Phillip gave me these "just because" roses this past Saturday. I certainly wasn't expecting them, it was Father's Day weekend, after all!
I have something else to tell you. I've discovered Josh Groban. Am I the last one? ;0)
I kept hearing this song on the radio called "February Song" and it's my latest obsession. I have a weird way of listening to music...I play the same album/song over and over again until I'm sick of it, take a break for a few months, then listen to it over and over again, etc!
Anyways, here is the video and song if you'd like to take a quick listen...
What have you been listening to lately?
Kelli, I hope the Dad's in your family had a wonderful, special day...
Your roses are lovely and I do like Josh Grobin....such a melodic voice...
Thanks for visiting with me and taking the time to comment....Betty
I like to hear Josh Grobin, too, Kelli. My college age daughter brought home some of his music and I've been listening every since! I seem to alternate him with Joshua Bell-I love to hear him play classical music.
It is still raining here. I know I shouldn't complain--we will be dry soon enough!
I adore Josh Groban as well! I too listen to just one song over and over and over again.... to funny. Here is a link to the lyrics to most of the songs he sings I can now sing in spanish and french lol.... If you go to and type in Josh Groban in the search bar you can see some fabulous live performances.... ~Cheryl
How thoughtful of your beloved husband. My husband sent me an emai this weekend thanking me for 'filling in his shoes' while he is away. It was very thoughtful and unexpected. Aren't husbands such a blessing?
Thanks for visiting me today. I hope you were able to get your appointments... I know how it is spending time on the phone for those things.
What have I been listening to lately?
Mostly our local Christian radio station (, the local classical music station, and the Pensacola Christian College cds that my children love to listen to and sing a long with.
Enjoy your week ~
We've been huge Josh Groban fans for a few years now!!!! My only complaint is it takes him so long to release new albums! His version of O, Holy Night is my favorite ever....every year I wait for a Christmas album and it just never comes. sigh.....
Wow!! The roses are beautiful and even nicer that they were for no special reason. That Phillip is such a nice guy!! ;-)
The roses are lovely! I love Josh Grobin's voice -- wish I could send him a list of requests of things I'd love to hear him sing. :)
I tend to listen to a new CD over and over again, too, when I first get it, especially favorite songs from it. The last few days I have been listening to "Complete In Thee" by the Steve Petit Evangelistic Association team, especially the title song (I was familiar with the old hymn and loved it, and I like this new arrangement, too) and "Come, Come Unto Me" -- that almost brings me to tears every time.
I love to hear Josh Groban sing "You Raise Me Up". I don't think I could ever hear that one too many times.
Lately, I've been listening to lots and lots of U2 when I'm not listening to whatever classical is on the radio in the car. I'm totally intrigued by the Christian element in U2's lyrics. And okay, I really like Bono's voice. (My husband gets so jealous of this, haha!)
Thanks for that video. I hadn't heard that song yet. His voice is great.
Good morning Kelli!
We're back, the wedding was GREAT! (I'll e-mail you more details later on)
Wow, how lovely to get such an unexpected rose bouquet! Well, since I was the wittness to the marriage, my cousin offered me a bouquet with white roses on Friday, too (with was similiar - but smaler of course) to her bride's bouquet.
It's the first time that I am listening to Josh Grobin now, I really like his voice!
I've not been listening to anything special lately, to be honest. By the way, do you know any German songs?
Have a lovely day!
Best wishes,
P.S.: My VERY FIRST ROSES are in bloom since yesterday! I am sooo excited! And I'll attend my pottery class tonight and keep your fingers crossed that my latest uge pottery ball with an ivy pattern is ready to be carried home (I'll try to post in on next Show & Tell Friday).
Thanks for posting the video! He's got a great voice. Your roses are beautiful. And aren't they even more special because you didn't expect them?
I love Josh Grobin, I saw him a few years back on TV and instantly fell in love with his music/ voice! Im also listening to Michael Buble'! The flowers are beautful!!!
Gorgeous roses!
My boys love Josh Groban and know most of his songs by heart, even the ones in Italian! Have you heard him sing "You Raise Me Up"? I had that playing as my eldest son walked into his surprise "This Is Your Life" celebration a couple of years ago. It was so emotional!
What beautiful roses! I love the pictures you took of them. I haven't listened to Josh Grobin too much, but I do listen to the same cd over and over again in the car. For several weeks recently it has been this Kenny G album:
I hope this link works...
The link didn't work, so I will tell you it is called "I'm In The Mood For Love". It is very relaxing and old fashioned.
Now I'm going to have to get a Josh Groban CD. I've heard about him, but hadn't really listened to him until now. Thanks. :-D
By the way, I LOVE those seashell napkin rings. I'm going to have to try making some.
Kelli, what a thoughtful husband you have! And a beautiful choice in roses...
With my girls I've been listening to Cedarmont Kids Worship. It's wonderful!
It always a happy thing to get flowers! Your roses are beautiful! Sounds like a special dinner for a very special day!
I do the same thing music! If I ever have time-I'm going to listen to Josh Grobin, I hear everyone talking about him!
Have a great day! Claudia O
Hi Kelli,
Well, I have never heard of Josh Grobin either, so there were at least two of us! He has a great voice. I am stuck on old Martina McBride songs right now, myself. I do the same as you, listen until I am sick of it and then after awhile come back to it. Have a great day!
Aren't you the lucky girl to get roses on Father's Day weekend!
If Josh doesn't sing on the Grand Ole Opry then I probably wouldn't like
I suppose without you, Phillip wouldn't be a father, right? :o)
Such pretty roses.
Those roses are beautiful. That was very thoughtful of him.
I love Josh Grobin. I do the same with music, listen to it over and over. Then my husband gets tired of it so I stop playing it so much :)
I really like Josh Grobin. I'm glad you discovered him. Right now I'm wearing out a CD called Celtic Worship ~ Live from Ireland...
I love your roses! How beautiful and thoughtful!!
Wow! What a sweet, thoughtful husband you have! I love the color of your roses.
We are big fans of Josh Grobin, too. Such a beautiful voice!
Great roses! Sorry about the rain...btw, are you all ok? No flooding? As to Josh Grobin, the first time I heard him was with Charlotte Church at the winter Olympics in Utah. He surely is good, isn't he?
Oh we adore Joshy (as we call him in our house). We've been fans for a long time.
How very sweet of your husband. I hope he gets a chance to grill soon.
One of Josh Grobin's songs is my son's favorite.
Have a great day,
What a sweet hubby to give you flowers for father's day. I felt the same way with my daughter treating ME to a manicure and pedicure the day before we celebrated Father's Day for their dad.
You are too funny. My daughter should come listen to her music at your house, because she does the same thing. Oh, it drives me nuts! :) I have stopped liking some songs that I *used* to like because she played them or, more likely, SANG them over and over and over.
But, I know that when I hear those songs 15 years from now, they are going to whisk me right back to this time when she would do it... and I'll feel quite differently about them then! :)
The roses are gorgeous! Such a sweetheart.
What beautiful roses you got for Father's Day! :o)
I dont listen to any music. The house is filled with the kids music all the time.
What beautiful roses!
It sounds like we do the same thing when it comes to music! My poor husband gets sick of it before I do, so then I can only listen while he's at work, until I'm sick of it too! LOL
LOL I'm the same way with music! I listen to it over and over until I'm sick of it. Stop listening and then go back to it again months later. So funny!
Oh and your roses are just GORGEOUS!! I just love those kinds of surprises from my Mr. Wonderful. (o;
Oh my...I love Josh Grobin. He has one of the most beautiful voices ever!
And your flowers...gorgeous! Lucky you!
God bless :)
I know I am so behind in what the latest music is...I recognize the name Josh Grobin, I just never heard his music.
Lately I have been listening to a lot of Carly Simon.
What a WONDERFUL surprise! And the photos taken of the roses would look LOVELY on a CARD! They are stunning! In fact, I thought the top one was one you got from the internet at first!
I have never heard of Josh Groban so I will have to try him out. My favorite is Michael Bublee. Ever heard of him.
Hi Kelli,
Loved seeing your summertime decorations and the Father's Day shirt (I had to read the comments to get it too)
Josh Grobin is one of my favorites too..
Your roses are beautiful! What a sweet husband.
I love Josh Groban. My favorite thing to do is to crank up the stereo and hear him sing while I cook dinner. The kids aren't too crazy about it sometimes, though.
I've been listening to Paul Simon, Jon Bon Jovi, Christian radio and my mother-in-law (she sang with Bing Crosby in the 50's). Quite a strange range of music, but all great to listen to.
Hi Kelli. I listen to favorite songs the same way!
What a sweet husband.
Lovely roses, Kelli...
There is always at least one Josh Groban in our CD player mix...
What an AMAZING voice!!!! Who IS this guy? Is he a Christian singer?? What kind of music does he typically sing? This isn't "Top 40" stuff. I LOVE his voice!!!
Mrs. U
I like Josh Groban too. My two favorites are You Are Loved (Don't Give up) and You Raise Me Up.
I like Josh Grobin. His version of You Lift Me Up is gorgeous.
I want the new CD by Chris Tomlin. It has his song Amazing Grace (The Chains Are Gone)!
I do the same thing with my music ; )
Mrs. H
Kelli, I absolutely love Josh Groban and I just discovered him last Christmas.
BTW Thanks for the prayers for my mother in law. She is continuing to improve.
Kelli what lovely roses!I gave my hubby ~gardening tools~ for Fathers day as did my daughter...he is the gardeners assistant after all.I do love Josh Grobin but lately I have been listening to the ~easy listening~ channel on my radio.
hugs NG
Sounds like you had a wonderful day, and what beautiful roses :)
I love Josh Groban.
Have a wonderful day Kelli,
Me too... I usually listen over and over... I have been listening to, it's christian music, so good!
Sounds like you had a good fathers day
I love those flowers.
Thanks for sharing the video with us.
I also love that "You Raise me Up" song.
Josh Grobin is a great singer.
I've been listening to Patriotic Country cd and the soundtrack from Lilo & Stitch (with my daughter).
The roses are beautiful!
Love Josh Groban. He's wonderful. I really like Michael Buble' also. And Harry Connick Jr.
Oh I have been listening to him for a few years now. What wonderfully romantic music !
love this..we have tickets to the Josh Groban concert coming to ur area...can't wait.
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