The bookshelves need organized too. We will be getting our new school books next month and need a place to put them.
For the past few months this small table in Phillip's office has been the spot for our science supplies. We haven't been using them as much as I thought we would so I'm going to move all of our art supples in here instead and free up the table in the school room.
I'm not sure when I'll get the "after" pictures up. A short while ago my helper decided she was done for the day. I don't know who she thinks she is!
LOL. Cute cat!!
Good luck with organizing everything this weekend in preparation for the upcoming schoolyear! :)
Our cat, Chester, likes to help too. If I get a stool out to dust, he jumps right on. It's really funny.
Pretty kitty! I have a "helper" like that too.
It's really hard to find good help these days!
Have fun organizing - do you ever find a book you totally forgot you had? That's the best part for me! It's like going shopping for school supplies without leaving home or spending money!
Oh, Fern is so pretty!!! I also love my furry little "helpers", but they always seem to abandon me mid-project, too. I love organizational before and afters!! Can't wait to see yours when it's all done. =)
Ditto what Heather (above) said... I've been cleaning out all the nooks and crannies, and I can't believe all the neat books, unopened craft projects, scrapbook stuff, toys, school supplies, etc. that I found. It really was like going shopping!! =)
Getting everything organized nicely is a great way to get your school year off to a good start. My "helper" has the same ideas as Fern. I caught him sleeping on the job!!
Oh how cute! Hopefully you can get a little done by the end of the week. It is sometimes so hard to organize when you have so much to do. It takes a lot of motivation! I find that if I do a little each day it helps a lot!
You're always so good about taking "before" pictures. I seem to remember to do that about halfway into my project! I really do love organizing. Always have. I feel so good when things are accessible, visible and in a useful place!
Yes, the school year dawns ever closer. We are organizing as well. Looking forward to seeing your "after" pictures.
The recipe I used for the mustard is here:
It was SO spicy! I looked up ways to tame that and two things showed up: not refrigerating it right away and adding more vinegar. I have thus far added to the two T the recipe calls for, about 3 T more and it still has a "bite" at the end. I will likely be the only one eating it in my family! :)
The Apple-Maple mustard recipe can be found here:
Hmmm... it looks like blogger cuts off my addresses.
If you go to the site and look up Country Mustard, you should get that first, basic recipe.
Your helper is beautiful! Good luck organizing. I have a few shelves that I've been considering reorganizing this weekend, but have decided to do it another day. I bet once I see your after-pictures, I'l feel terrifically motivated!!
I remember when our schoolbooks would come every summer... it was always so exciting! My mom would be waiting with bated breath for the package. Those were the good days... before I had to start buyiny my own very expensive college textbooks!!
I wish I had taken more before and after pictures of all of our decluttering and reorganizing. It feels so good to get things in order. However, your "disorder" pictures sure look pretty good to me!! I wish my disorder looked like yours!! LOL!! (Love the kitty!!)
o.b.v.i.o.u.s.l.y. YOU are the helper because she is THE QUEEN! ;o)
ROFLOL (spoken by one whose home has always had a cat (or cats) REIGNING within).
I think Fern rules the roost at your house!
Way to go getting the school area organized before the new materials arrive. Don't work too hard (I'm assuming it's really hot there).
LOL at the cat. She definitely looks like she is done for the day!
Kitty looks comfy. My puppies like to sleep on the clean clothes in the basket. Must be something about being in an enclosed space. Have a wonderful week.
Ha ha, on the kitty:) I can't wait to see the after pictures. You must be rewarded daily homeschooling your children:) I commend you for that.
I've got to do some uncluttering in my house. Tooooo many pretties sitting around. Need to box some up!!
I'll look forward to your after pictures.
Cats are always so willing to help aren't they! lol Good luck with your organizing..I need to do that too in my computer room, I'm starting to get pushed out! lol xox
I have a few spots that need organizing also :-) I hope you have a very productive week. Looking forward to your after picks!
you are so brave to put up "before" pictures. i couldn't do it. of course, your clutter isn't as bad as mine :) and my cat makes things harder, not easier.
Your "before" pictures look pretty good to me. :)
We've been preparing for school, too. In fact, we start on Monday!!
Mrs. C
AHHH Fern is a smart girl! lol
Hmmm. Your helper has a "dog's life" so to speak. I have my spice cabinet torn apart so I am working on things too. Time to get going and stop playing.
You, too, Kitty!!!
Your poor helper looks worn out! LOL!
I hope everything goes well with the organizing. I wonder if you'll come to my house when you're done with your own? LOL! I've been trying to do the same thing around our house. Right now I'm gathering all of the curriculum we don't use anymore so that I can share it with my church family. Amazing how we accumulate so much!
How adorable your kitty is! I have been cleaning the bookshelves in our entertainment center and can they get so dusty??
Isn't organizing a daunting task at first but one that feels so good when completed?! Good job!:)
the cat is awsome :-) good luck on your organizing project, waiting to see the restults :-)
Good luck with your organizing project. I always am trying to organize rooms better.
our helper is sure pretty! Love the multi colors.
I too have a goal to get more organized before we officially start 4th grade! It's an exciting time really!
Haha, your last sentence on Fern really made me laugh!
It's still very rainy and stormy over here! Nevertheless, it was a good day because I finished my fist new plant markers (I told you about)!
Oh Kelli, the weather is so awful that I think we are already in October!
Happy organising! ;-))))
Hugs, Anita
P.S.: There's a little letter on its way to Texas! ;-))
Love your helper. I have one like her too although she's not much help most of the time.
When you are finished with your helper, send her my way. I need an extra paw around here trying to get my school supplies organized for the new year.
Oh, Kelli, you're doing exactly what I'm doing - cleaning out and organizing for the school year. Also, with Clarke moved out, I have an ENTIRE ROOM that is empty! Yippee! I'm turning it into a guest room/office.
Good luck on your mission. And, what an adorable, furry little helper you have!
I love your helper. Yet, school is upon us. We ordered our grandson, John's, college books today. I am so thankful Amazon has great prices on used textbooks!!
Is it still raining down your way? It poured here today, and so far it's stayed under 100˚!
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