My friend, Sandra uses a Mr. Linky for her "Slow Cooking Thursday." Click on the link, scroll down to the bottom of her post and you will see a box for typing in your name and the link of your post. On Friday, everyone will be able to click on your link and see your "Show and Tell." Very easy!
I got a wonderful surprise in the mail yesterday. My friend, Anita sent me some some of her flower seeds all the way from Germany!
She made the prettiest little card holders for them too...
Here is what she sent: Columbine (2 varieties), Marigolds, White Marigolds, Sunflowers, Hollyhocks, Honestly, Cosmos, Love-in-a-mist and Pumpkins. Thank you, for your thoughtful gift, Anita!!
So, where are we going to plant all of these seeds?? Anita's package arrived just in time. Last week I had a small corner of the backyard dug up for planting flowers.
Here is a "before" picture with all of our winter bird feeders still out...
Here it is now. We kept the birdbath and added two stepping stones. This will be Grace's garden to take care of.
Benjamin has a spot for the Sunflowers he grows every year.
Emily is very excited about her new garden. It is actually my old compost box. I'm a composting failure, please don't yell at me. ;0) Emily is going to grow peas, carrots, radishes and four o'clocks.
As you can see, we will be very busy this week!
I'll be back soon though. Until then, I'll be in the garden!
Picture from
Oh, you alraedy posted the seeds... ;-))) Kelli, you're welcome, it was a pleasure to send this little package over to you!
I very much like you bird feeders and bird houses! And the little border you made from you former compost!
So good luck with the seeds, I am looking forward to admiring lots of beautiful flowers in your garden this summer!
XOX, Anita
Anita is such a lovely lady. I visit her blog all the time.
I have visited Anita as well(in blogland, of course!), and she has lovely gardens. You are blessed to have recieved this wonderful gift!(But you already knew that)
I can't wait to see how things go a little later in the season.
Oh, the garden sounds like a lovely place to be! :o) And what a sweet gift from Anita ~ this summer you'll have German flowers! ;o) I discovered her blog through your blog, and it's a charming spot to visit, too!
What a lovely gift and perfect timing.
I can't wait to see what it all looks like later:)
Have fun in the garden,
Can't wait to see how your garden grows!
That is wonderful that your kids have their own areas to take care of. I will have to do this with my girls when they get a little older!
Those seed packets are so pretty. Also, I love your idea of giving the children gardening areas. I would like to do that this summer.
Anita sounds like a delightful friend.
Can't wait to see how your garden grows!!
Can't wait to see how your garden turns out. We are looking forward to planting our vegetable garden. We love fresh vegetables.
I can't wait to see all the flowers in bloom! =)
Can't wait to see those little gardens blooming!!! :-)
Kelli, How fun!! What a neat gift!!
Enjoy your gardening!
Love, Heather
Have fun outside planting!
You know I had never visited Anita but I'm going there right after I post this LOL
LOVE the seeds and I can't wait to see them growing in your garden.
What fun!!!!!! I hope you'll remember to post pictures again in a few weeks when the seeds are sprouting, and then again later when things are blooming!!!
I somehow missed the show and tell Friday idea...just scrolled down, though, and there it was! I like this idea, Kelli!!! Go for it!
Happy Planting!!!
Kelli, looks like everyone will be having fun in the garden!
I'm not sure I understand about the show and tell Friday. Will we come here to your blog to link up?
Wow, what wonderful things we get in the mail. Nature Girl sent me seeds from Canada...Forget me nots...when Sadie died.
Blogging friends are wonderful. BTW, isn't this Texas weather something?!?
That was such a great gift! And I can't wait to see the garden once the flowers are up and blooming.
God bless.
you're my inspiration! I'm a gardener-want-to-be. I'm trying my best to weed and get the soil ready for planting in May (for when the unusual weather of April as past). I can't wait to see all the flourishing plants and flowers in a few months!
That certainly is a wonderful package to receive!! It will be so exciting once all the seeds she sent start growing and flowering!! I am so anxious to start on mine but it's still too cool here...our planting season isn't until May and June. xoxo
Digging in the dirt is one of those things that just feels right. No matter your age. I hope you enjoy digging and planting with the kids. It is so neat that you are instilling a love of gardening in your children. Enjoy!
Oh, how cute! I loved the little seed packages. I love that each of your kids have their own little garden to maintain. Your yard is going to be beautiful!
Oh what a wonderful gift. I love flowers, and have been looking around to see what I want to plant in my front along my sidewalk. I haven't decided yet though. I can't wait to see the pictures later this season :)
Hey I agree with one of your bloggers...those are the prettest envelopes the seeds came in. Save them...I know you will do something pretty with them...wait you already have! OK I'm a little slow! LOL!
I think the new gardens are going to be truly lovely. I can't wait to see it all growing and in bloom!
How lovely that you are able to get everyone's garden plots ready.
The snow seems to have finally gone here. Maybe there's hope, after all. :-)
What a delightful gift!! You will have such fun watching these seeds grow to beautiful blossoms!! Enjoy and many blessings to you!!
What a thoughtful friend. I love the homespun holders, too. Too sweet!!
What a wonderful gift ~ spending time in the garden especially with your children creates some wonderful memories.
I remember when my youngest son was little he liked to plant sunflowers "the kind that grow high in the sky..."
What a wonderful gift.flower seeds in the mail. That is what is wonderful about blogging, all the wonderful people we meet.
Oh, I am so looking forward to the seedlings as they emerge.
A wonderful post and how sweet of your friend Anita, to have sent such delightful seeds and cards to you.
Blessings to you for a lovely weekend.
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