Friday, June 15, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Some of you may have already seen my show and tell for this week. I shared pictures of it about a year ago.

It is a Victorian child's sewing box that I found it on Ebay a few years ago.

It is full of doll clothes, ribbon and lace. Unfortunately a lot of the silk has shattered over the years.

Everything was sewn by hand, including the lace and even the trim on the tiny sailor shirt.

This cape is my favorite outfit.

These patterns were tucked away in the bottom of the box.

Three tiny shoes. The top one is smaller than my thumb.

Three keys were also found inside. I wonder what they unlocked long ago...I also wonder who the little girl was that worked so lovingly on all these tiny doll clothes.

Thank you for looking at my Victorian sewing box!

If you would like to join in for Show and Tell, here are the guidelines:

***Post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky. Please do not use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell or the link will be deleted.

***In your post, link back here so that others can share and read through all the links. If you don't know how to do this, email me and I will send you the code.

***Please do not host your own "Show and Tell Friday" at your site. I'd appreciate it if you keep There's No Place Like Home as the only home of Show and Tell Friday.


Disney for Boys said...

This is sooo neat!! What a treasure you found, the little patterns and the boots are precious!!! We have tons of small Antique shops and I often go searching for sweet little finds such as this with my mother. We could go all day from one shop to the next! Thanks for sharing and hosting Show & Tell Friday!

Have a blessed weekend!

Lyndy said...

How precious and what a treasure indeed. I have never seen anything like that before.

Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful and blessed weekend.


Carole Burant said...

Oh Kelli,that little sewing kit is just precious! I've never seen anything like it and to think it has all that stuff inside of it! That certainly was a great find on ebay!! xox

Kim said...

Fascinating! The stories that little box could tell. Thank you for hosting and sharing.

Tracy said...

I love this, Kelli. I wish that we could know the stories of the original owner.

Mrs. H said...

What a neat find. I put up my show and tell, but it's not as interesting : ) Actually I posted it yesterday - thinking it was Friday!

Have a great day!
Mrs. H

Paula said...

Thank you for sharing your little sewing box and its goodies. What a treasure!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! What a treasure. How fun to think of some little girl once pouring over its contents.

Sheri said...

Kelli, I have never seen a child's antique sewing box. How beautiful and fun to imagine those little ones making special things.

Happy "Show and Tell Friday!"

Trella said...

Wow! That is so neat. Definitely a treasure indeed. How neat that a little girl took the time to sew all those clothes.
Thanks for sharing,

LBP said...

What a treasure you have there! All of those items are so sweet. I can just imagine some little girl stitching up her clothes for her little dolls.

Thanks again for hosting Show and Tell!

Amanda said...

I actually had something to show and tell today, Kelli! :)

SimpleFolk said...

Now Kelli, you know I'm over here DROOLING all over my keyboard, LOL. That has got to be one of the neatest things I've ever seen! I was simple amazed at the little articles in it. What a find!


Anonymous said...

That is a sweet box of goodies..

Anonymous said...

Kelli! What a great find! So, so precious.

HsKubes said...

Ooooh... what a lovely find!

Anonymous said...

That is so neat. I cannot believe that o one "cleaned" that box out years ago. I am terrible about saving things unless I am using them. My mom, however, saves everything. I'll have to invite you to her garages sale as she is cleaning out to move to a smaller place :)

Mary L. Briggs said...

Hi Kelli! What a neat treasure your jewlery box is. I love to look through antique shops and flea markets and see what 'treasures' I can find! I have my first "Show and Tell" today--I've enjoyed looking at others for several weeks and am excited to participate.

Dawn said...

I am always amazed at the treasures found tucked away in little boxes like that...
My show and tell is up, Kelli!
Y'all come on over and have a look-see!

Cheryl said...

I imagine... that the child sat for hours beside her mother learning how to sew. Their bond/love growing with each newly learned task~ thats what I see when I see the contents of that box~

Julieann said...

Kelli, that box is just precious. What a tresure you found.


someone else said...

Those are really cute. What a lot of work some little girl did. I'm amazed that so much of it is still preserved.

Melissa said...

I knew it was an old sewing box, but I never saw the sweet doll clothing in it. I love it, that's so sweet that some little girl sewed such wonderful little dollie clothes, and learned how to sew at the same time.

Paula said...

Imagine the stories this little box holds! How fun to have such a treasure!! I enjoy sewing, but to be so diligent with such small articles of clothing is beyond my level of patience. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!!!

Susan said...

Oh what a delightful treasure.

charish said...

Wow, wouldn't it be neat if some one saw that and said I had one just like it and they were that child. I love old thing and the history behind them.

Susie said...

What a delightful find! Can't you just imagine some long ago child playing with these?

Susan P. said...

Kelli, that is one of the most precious things I've ever seen. What a wonderful treasure to have found! I can just imagine the little girl lovingly sewing all of those wonderful things. Thanks for sharing something I have never seen before.

Sonya said...

This is really cool! I love the cape! So precious!

Cherish the Home said...

What a treasure you have there! That is so neat. I, too, like to imagine what the people were like who owned such things. (o:


jodi said...

A very sweet looking box.

Jodi said...

Kelli - what a precious find!

dot said...

Kelli, you find the cutest things!

Jennifer in MS said...

What a neat treasure!! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

LadySnow said...

What treasures! Very neat. :)

Lena said...

I probably don't even need to tell you how much I love this, but I will. I love this! This is one of the best things I've ever seen Kelli. The little sailor shirt is perfect. I have such a fondness for handwork and for small things. My favorite kinds of things are those that tell a story and take you to another place in time. This certainly does all that and in a sweet way.
It's nice to know that it is with you, where it will truly be treasured.
Thank you for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I am commenting one more time. I keep coming back to these pictures! Can I just say that your choice of background in taking this pictures is perfect?!

Betty said...

What an adorable memento from years gone by...I can just imagine a little girl sewing so intently.....Betty

Jennifer said...

How sweet! That's like opening up a treasure chest each time you look at it. Wow. How did you find it on Ebay? Were you searching for something like that? I can't imagine how special that was to some little girl so long ago. Great find!

Ruth said...

Wow! That is a really neat piece of history to have. How cool!

Henny Penny said...

Wow, Kelli! That's amazing! To see something that survived all that time just blows me away! A treasure, indeed. :o)

Rowan said...

The Victorian sewing box is a delight, how wonderful to have all these wonderful original contents as well as the box itself. It shows what great skills even very young girls had in Victorian times.

Cris said...

Such precious antiques you found! How many stories behind those it may hide... love all the items!

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice antiques. I left a linky and then had to redo it so I made two. I only have one post though. Thanks...

Myrna said...

So precious! Don't you really wonder about the child who made those clothes. What were the dolls like, where did she live, who taught her to sew? I believe you could write a children's book about that little girl!

I finally got mine up. I'm running behind on all things blog! I'm planning to catch up on reading everyone at least by tomorrow!

smilnsigh said...

Kelli, that is precious!

And........ I finally remembered to join in your Show And Tell Friday! I'm so amazed at myself. Well, to tell the truth, I noticed PEA's, and then I remembered. ,-)

But anyway, I did.

But I didn't manage to get your little Icon pic in my entry. But I did say what this is... And had a clickable link to your blog and to your Show And Tell entry. And I did manage to add my link, to your list of links.

So I guess that makes it that - I did a couple of things right, but mess-up on the Icon link. :-(


smilnsigh said...

I finally remembered to join in on this. Did everything, but get the linky Icon into my blog.

But maybe I had to join Mister Linky, to do that. And I just joined. Maybe I'll cool now. :-)


Autumn said...

That is SO pretty! It is amazing what you can find on Ebay isn't it?

Trudi said...

Very sweet and such a "normal" purchase on Ebay. You'd have to read my post to understand. Love the items. My grandmother had some old doll shoes at one time, but I'm not sure what happened to them. Thanks for hosting this wonderful activity. I look forward to it every Friday. Wow and you're up to 50 plus participates, Good Job.

jodi said...

What a beautiful box and the contents are so interesting.

Lynne said...

Kelli, that sewing box is the sweetest thing.It's a one-of-a-kind treasure.

Naturegirl said...

Adorable! have a great weekend!
hugs NG

Kim said...

Simply lovely~~~~

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelli...this is the kind of thing that I just love to see and read about. I like to think about the child who took the time to use this sewing box and make these little clothing items. I wonder about the rest of her life's story! I love history, and this is a treasure!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my S&T just made my day! Thank you for being such a dear, sweet kindred spirit! I appreciate you!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Jenn4Him said...

I love the simplicity of the days long ago. Those doll clothes were probably all the ones that little girl had and she had to make them! What a treasure.

CaraqueƱa said...

Kelli...thanks for your comments on my blog! Didn't make the Friday show and tell this week...yours is precious!

Janice said...

So charming! Can you only imagine the hands that made all these lovely little things? And they never could have dreamed this little sewing box of theirs would be found some day and shared via photo on the internet for the world to see. What a treasured keepsake you have!

Lori said...

I love your little treasure box and all the things you have stored in it.

I missed show and tell as we just returned home yesterday afternoon and had lots to catch up on at home.
I'm now trying to catch up on everyone's blogs.
I'll will be ready for next weeks show and tell.

Unknown said...

I would love to come across something like this! How unique and sweet. I also think of the little hands they played with these outfits in the past! I thought it was neat you found the little patterns tucked away in the beautiful box also!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

What a sweet treasure you have, Kelli! Thank you for sharing it with all of us and for hosting Show and Tell each week.