Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Once Upon a Time...

Here is a story for my four year old nephew, Jacob...

Once upon a time, (5 years and 4 months ago to be exact!) there was the beginning of a small garden.

Two overturned flower pots were placed near a saucer of water, in hopes that a toad would come by and say, "Look, a house just for me!"

The years went by, the garden grew and grew and soon you couldn't even see the toad house.

The saucer of water also disappeared and now there was a small pond, with lily pads, goldfish and a little girl, who never gave up hope of having a toad friend.

One day, her wish came true, for nestled in among the ivy, ferns and garden shoes were...

...two friendly eyes looking out at her! They seemed to be saying, "Look, a house just for me!" He was given the name Todd and he made himself right at home!

The garden shoes were converted into a bathtub and Todd loved to have an afternoon soak in the cool water!

But his favorite time of day was when the sun went down.

It was the perfect time for a evening swim with his friends, the goldfish!

And everyone lived happily ever after!


Melissa said...

Jacob loves it! He said it "Can we read it again? That was the best story ever!" He giggled here and there and loved to find the toad in the pictures. :)
You need to come out with a series of children's books!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet was that. Thank you for the wonderful story. I loved the pictures too.

Anonymous said...

First of all...Welcome, Todd! Oh Kelli, your nephew is so lucky to have such a "Beatrix Potter Auntie"! I'll bet he loved the story and photos to pieces! I hope you get a whole family of toads moving in real soon. How fun! ~Kelly in MN

Anonymous said...

:) I love that story. What a wonderful vision in your garden and what a wonderful result! blessings...

LBP said...

What an adorable story! Your gardens are so lovely. Hope Jacob loves his story.

jennifer said...

I love this! Great story and wonderful garden..

... said...

what a wonderful story, complete with pictures. i love frogs. i think it would be cool to have one living out in my garden.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard at your comment, which was really Phillip's comment that he and the kids would miss you if you went to live with the Amish. I say the same thing to my husband when he talks about going to Africa for a year.

I think you would make a wonderful Amish wife and mother. You are so in tune to the real things in life -- the land, good food, and a loving family. Hey, I'll go with you!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! What a nifty story. Nice illustrations, too! :-D

Momma Roar said...

Hey, you and Becky can come stay with me and the Amish if you like - I live right next to some!

I loved this story Kelli! So cute - and is that your daughter wearing her new dress?

Anonymous said...

What a sweetly told story!

Corin said...

Oh how fun!

Amber said...

How cute. Emilee absolutely loved the story. I am sure we will be reading it again before the day is over.

Sanna Tallgren said...

What a lovely blog you have! So nice garden pictures....

Naturegirl said...

I love this story of Todd!! This means that everything is in balance when a toad comes to live in your garden!
It also means prosperity.. but you know that already as yours is the many ~blessings~ you share with your beautiful family whom I have learned to adore and get to know through your generous postings! Blessings to you and your family hugs NG

Anita said...

Ooooooh Kelli, what a sweet story! Not only your four-year-four year nephew, Jacob will surely enjoy it, I did it, too!

And guess what! While I was watering my flower beds on Monday, there was something hopping over the boxwood border, a toad!!!! I followed him on the lawn but he disappeared between the shrubs! Oh, I am very prould that our garden attracts so many annimals: birds, bees, butterflies... toads and last year, we even saw an hedgehog!

Have a wonderful day Kelli!

Best wishes, Anita

Creative Life Studio said...

Oh, beautiful, Kelli... and she's wearing her sailor dress too!!

Todd the Toad is one good-looking little guy. So nice for him to have such a wonderful home.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen. What a sweet aunt you are. Such a delight!

Jodi said...

So sweet, Kelli! You put that together beautifully. :o)

Sharon said...

Jacob what a wonderful story teller you are. and your Aunt with the camera did a good job with the pictures to go with the story. Some day I will say I knew him when he was a little guy.

Anonymous said...

too cute!!!
tina l.

Susie said...

What a delightful story and you illustrated it so cleverly!
I know Jacob will enjoy reading it over and over!

Gena said...

Such a sweet story! I just love your little garden. We have toads on our back deck, along with many, many lizards. I laugh and say our house is like the zoo.

Maybe I should make a cute little toad hideaway. I bet my girls would love it.

Carole Burant said...

I just finished watching the movie "Miss Potter" and now reading your little story sounds like one she would have thought of:-) How wonderful that Todd has now come to live with all of you!! hehe xox

Lynne said...

That is the sweetest story-Todd looks so happy in his new home and your daughter looks so pretty in her sailor dress.

Julie said...

Hi, Kelli,

I have given you a blogging award. The stories of the toad and the little bird are just one of the reasons I chose you.

Please come to my blog and see it.


someone else said...

That's a pretty cute story and the garden is lovely.

Lori said...

Love the story and the photos of your garden.

Mary L. Briggs said...

Very sweet! Todd is a cutey! Lovely garden.

dot said...

Cute story! Jacob is a lucky boy to have an aunt like you.

Paula said...

That is precious! So glad your garden has made a home for your little green friend. :)

Kim said...

I loved your story and more importantly I LOVE your garden. Won't you come to my house and do some landscaping?? :) Thanks for sharing with us all--such simple pleasures.

Cheryl said...


Ruth said...

Oh, now, that is great!! My question is, do you hear him sing at night??

Ruth said...

Well, you know, I'm not sure. I just know that we have frogs/toads that are very noisy around our house occasionally. I can't say I've paid particular attention to exactly what breed of frog-like thing they are. LOL!! =o) Hopefully he's the quiet sort. Enjoy Mr. Todd!

Hootin Anni said...

What a wonderful blog this time! [not to impugn your other blogging of course...I just LOVE happy endings is all!]

Love it.

Laurie said...

What a wonderful story ~ and a happy little toad!

Anonymous said...

About that trip to Leigh Ann's. Does she have electricity? We'll need to blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!
This is a wonderful 'real-life' story...and so Beatrix Potter-ish! Love it! Also, I am so encouraged to see how your garden transformed over the years. I have plans for several places in our yard, and it's nice to see that beauty will take root after the 'bones' are established...eventually. I just need patience. Thank you for sharing!
Welcome, Todd!
Have a blessed Thursday!

Marci said...

What a great story with a happy ending and neat pictures to go along with it.

Did you leave the shoes there on purpose? I have a similar pair in red. When I walk in them, it makes embarrassing noises, so maybe I should put my garden shoes in the garden. =)

Kriss said...

Let me know how you like the fish tacos once you try them. If you will take the fish out of the freezer and let them sit for 15 mins they will thaw fast! Then they will cook really nicely!! I love your site, so welcoming! -kriss :)

Dani said...

Thank you for sharing that story with all of us.
Your toady friend looks like he enjoys his new home very much!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I wish we had little green friends in our garden...~sigh~

Many blessings...

Tammy said...

That is adorable!
Loved this story, complete with great pictures!

Mockingbird Hill said...

What a wonderful would make a wonderful children's book! Go ahead, get started...and your garden is very, very pretty!

Myrna said...

That was terrific. I agree with melissa--You need to write a children's book!

Todd the Toad brought back childhood memories for me--Texas Toads in the summer!

Anonymous said...

Do you scrapbook, Kelli? If you don't, you should! This would be the cutest little book. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story, and wonderful photos too!

Candy said...

What a sweet story. I love happy endings!