"The merriest month of the year arrives bringing with it sunshine, birdsong, apple blossoms, budding lilacs, and longer days to enjoy life as spring's promise is finally fulfilled. Start the month off on a high note with the celebration of May Day!" -Mrs. Sharp's Traditions
Creating May Day baskets are as fun as making homemade Valentines. Today, the girls, Benjamin and I will be making simple paper Tussie Mussies, filling them with flowers (mostly store bought) and leaving them on the doorknobs of a few neighbors. Last year we delivered them to family and friends that lived nearby so this in an option if you don't know your neighbors.
Another idea is to make a May Day cake for dinner. Frost your cake with white icing, then decorate it with a tiny Maypole made by inserting a straw into the center of the cake. Glue thin multicolored ribbons on the top of the straw and pull them out to the side of the cake.
Oh, let's leave a basket of flowers today
For the little old lady who lives down our way!
We'll heap it with violets white and blue,
With Jack-in-the-pulpit and wildflowers, too.
We'll make it of paper and line it with ferns
Then hide--and we'll watch her surprise with she turns
And opens her door and looks out to see
Who in the world it could possibly be!
-Virginia Scott Miner
I will be back soon our pictures from our May Day celebration! I'm wishing you a wonderful first day of May!
Hi Kelli,
Nice blog! And funny to find out that you like Marjolein Bastin's work... as I am from Holland...
So if you need anything to be sent over to you.. (must be cheaper over here...)...
Anyway, take care and greetings from a mum in the Netherlands!
I see a new commenter from the Netherlands. So cool! I love this world of blogging!
Your weekend photos were sweet and I really love your May Day ideas. I wish I had visited you earlier so I could have copied some of your ideas. Oh well, there is always next year.
I am really enjoying your blog Kelli. God has blessed you with so many talents.
We've made up our May Day baskets and they are ready to be delivered! I just love the idea you have for the May pole cake and I love the little May Day poem. You always have such wonderful ideas, Kelli! Happy May Day! xoxoxo Susan P.
I love your ideas! Everyone in our neighborhood has such long driveways, I'm sure we'd get caught! he he
I love the cake idea too! Thanks for sharing these, I can't wait to see your pictures.
What great ideas!! I love the cake. I, too, am eager to see the pictures.
Happy first day of May!
I made a tussie mussie to use on my wedding day. I threw it instead of my bouquet!
Sounds like another fun day at the Winn house! Blessings to all of you!
Kelli, hope ya'll enjoy your May Day festivities. Your little picture reminded me of all the times I danced around the may pole when I was growing up. Do they still do that, I wonder?
What wonderful ideas! You are so creative and fun. Have a great day,
Oh wow! I just realized it was May 1st!! My oldest will be turning 12 in a couple of weeks!
What lovely ideas! I enjoyed reading!
We left little bouquets on our neighbor's doors this morning as well. I like little traditions like that. Don't you?
Happy May Day!
God bless.
I remember the smell of lilacs and the spirea bushes blooming on the first of May! Ringing the doorbell and leaving a little May basket with goodies then running around the corner and watching our neighbors faces.....great memories! Thanks for reminding me!
Happy May Day Kelli!
I remember when I was a little girl my friends and I would make little flower baskets, we picked ours from our backyards ~ I am sure there must have been some dandelions in there! We would leave them on our neighbors doors ~ thanks for bringing back some lovely memories!
Great ideas. You are very creative.
I'm sure it will be fun delivering your may baskets.
Derek had to take a bag of goodies to school today to make May baskets.
Happy May Day to you too!!
Hi Kelli,
Love your idea for the cake and May Day Baskets. Brings back many memories!!
Happy May Day to you!
Our town has a May Day Parade. However they have it on the first Friday of May.
Oh! I was trying to tie this little basket of forget-me-nots onto your door handle, but you've caught me!
Happy May Day Kellli, with my best wishes!
I have always wanted to make little baskets for May day and never have. Unfortunately this is not the year :( I need to put it on my calendar for next year though.
Happy May day to you!
We don't celebrate May Day over here so it was interesting to hear about the traditions for this day:-) Wish I was your neighbour so that I could find a little basket on my doorknob! hehe It really does sound like a wonderful day, can't wait to see pictures:-) xox
Happy May Day to you, too, Kelli! I know you'll make it special for your family.
I Love these ideas. Thanks. Can't wait to see the photos.
Me again -- Just wanted to tell you that some kids left a May Day basket on our porch. I'll post about it soon.
I love the first day of any month, but the first of May is especially nice somehow! We had a full schedule here and no time for any extras but I am tucking away your cake idea for another time and will be sure to remember!
Kelli, I love your ideas for May day, and since we don't celebrate it here (unfortunately) I guess I can just use them any other time, the cake idea is wonderful, my kids will love it! I'm sure they will want to braid the pole!
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