Hello everyone! How is your week going? It's going by fast for me, I can't believe it's already Thursday!
Our new schoolbooks from Sonlight arrived yesterday. I was mean and made everyone wait until Dad got home to open them. ;0)

The girls and Benjamin were very excited. Grace immediately went on the search for any "horse" books.

Phillip and I will be busy getting things ready for Monday morning.

Fern tired herself out playing in the boxes and packing papers.

The mess didn't end last night though, it spread right into today! Box houses, trains and games. Lots of fun!

I was told the glue was for the Mouse Trap game. Hmmm....

It looks like it's time for a tidy-up! I'll be back later for Show and Tell Friday!
what a wonderful blog, thank you
Boxes of books! What could be more wonderful!!!! I'll bet your children love getting their books almost as much as they love Christmas - mine do! We don't usually get them all at once, but any aquisition of reading material makes for a wonderful time!
Wow I bet your children were very excited....it`s always great when you get new books, I can remember when I was child and that I couldn't hardly wait to get new books. During this time I had lot more time for reading.
Have a nice afternoon, Britta
How exciting! It's a 'Home School Christmas' in September!
Is fern a cat?
Hi Kelli! Happy Belated Box Day :) That is such a fun time. I will be praying with you as you prepare for next week. With love in Christ, Q
We have begun our homeschool journey this year with little nursery school enrichments. We are so excited about the experience! Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring blog. It is a wonderful blessing!
Ohh, how fun--Look at all those books--I could just lose myself looking through all those books:)
Hi Kelli!
Oh, my week has been so busy today and I can't believe it's almost Friday again!
I still remember how excited I was as a little girl when I got my new school books! My favourite one were always those for the English and French lessons! Good luck and success for the new school year!
Seeing you tomorrow morning for S&T before I am on my way to another busy day at the office!
Hugs, Anita
We, too, just love it when our new books arrive for fall! I think I get more excited than the kids.
I also love bringing home a few new things in the spring when I attend our local homeschool convention. I can't wait to get home and show the girls.
Have a wonderful Friday.
Isn't it great when your kids are excited about BOOKS?!!
My SIL would always have so much fun choosing books at their local used book store on her limited budget to buy books as gifts for our girls. She told me once that it was so nice to give them the gifts because they appreciated them so much! My other niece and nephew could've cared less!
Don't you just love the smell of new books? :) Looks like you guys are going to have a wonderful school year. I'll "see" you tomorrow!
Mrs. C
Home schooling looks like fun!
I have HATED the mouse trap game since childhood! It is impossible to put the dumb thing together...or at least it was for me. My 9 year old whips it up in minutes!! It's sad really...LOL
How great to get the boxes! Kelli...you have been tagged!
go to my blog to see more!
I can spend all day in the used book store... so I'll bet your kids were really excited to be able to dig in and see which ones were for which kid
There is NOTHING in the world as exciting as getting a box of books in the mail. I still remember my sonlight order- years ago now. I don't use Sonlight anymore, but I love their reading lists so much that I peruse used boards and snag boxes of them whenever I can. In fact, I just brought home about thirty Sonlight readers that were sold in a set at our used bookstore. My was I THRILLED! My kids still haven't caught the book love...but they will...it's contagious.
How fun! It's always exciting to get a new school box in the mail!
Looks like Christmas at your house. How fun! And I love that the boxes went to good use too. That's creative recycling :)
They certainly did look happy diving into those boxes! hehe It's always so much fun getting new books:-) Fern really did tire out herself as well didn't she! lol xox
Oh great pictures Kelli, they really show the excitement of the moment!
It's always fun getting books in the mail! Hope you had a great day.
oh, it's always wonderful to get packages in the mail. and books and school supplies - the best! enjoy!
Sonlight boxes are so much fun to open, as I recall!
This is an awesome site! I cannot wait until I am on my own computer again and can download your magazine to devour.
I am thinking about going through Sonlight for my daughter as well. I will have to come back to your site more frequently!
This is so lovely, here. Thank you. :)
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