Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day Celebrations

Hello everyone! As promised, here are our May Day pictures...

We made cone baskets out of scrapbook paper for our Tussie Mussies.

I used these pretty labels that Clarice shared earlier this week. Thank you , Clarice!

We bought some pink carnations and also used ferns and roses from the garden.

Grace's Tussie Mussies...

and Emily's...

and Benjamin's. Our neighbors were very happy with them!

And finally, our Maypole cake. I took strands of ribbon, pushed them down the top of a straw, then stuck it in the middle of the cake. Our grocery store made the cake for us. Wasn't that nice? ;0)

Thank you for looking at our May Day pictures!


Susie said...

Very festive Kelli. What a clever idea on the maypole for the cake!!
I'm sure the children had loads of fun doing this!!

Paula said...

Everything looks wonderful--especially the cake! :-)

I think that it's wonderful that you are teaching your children to be a blessing to your neighborhood friends.

Charree said...

Oh how fun. I love the little flower cones, it is such a great idea.

Unknown said...

Just lovely! I wish I were your neighbor!

Susan said...

Lovely basket and the cake looks fun and good!

Momma Roar said...

Very cute baskets! And the cake looks so great! Thanks for sharing these with us!

Henny Penny said...

How sweet!

Tracy said...

How lovely everything looked. I think that it is wonderful to teach your children to be a blessing to others!

Trella said...

How fun, and everything looks wonderful! The cake looks yummy!

Carole Burant said...

I'll say it again...wish I was your neighbour:-) Oh Kelli, all the cones with flowers are so delightful and I can imagine how thrilled your neighbours were to receive them!! As for the cake, leave it to you to come up with such a clever idea to make the maypole!! xoxo

Marci said...

Everything looks wonderful and what a neat way to bless a neighbor.

Lulu said...

yummy cake.. Such cute cone baskets..

homespun living said...

Just lovely! Your neighbors must appreciate you very much.

Amber said...

How beautiful. I wish you were my neighbor :) Very good ideas!

Tina Leigh said...

Very pretty Kelli! I love it all. Wish I could come visit.

Laurie said...

Love the tussie mussies!
I love the maypole on the cake ~ Sending you hugs Kelli!

LBP said...

Now how cute are they!! I love the maypole cake. I remember dancing the maypole dance when I was in second grade.

Tee Hee! That makes me a pole dancer! Who knew!

Sandra said...

Love all the pictures Kelli, you always have the best ones :)

That cake is calling my name, I'm trying to watch what I eat but things like that don't help LOL

Have a great day,

JacquiG said...

The flowers are lovely, but that cake ... how clever! You are so creative, your children are very lucky! And I agree with some of the other commenters, I wish I was your neighbour too!

Angelena said...

Beautiful!! I love the flower cones. Very Victorian.

Christine said...

The Tussie Mussies are so gorgeous! How sweet that you shared them with others! Your cake looks exquisite!

Cris said...

The title of your blog suits your posts so much, look at those little baskets... they sure make a house feels cozy!

Lori said...

What a fun May Day you had. Very cute May Day baskets.
What a neat idea!
Your May Day cake looks delicious.

Disney for Boys said...

What a wonderful post!!! I think you and I and im sure many others would have enjoyed living in a long gone era! The 18oo’s is my favorite! I love how you are bringing back the simple and beautiful pleasures in life back to your family! What fun!

Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

So. Much. Fun. I love what you do with your kids. Such great memories. You are a fun mama.

Gena said...

I love your pictures! Someday, I will celebrate May Day. My best friend always does it and I just seem to forget about it when it comes around.

Those little tussie mussies are adorable. Your children did a great job. Maybe next year we can put our homegrown carnations in the ones we make.

I also like the cake. I like the fact, too, that you didn't have to make it, just decorate it.

Happy May!

Autumn said...

Oh! It all looks like so much fun.

Sharon said...

All of the May Day flowers came out so cute and the cake is a darling idea. I would have loved to be one of your special neighbors.

Naturegirl said...

Kelli your banner is so inviting!Lovely tussie mussies..you are teaching your children so many wonderful skills! You are a great mother! hugs NG

Boxwood Cottage said...

I really love the idea to take the cones as flower vases! Must do this too! Very pretty! Hugs Carol xox

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

What a GREAT idea... and it looks like you had so much fun! Even a cute Maypole cake...so cleaver! Blessings, Diane

Jennifer said...

Oh I love Tussie Mussies! My mom and mother-in-law carried them in my wedding. I can only imagine how fantastic you made your neighbors feel to get such a thoughtful May Day treasure!

Portrait of Peter said...

I do so luv your creative talents and you are truly blessed.

A joy to view your wonderful photo's.

Thank you.

Calico Sky said...

You are very British, do you live in a very British place in the US? You do things like make hot cross buns and celebrate mayday. Simply adorable :)

Calico Sky said...

p.s. can I be a neighbour?? I'd love a neighbour who made such lovely things!! lol