would help me pick out things that are hardy & show me where to plant all....even give me things from their yards but I dont feel right by that...I just know I would kill it all & they would be disappointed in me. I did by 2 different kinds of potted lavender plants. Flora inspired me to do that.

CONNIE W said...

Kelli - How I love the photos of your herb garden. The markers are a great idea which may be 'borrowed' from you as well. My poor herb garden is suffering from neglect so if this morning's misty rain subsides perhaps I can steal an hour or so to pull some old dead stuff out and freshen it. Every April a nearby country store has their annual "Herb Fest" and that's where I go to buy the annuals - sweet basil is at the top of the list. The weather lady this morning tells us it will be 74 today. I hope that includes some sunshine. If not, it's a good day for longarm quilting. :D Happy first day of spring to you!

dot said...

Kelli, that is such a cute little garden! Where did you get the little tiny planters? They are so cute!

Wendi said...

Cute plant markers!

Lisa said...

How lovely, Kelli! Thanks for sharing!

Happy first day of spring! :o)

Randi said...

I have never done an herb garden but am looking forward to one this year. And I LOVE those little markers--I am going to be making some of those for sure!

Phillip Winn said...

I thought today was the first day of Spring -- but your post has yesterday's date on it?

(Yes, I know this is going to get me in trouble. I'm posting it early so you'll forgive me by the time I get home from work...)

Karen said...

I love your hubby's comment! (hee-hee)
These are the sweetest pictures. I really like the little clay pots idea! I always wondered what I could do with them. Are they attached, or just sitting on the dowels?
The keys? Love that idea, too.
We're fond of "The Secret Garden".
Happy First Day of Spring!!

Kelli said...

Phillip, it happened to be 12:02am when I hit publish! :0P

I got the little pots at Hobby Lobby and Michaels. I found the keys in the decorative gardening section of Hobby Lobby.

Rebecca, I LOVE that movie! Makes me want to go to England and see the fairies for myself. ;0) Be sure to show us, if you make the little house this summer!

Who else here thinks Tina should buy a few plants?! Tina, take your friends up on the offer to show you some hardy ones. If they die, it's not the end of the world! Just do what I do and buy more! LOL No chocolate for you until I hear you've been to the gardening center! ;0)

Patty said...

The garden is looking great. I love having herbs growing. They smell good and they are useful. Your little fairy house is so cute.
Looks like rain for a while now, which is good for the gardens.

Sue Seibert said...

Yup, we here in Texas definitely have Spring, don't we! It has been nice and rainy here, too.

Thanks for sharing the photos of your garden. This year we are going to try tomatoes in pots. We haven't had luck with the ground.

Gena said...

Hi Kelli,

Your garden is so adorable. I will have to make a little fairy garden with my girls this spring. They would love it. I'm sure we can find plenty of little things around here to make it cute!

I also love to grow herbs. I had good luck with most of mine last year, except the cilantro. It was wonderful at first, but then got really tall and woody, even after clipping it. Do you know how to keep that from happening? I would love to have it around all summer for fresh salsa. :)

Happy Spring to you, too! It is beautiful here, with highs in the upper 70's. Perfect.

JacquiG said...

Happy Spring to you too, Kelli! I love your gardenm and what a great idea for plant markers. I may borrow that one if you don't mind! Those keys make me wonder what kind of world they opened up, was it a garden gate, a home, a place of business? They are a lovely solid set of keys.
I'm loving your blog, Kelli, and I look forward every day to seeing what you and your family are up to. Thanks for sharing so much with us.

Candy said...

LOVE the keys! And the plant markers are super cute too!!

Amy O'Quinn said...

Everything looks lovely! I enjoyed my little 'tour' through your garden, and once again you've inspired me to get busy!

Anonymous said...

kelli, so very darling. I called my 10 yr old over to look at this, she now knows what she wants to do in her section of the garden. Too sweet. Thank you for sharing with us.

Keep the cute ideas coming!
Blessings to you!

Sharon said...

Your garden looks ready for spring. I am just geting the inside together and will watch your flowers grow untill I am ready for outside. Come visit and see my new slide show of my little cottage. Last post was not to good..........Sharon K

Lena said...

Hi Kelli,
A happy first day of spring to you as well! It looks like the weather is much warmer where you are. The sun has finally come out here in Merryville again....but it's still a bit chilly today.
I love your fairy garden and those plant markers are charming indeed!

Marci said...

Kelli, where did you find such tiny terra cotta pots? Did you glue them on the dowel or just rest them on the dowel? They are darling.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Love the plant markers...very sweet. I also adore the keys you have hanging on your gate!

Paula said...

My girls would LOVE a fairy garden, but I think that our dog would take all the fun out of it.:(

We have a ton of work to do in our garden, but it will be a great family project (at least that's what I keep telling myself).

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelli,
I'm new to your blog! I came over from Kindred Heaven.

Your blog is gorgeous and I enjoyed reading through it! I really liked your posting on Martha Stewart tips. My mother-in-law told me years ago that when the beds are made, it just makes the whole house appear neater!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

The little plant markers are TOO cute!!!
Yes...it is warming up here! Ainsley is actually wearing shorts today. :-)

Betty said...

I just came in from gardening to rest and decided to check blogs for a few minutes. I've enjoyed by tour through your herb garden and visiting with you.

I like all your ideas......
Thanks for visiting with me....

Julieann said...

Hi Kelli,

Your little fairy/herb Garden is sooooo cute--I love the little door--too cute. Also what a great idea using little pots for name tags--You always have such wonderful posts!!

Happy Spring!


MissNZ said...

Hi Kelli,

Love the herb garden. I love growing herbs, though I still have a ways to go to get a good variety.

All the best,


Ash said...

You have a beautiful garden, I especially love the terra cotta markers for your plants. What a wonderful idea. The keys are such a fun touch. I haven't read that book in years, but I still love it.

Kelli said...

Gena, I'm not sure why your Cilantro did that. My thyme and Oregano are very woody too. Does anyone else know? Maybe we need to harvest it more often? This is the second time I've tried Cilantro...the first time it withered away in the heat. I have it in a more shaded area so hopefully it will do better!

Marci, I found the little pots at Hobby Lobby and Michaels. I didn't glue them on, they are just resting on top. It's been pretty windy here and none of them have blown away yet!


Christie Belle said...

I LOVE old skeleton keys. I wish I had such a pretty yard like yours, maybe someday when we are stationary and out of the Marine Corps:) I so enjoy looking at all of your landscaping ideas.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

The plant markers are great! I really like the keys though. My daughter would have a blast with those.

Momma Roar said...

Fun ideas...now if our snow would just melt, lol! I was able to hang some laundry outside to dry today...while feeling the snow crunch under my feet!

Jodi said...

Kelli - You have and collect great ideas; both abilities are great attributes! I'm very glad you share your creativity so freely. I adore the keys -- didn't you always want your own secret garden *sigh*!

Carole Burant said...

Such a delightful faerie/herb garden!! I've seen little faerie doors available on ebay and would love to get one but with the currency exchange and shipping charges, it would turn out much too expensive. What a great idea to make your own:-) The little terra cotta pots to name your herbs are just too cute, love that idea too. Love, love, love the keys...my first thought when I saw them was the Secret Garden as well! hehe xox

Terri said...

I like the little pots used as markers in your garden. I may have to steal that idea from you.

As to warming up, well the temps are warmer but the wind!!! I got up and made myself (well, and Joe too) a cup of coffee to bring back to bed and sip while snuggling under the blankets this morning! The sound of the wind howling outside was making me cold!!

Have a wonderful day!
God bless.

Portrait of Peter said...

Your creative talents in the garden - are always a joy to view -always luv the photo's

One's imagination "secret garden" is appealing for that is where we would all like to be too!!

Thank you for such an entertaining and lovely "journal".

A delight on this Spring day.

Blessings to you.

Kelley said...

Kelli, your garden is so sweet!
I love the plant markers!
I love gardening, there is something about getting one's hands into the earth and working to get something to grow....
I noticed that my hollyhocks are getting taller but I am not sure that they will ever bloom, it's taking forever...
I need to get some more scented geraniums and a couple of heirloom rose bushes and some reg. geraniums and sweet peas and I think that will be it for flowers...
The herbs...don't even get me started... LOL!

Susan said...

What delightful pictures. I especially loved the fairy door and the tiny clay pot markers. May have to have my husband steal that idea from you!

Lori said...

Happy First Day of Spring to you too!
I love your herb garden pictures!! Very cute! I should try planting an herb garden. We plant a vegetable garden every year.

Thanks for visiting my site and commenting please feel free to come back again.

Janice said...

Your fairy garden is sweet and enchanting! Love the ring of keys!
Happy Spring!

Susan P. said...

Oh Kelli, I just love everything! Your fairy garden is just charming, the little pot markers are adorable (I'm going to have to "borrow" that idea;) and the keys add the perfect touch to your most wonderful garden. Thanks for letting me visit!

Amanda said...

Hey Kelli, you and I have the same favourite book!

Heather Anne said...

I tried to comment earlier but failed! I love the fairy garden idea and we are going to try it this summer in a wee nook that is empty right now. I moved my herbs last summer to be closer to the back door so that I would remember to harvest them more often so there is free space! We have a few triffles for our fairy garden already and loads of ideas to make a woodland scene. We want to put a brooke and a wee pond in too - we saw a great set up in a catalogue last summer that cost about the moon, or more, so we want to recreate it with our own ideas and a much more reasonable budget! I think sculpy clay will do nicely to make chairs and tables and other whatnots the fairies many require, don't you?

kymk99 said...

I just love your plant markers! What a great idea!

Boxwood Cottage said...

So lovely! And the gardenkeys are delightful!

Anonymous said...

A good post on herb and fairy garden.

I found this website useful for Herb Gardening tips http://www.herbgardeningtoday.com. I think you guys will find it interesting too.

Karim - Home herb garden

Felcy said...

congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.

Gardening Tools