It was a nice sunny day to work in the kitchen.
Fresh corn waiting to be boiled.
I found these corn on the cob holders at the resale store a few months ago.
Mrs. Wilt shared a Cottage Pudding recipe this week and I thought I would try it for dessert. I looked up cottage pudding on google and read that it's a dessert composed of a plain but rich cake smothered with a sweet sauce, such as lemon or chocolate.
I'm not sure why pudding is in the name but it was a very moist cake, perfect for...
...strawberries and cream!
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
Everything is beautiful, Kelli. There is nothing like corn on the cob on a warm spring day! Blessings!
What a really nice afternoon you've planned! Enjoy your day. :)
I hope you had a wonderful time enjoying the yummy food and fellowship with friends. :)
Sounds like a perfect cookout meal!
Our strawberries were delish, were yours??
We had almost the same thing for supper last night...we had steak instead of chicken but the same fixings as you! The cake looks wonderful!
Kelli, you should buy a big old fashinoned house,decorate it yourself, and open a bed and b'fast. I'd like to make reservations please!
The meal looked delicious. And I must say I liked the way you set your table. Your plates were nice, what color were they? And I loved your napkins, and runner, and.... LOL. That is what happens when you love decorating, you notice every pretty thing on other people's blog.
You do set a welcoming table and serve a delightful meal. I would bet it is indeed a pleasure to "put one's feet under your table" as we say in the south.
What time did you say dinner would be served? he he
Everything looked so good! My hubby laughed at me when he found out I use corn cob holders - I think they are great!!
Looks so good, as always, Kelli!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Your guests are so lucky...they get to taste your terrific cooking and look at that dessert...yummmm! I really think you should invite all your blogging friends over for dinner...I really do! hehe xox
Everything looks lovely and the food looks delicious. I am sure you are the perfect host and made everyone feel welcome.
That looks really good... all of it!!! Sounds like a good summer meal. I will have to check out the pudding cake.
Kelli, I saw your cake and just had to make it. Wow! Fantastic and so easy! Thanks for making my husband's day! Go see the results on my blog, when you get a second.
Everything sounds scrumptious! Hope to be checking your blog often again.
that is just not nice...~growl~ here I am trying to diet...but fruit is good for you, isn't it? Pass me a dish sweetie!
You are always such a great hostess.
Your table set up is so pretty.
Supper looked wonderful, Kelli!
Say, did you ever find your swizzle sticks???
God bless.
Where do you live? We'll be over next weekend! Yum yum!
My friend had my daughters at her home for lunch one day and made them some corn on the cob. My oldest, who was about 5 years old at the time, kept asking me to make "rolling pin corn" like Ms. Christie had made. I was confused until Christie explained that she had used little pins similar to those you have pictured. Stuck into the ends of a cob of corn, they do give the impression of a rolling pin! I still always think of that when we eat corn on the cob.
Oh my goodness, this post and your cake post have left me with a grumbly tummy! Thank goodness it's almost dinner time!
I like the way you do things with so much love, you show this in the pictures.
Looks like you had a fantastic evening, how beautifully prepared! Thanks for sharing ideas!
Oh my, it all looks too yummy.
And that coconut cake!!!! Luscious!
Lovely blog. It's probably called a pudding in the English sense of the word, not the American. In England it is more of a term for dessert.
When I was a little girl I would often times make cottage pudding with my mom for dessert. We'd stir it up in the evening--the recipe was in our 1950s Betty Crocker cookbook. (It's the one with the red cover, with designs all over it...) I remember my mom saying, "How about we stir up a little cottage pudding?"
Thanks for the memory!
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