Saturday, September 08, 2007


Seasonal Delights, Autumn 2007

Seasonal Delights

Seasonal Delights is a quarterly online magazine for young ladies and their mothers, but can be enjoyed by anyone who loves celebrating the joys of each passing season! It is created and produced by my husband and me.

The first issue is 20 full-color pages filled with crafts, recipes, sewing projects, and many other Autumn-themed activities.

SD Autumn 2007, page 8SD Autumn 2007, page 12

In my "know nothing about computers" brain I thought whoever wanted to receive a copy of the magazine would email me, and then I would email them back with the file. Phillip explained some of the problems with this plan. ;0)

1. Some people can't receive 5 megabyte emails.

2. When you email me your request, you would then have to wait for me to send it. What if I was away for the day?

3. Spam!

To avoid these problems we set up a separate website and email address. Just come visit me at the new site!

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. There is no place like home will continue as usual!


Reviekat said...

It's beautiful, Kelli! You are so creative and inspiring. :)

Marci said...

Kelli, are you the one doing the magazine???

... said...

i have the same question... is this personally published by you? it looks beautiful and i'm very impressed. i just glanced at what i could see (some photos weren't showing up), so i'll have to spend more time checking it all out. congratulations!

Kimberly said...

VERY NICE! I've been checking in to see your announcement. Congratulations! I'm going to pop on over there right now. I'm so excited. What perfect timing as I was just about to change the dining room decor to Autumn to go with my new Cinnamon Spice Pumpkin Candle my mom gave me today along with the cutest Autumn cookie cutters.

Christine said...

Oh, I love it, Kelli! It is so beautiful and inspirational. It makes me want to pour a hot cup of cider and craft. Blessings!

Momma Roar said...

Kelli - it is simply lovely, just like you!! I am in total agreement - you are so creative and inspiring!!

Paula said...

How exciting! I'm so happy for you! :)

Mrs. C

Amber said...

Wow I am so impressed. How do you find the time to do all of these things and run a household??? I have already signed up and can't wait to spread the news. It is truly wonderful and I look forward to doing everything in there. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kelli! It is gorgeous! So creative! Thank you!

Suzy said...

Kelli and Phillip~
I have already signed up and I'm very impressed!! What a beautiful idea and thank you for sharing it with us!...Suzy

Tammy said...

Kelli, this is wonderful- so gorgeous and what a fun and creative idea! So impressed!
I just subscribed- thank you! :)

Mary L. Briggs said...

Kelli, your new mag sounds wonderful. You are always full of surprises! I'm looking forward to reading and enjoying it.

Myrna said...

Wow! It is beautiful.
I'm going back over to subscribe, but just had to say Congratulations on this accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

What a big thank you I send to you. There are other mother/daughter things out there but this one is by far the best resource I have seen. You have put together a top notch product. Thank you, I cannot wait to get started with fall decorating. I live in Alaska so we already have the fall colors showing through.

Anita said...

Kelli, this is so exciting! I had not time to come here yesterday and now I am in a hurry and have to leave for the office. I'll check that page tonight!

Congratulations, I can't wait to read the pages!

Have a wonderful day, soon you will be even more famous!

Hugs, Anita

Susan said...

You are indeed amazing, Kelli. Heading over there now to check it out!

Joni said...

Fabulous! I love that the ideas are simple and lovely. I'm excited to try many of them out with my young children. Thank you!

Mimi said...

Wow, Kelly this is an amazing accomplishment... I am going over to see it now !

Jodi said...

Kelli and Phillip ~ Well done! Your magazine is so colorful. I can't wait to have time to read more of it. Very lovely!

Jen said...

L love it so much! I have subscribed and cannot wait...what an awesome surprise...Happy Fall to you too friend.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I've joined and can't wait to have some time to spend over there!

dot said...

armmKelli, you stinker! How very neat!

Tracy said...

How Exciting!!!!

Britta said...

Hey Kelli, I already subsribed and downloaded the first Seasonal Delight....and of course printed it. It's really fantastic, especially the recipes, just perfect for this time of the year. You did a wonderful job!


Just Mom said...

Absolutely AWESOME, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to visit the mag site...

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

So neat, Kelli! I can't wait to check it out. :-)

Front Porch Society said...

That is really great you designed an online magazine! :) You are truly a woman of many talents!! What a great surprise for all of your readers to learn that you have created a magazine!! :)

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, Kelli! Congratulations!

Irene said...

Such a lovely first issue! I have put up a post for SD. Thank you, Kelli.

Anonymous said...

I love it! So lovely and full of fun things to do and make. It is like your best blog visits all rolled into one. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Of course the first thing I'm looking at is the design because I'm a page designer. Looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You changed the design of the blogsite. I loved the old one, but this one is sooo beautiful. You did a great job. I look forward reading more of the great stuff you post.
Hope you are having a good week.

Lucy said...

Kelli - it is beautiful, as I would expect from you. I've posted about it on my blog too - I so enjoyed reading it. Thank you to you and Philip. In the UK we don't go in for all the seasonal decorating and projects in the same way, and it is so inspiring to me.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have printed it out and I LOVE it.

My post today is all about your new e-magazine and a link back to here.

Cindy Swanson said...

Hi Kelli...first-time visitor to your blog, and I love it! It's lovely, and so is Seasonal Delights.

I'll definitely be back!

Phillip Winn said...

Yikes! I'm astounded at the response (we'll say more about that tonight over at the site), but I'm simply flabbergasted at how many of you are printing this whole thing out in color! Even we haven't done that!

I did just order a test copy through, but it wasn't cheap. Once it arrives, we'll post some pictures and let everybody know whether that's worthwhile. We'll probably also provide information on how to arrange the pages to get a professional-looking result at a print place or copy shop, but those are silly-expensive too.

Thank you, everybody, for the lovely comments. We'll aim for a 24-hour status report tonight.

Karen said...

Congratulations! I'm downloading and printing as we speak. I can't wait to read it.

LBP said...

Beautiful! I have already subscribed and downloaded this beautiful installment!

Thanks so much!

Carole Burant said...

Oh Kelli, how very exciting!!!! I'm on my way there now to check out this new online magazine of yours and Phillip:-) xox

Julie said...

Hi, Kelli,

Congratulations! I posted a comment yesterday regarding your new online magazine, that's how great I think it is. I signed up immediately.


Julie said...

I meant,

I wrote a post on my blog regarding Seasonal Delights.


Ms. Kathleen said...

Wow, I am super impressed! Way to go!

Love it and what a great idea!


Karen said...

Just had to come back to say.....LOVE IT!!! Can't wait for the winter edition, Kelli!

Creative Life Studio said...

Oh, Kelli,

You and Phillip have really outdone yourselves. The magazine is beautiful; so well done! It's such a treat! Thank you so much! :)

Lena said...

Congratulations to you and Phillip on your new creative adventure Kelli!
It looks so interesting and the new site is very pretty.

Anonymous said...

I read about your new magazine on Kimberly's blog. I just downloaded it and it's perfect-incredibly well done. I LOVE it.
I've added your blog to my favorites too. I need to get to know you better! :)
J. in Ca.

Tammy said...

Looks terrific!
PS...your box is on it's way!

Tammy said...

OK...printing of your mag as I type...I Love Love Love it!!!
Thanks so much!!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Love it! Can't wait to settle in tonight and read the whole thing.

Unknown said...

I am in !!! Great work..looks very nice !! XO

Tammy said...

While it was printing out I have decided I'm going to get a three ring binder notebook and put every issue in!!

Mary L. Briggs said...

Hi Kelli, I'm still looking at my magazine--it's great! I love seeing all the recipes. You have done a fantastic job!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Kelli, it's absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful job! I've already sent the link to several people!!

Cathy said...

Kelli, You and your husband are so smart. I don't see how you have time for all you do! I want it, but my silly computer has been warning me "low virtual memory."

smilnsigh said...

Just beautiful!

I read of it first, in another blog. So I too, am trying to spread the word. :-))))


Anonymous said...

hi i have just signed up and it looks lovely
shall be a regular here too
well done

Jennifer said...

AMAZING! I can't wait to get right over there!

You are so talented!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Printed it, and also linked back to your site through my blog! I know everyone is going to love to read your wonderfully done Magazine.


Lori said...

I love autumn.

What a neat idea. I'm headed over there to check it out and sign up.

Anonymous said...

Your magazine is just beautiful! I will tell my daughters about it.

I am doing a 'giveaway' on my blog and would like to invite you and your readers to enter your names.

Rebecca said...

This is amazing. It looks INCREDIBLE!

Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to others. You are such lovely people!

Momma Roar said...

Wow comment #64 - I knew your new announcement would be a big hit!!

I tagged you for something today, but I think you may have already been tagged, sorry :(

Sandra said...

Oh Kelli, I LOVE it, I've already subscribed and can NOT wait to start reading are just amazing :)


Laurie said...

Beautiful magazine Kelli ~ thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are so talented!!!

Lallee said...

Kelli, this is absolutely delightful. Congratulations on the launch! I will share this on my blog this week for any who have missed this. And I'll be sending the info to all the young mothers with daughters I know. They will love it. The pictures are just beautiful and I can tell the content has been very well thought out and planned. Good job!

Maggie Ann said...

Kelli, Your magazine is wonderful..I subscribed and am tickled pink...thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is so neat, Kelli! I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the beautiful header on your blog, then read your announcement about the new magazine. Congratulations! It looks beautiful, and I can't wait to read the first issue.

I wish you much success with it!

theups said...

OOOH!!! Kelli!!! I am sooo excited for you and your family!! A new venture led by the Lord!! How wonderful!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog (was sent here by "Diary of a Stay at Home Mom" and I am glad I found her...and now YOU!

I am originally from Arizona, I now live in Montana. I have a home based business and my company is located in TEXAS!

I am just thrilled to PIECES to have been introduced to your blog and look forward to POURING over the magazine!!!


Susan said...

Karen, I tried to sign up for your wonderful new magazine and it wouldn't take my input. Can you help me in understanding what I am to put in. Is it my blog site or my e-mail address.

Thanks!! Remember, I'm the same one that had so much trouble with Mr. Linky for my first few Show & Tells!!!! Sorry :o)

Susan said...

P.S. See, I am confused....I called you Karen and I know you are Kelli!!!!

Lori said...

Love your new magazine.

Thanks for sharing all the great recipes and craft ideas.

I love to stamp cards too.

Anonymous said...

Kelli - You are just amazing!! You and Phillip should be soooo proud of this beautiful magazine!! Love, Gwen

Desia said...

Found you via Crystal at biblicalwomanhood, and your strawberry muffins looked so delicious that I ordered your new magazine. I haven’t downloaded it yet, but according to the other comments it sounds just lovely.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Congratulations, it is beautiful and very professional! I would like to subscribe, I'm waiting for the answer to the question Penless Thoughts asked - do I use my present username and password, or make up a new one?


P.S. - I have a "Free" Give Away this week, check it out!

Jami said...

Wow Kelli! You and your husband did an exellent job! Can't wait to try the recipes!


Amy R. said...

I love this! Thank you so much for doing this. Autumn is my favorite season and I have a daughter who loves to do crafty things with me. Thank you so much!

Julie said...

Please sign me up Kelli! What a good idea. ..and thank you!

Trudi said...

Wow Kelli, 82 comments congrats. I love your new autumn header. It's very pretty. What progam are you using to make it? I hope you don't mind my asking. Hey, I've started to post on my teaching blog, not much yet but will start to get some valuable info on it. You home school right?

Trudi said...

I am speechless at the talent you and your husband have demostrated. The free scrip. is too generous. Please send me an email with your snail mail addy so I can send you a token of my appreciation. I just love cones, and have never taken the time to make them. Is it ok if we pass the word on about the publication on your blogs?

Cathy said...

Goodness, Kelli, with such success, I think you should publish your magazine and sell it! :-)

Paula said...

Hi Kelli, tried to subscribe, but keeping tells me that the temporary password given is incorrect. The sample looks absolutely beautiful!!


Trudi said...

Kelli your publication leaves me speachless. Be prepared to get a lot of attention. It's so professional looking. I mentioned the magazine Homegrown Hospitality and I think it may have started out as a blog too. Your work, writng, photography are just beautiful. I wrote a story with the kiddos today of how sick I am of the heat. They thougth it was loads of fun. I am so ready for Autumn. I am going to try many things you have shared. Tell you hubby congrats. for me also. Thanks so much.

~*Marie*~ said...

This is awesome, I love decorating for fall and any help I can get ideas from I love, very creative and fun!!!

Ladybug said...

WOW!!! Beautiful!! What a lot of work that must have been.

Lulu said...

i just signed up..I read it on Sandras site and could NOT! resist..

kymk99 said...

It is beautiful! I sent an e-mail out to a couple of loops I am on and I posted about it on my blog! You should be very pleased with how it turned out! I look forward to going through it with my daughter this fall and look forward to the next issue!

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelli, I love the magazine. I printed it and read through with a cup of tea while my dd was napping! Teh recipies are wonderful and I plan to make the hop pads for a swap I am doing!
I look forward to the next one.
God bless~Cindy

Anonymous said...

Goodness I should proofread ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks! I got signed up! :)

Terri said...

Oh! You are making me so tired! How do you accomplish all this and not become a raving loon? I am just in awe!
God bless.

Heather said...

I am delighted to have found your blog! It is inspiring, welcoming, and warm. Congratulations on the successful launch of your beautiful magazine! May the Lord bless you richly today.

Rosa said...

I'm here from Peggy's who took me to Leann who took me here, I think. Hmmm. At any rate, no matter how I got here, your blog is absolutely delightful. SO refreshing! I must take the time and read more. Lovely indeed.

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
I'm catching up on posts and am delighted to see this lovely magazine!
I tried to subscribe but keep getting an error message. (it's saying wrong email address)
Hopefully it's a temporary glitch and I'll try later!!

Reginas Cottage said...

Kelli,it's very nice magazin.
"Congratulation".Ilove decoration for
the fall.The Potato Chowder is very

Janice said...

Congratulations on your new adventure, Kelli! A lot has been happening since my computer was down! :o) I'm off to see your website now. Many blessings!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelli, I have been reading your blog for a few months. I love the Seasonal Delights newsletter that I received. You are very talented. I can't wait to try some of the crafts and recipes with my daughter Rachel. Thanks again. Cheryl