Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My September Garden

Hello everyone! Thank you for all your wonderful comments on my Memories Monday post! I enjoyed hearing the names that some of you have for the same special snack!

Do you remember when Grace had one lonely morning glory on her vine? Well, as you can see, there are quite a few more now!

The back of the fence is even better!

I think they are putting on a good show for the end of summer. :0)

My pepper plant has been happy with the cooler temperatures.

I found the head of Benjamin's sunflower on the side of the house. A few birds have been snacking away.


Asparagus fern and bigonias

Twin violas!

Thank you for looking at my September flowers! I can't believe October is less than a week away!


Anonymous said...

What an amzing display of color!!!
Tell Grace that the blue morning glory is really "one-of-a-kind".

Anonymous said...

they are beautiful!

Jen said...

I cannot believe October is so close either. But it is. Your morning glories are so pretty Grace.

Karen said...

I cannot believe you still have gorgeous flowers in bloom. My morning glory gave up about 2 weeks ago, but we *are* in a drought. :-(
Yours are so pretty! Thanks for sharing with us.

Mimi said...

your flowers are still so beautiful....lucky you!!!

Melissa E. said...

Lantana! I saw some pots of that at Home Depot the other day but they were unlabeled and I asked the girl there what they were but she didn't know. I was struck by their pretty fall colors (red, orange and yellow all on the same flower head). I keep looking for some flowers that are pretty for fall but not mums. I like mums fine but they can look a little prim and proper. I like to throw a little "free spirited-ness in there!

By the way, the girls enjoyed their "man in the boat" lunch. My five-year-old enjoyed saying, "And here is his hat" and plopping the extra piece on top! ;-)

dot said...

The morning glory is just beautiful on that fence! Tell Grace she did a good job.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kelli,
As usual your blog blesses my heart and my senses , everything is always so beautiful and festive over here :-)

I have wanted morning glories in my garden more then any other plant, are they hard to grow, do they do well in the hot weather? Where id you get yours from? Sorry about all the questions. I have never seen them in the nursery here so I figure I have to order them or start them fro m seeds.

They are beautiful!!!


*~Tamara~* said...


I've told my daughter she can plant some morning glories in the spring. We did not get to that this year. I'm still in shock that it's almost October. :-P I'll be shopping for mums this weekend.

theups said...

Everything looks SO pretty, Kelli!! I think Grace has a green thumb like her mother!

Mrs. U

... said...

thank you for sharing your september flowers. shows how clueless i am, i didn't think flowers would be blooming this late. they really are beautiful.

Sandra said...

It's beautiful Kelli, love your garden :)

I'm shocked October is almost here too, the kids are talking about Halloween already LOL

Cherish the Home said...

Wow! They are beautiful!

And I can't believe it's almost October either!--Where does the time go?


Sheila said...

That lantana is beautiful! I've never heard of it. Can you tell me more about it? Growing tips? Maybe it doesn't grow in my zone 8?

Just Mom said...

Beautiful. Again.

Sharon said...

Your flowers are so pretty! Our lantana is doing well now.

September seemed to fly!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Kelli - thank you for sharing your lovely garden.

... You reminded me I need to go and water my plants, which I'm going to do now :)

Kimmie said...

Wow, Grace's morning glories really did display their glory! (I planted some this year and they only had one leg and one bloom ;-(
there is always hope for next year though, right?)
I am sending you a (((hug))))this morning, as I just felt like you needed one. A reminder that God has his hand firmly on you and that he will not give you more than you can handle. As the road seems "busy" he will guide you (by his Spirit) through all the detours and will make sure that along the 'road' that you learn to trust him with the details. He loves you with an everlasting love and will never leave or forsake you ;-)

blessings my dear sister!

another ((((HUG)))))
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely beautiful!! I love flower photography.

I am here to let you know that I will be posting my Show N Tell on Thursday evening because I am going in early Friday morning for a heart procedure at the hospital...dunno when I will feel up to blogging while recovering from the operation. But, I'd still like to share this show n tell this week. It won't be posted until Thursday sometime tho.


Hootin Anni said...

a short FYI --the link I left for this Friday's Show N Tell will not be a valid link until I publish it. For now, you'll get "page not found" --because it's still in a draft on my blog admin.

Anonymous said...

Your late summer garden is lovely.

Tell Grace that her morning glories look so much prettier than mine do. I did not have a high enough trellis to let them do what they are supposed to do. She did a nice job with hers. Very pretty.

LadySnow said...

Everything is so beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Oh how beautiful! I have Lantana by our front porch, and it's still just going crazy with those vibrant yellow blooms. With this drought here in NC, it's been just about the only thing to really flourish with all this heat and little water.

Grace's morning glory makes your fence a beautiful focal point.

Hope you have a fantastic Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

Lena said...

All of the flowers are so pretty Kelli, but that morning glory postivily makes my heart sing!
My compliments to Miss Grace.

Susie said...

That morning glory vine is so pretty!
I can almost remember my Grandma having white blooms on hers, but the blue really stands out.
Your garden still has so much color Kelli :)

Front Porch Society said...

More beautiful pictures! Your garden is just so beautiful - wish I had your talent to keep plants & flowers alive! ;)

Myrna said...

Beautiful! Your garden is peaceful. I love the Morning Glories. You hav ethe perfect fence for them to climb all over.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Lantana!

Anita said...

Wow Kelli, the morning glories look stunning at the fence and I very much like your other September Garden pictures, too!

Me too, I can hardly believe that the summer is over now... But I am looking forward to the good sides of fall: more time for new sewing projects... ;-))

Hugs, Anita

Susan said...

Nice photos! Thanks for your comment about teaching.

Unknown said...

So beautiful! Can you come and work in my yard??? Its so bland!

Sarah Markley said...

So beautiful (I esp. love morningglory vines!)

Rose of Sharon said...

Wow, your plants are beautiful! They look like pictures out of a garden book! Good job!

:0) Sharon

Unknown said...

Kelly, in this country Morning Glory like this is a weed - it goes mad and takes over EVERYTHING. Is it like that in Texas?

Blessings and bliss

Heather said...

How beautiful! Thank you for sharing some of God's wonderful creation with us!

Marci said...

Your flowers are beautiful.

Charree said...

What beautiful morning glories. They are simply gorgeous. All of my Columbine have quit blooming (sniff, sniff) I miss getting to see them when I walk out the front door.

Lori said...

Your flowers and garden are always so pretty. Thanks for showing us.

smilnsigh said...

I should make an entry, to remind myself to plant Morning Glories next Spring. I love them. :-) {And I think I've said this before.} :-)


Anonymous said...

Kelli, these are just so inspiring. Montana's grow season is so short and my thumb is not a green one so I just oooh and aaah over yours! Thanks for sharing

Paula said...

Very pretty color in your garden!! Things here are beginning to fade, except I'm patiently waiting for some more mums to begin blooming.


Sonya said...

Morning Glory is my absolute favorite! It looks so beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I love morning glories! Your vine is just gorgeous!

Kelli, I don't see anywhere how to contact you by email so I'm doing it this way.

I'm a little disturbed by Patty's comment about Show and Brag. Since you have such a large following, I'm wondering if you would like to do a post on S&T and bragging, so we can comment on it. I went back and read where you commented on her S&T and she replied, but she didn't reply to mine!

I hope we are not being judged by what we post, or by all of our blog.

Please write me at kkbigjoe@msn.com


Yellow Rose Arbor