My friend, Heather shared this delicious maple muffin recipe and I couldn't wait to try them!
There are made with real maple syrup and old fashioned oats. A drizzle of maple syrup glaze makes them extra special!
Put on a pot of coffee and try to eat just one. :0)
Thank you, for the great recipe, Heather!
Oh, yum! Thanks for the recipe link. Seems pretty simple to bake. I have always been a night owl. Until, that is, I married Eric. Now I'm up with him each morning around 5 am to iron his clothes for the day. And these muffins would go really well with that cup of coffee I run to after he leaves! :) Enjoy your morning!!
Oh yum! I was looking for a recipe earlier today, for something to munch on over the weekend - guess I've found it!
Oh my! Those are beautiful and sound so delicious! I don't blame you for wanting to get up to those in the mornings! :o)
did you hear that!? lol - i guess not. it was my stomach growling while looking at those pictures. YUM!! i will definitely try out the recipe some time soon. in the mean time... i'm gonna go have a bowl of cereal :(
Oh That looks good Kelli.....wish I had one, a cup of coffee & your company...see u at OFT Tina Leigh
Those look just wonderful. Costco sells a muffin that looks almost exactly like that, but I bet these are somewhat healthier and more economical!
Oh gosh, my mouth is watering just looking at these! Thanks Kelli!
I'm having company this weekend, and I may have to try these!
I should have known I would gain weight by coming to visit you! lol These maple muffins look soooo very yummy...I have lots of pure maple syrup thanks to my brothers Maple Sugar Bush so I'll definitely have to try these!!! xox
Kelli, you have got to quit showing photos of food! Those really do look delicious.
Mmm...Those look so good. I can smell them from here!
MMMNN! Those look wonderful. I'm going to have to make them.
I'm copying this recipe. Thanks for sharing.
What a fabulous recipe, looks easy-peasy AND I have all the ingrediants lol!
This sounds delicious. We love anything maple. Thanks for sharing. I WILL try these.
looks great...I thinkin these are going to need a cup of coffee to go with them.
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!!!! Maple Muffins!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Thanks so much for sharing another great recipe! Those muffins look so good! I cant wait to try these! :0)
With company leaving town this week, and Jacob's birthday I finally got a chance to catch up with you! We've got to come visit soon, those kids are getting so big. :) Is that a 'Mater I see in the wagon!? lol I'll have to show Jacob the photos when he's awake tomorrow. We just quit having cereal too, it's so easy, but it's true... 9:30, and they're starving.
The aprons are so cute!!! Great fabric, and I can't wait to see baby Keira in her little apron!
The wagon is awesome. It looks so good with the watermelon and lemonade. I think I will copy that tomorrow when we have Jacob's pinata, since the neighbor gave me a watermelon and we have 1/2 of one already in our fridge!
Oh, and I LOVE your new banner! And the maple muffins look fantastic. When the birthday cake is gone, I'm going to make them!
I'm so glad you liked the muffin recipe Kelli! Thanks for sharing your enjoyment!
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