Monday, June 23, 2008

Birthday Pictures

Good Morning! I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a fun time celebrating Emily's 9th birthday.

At our house the birthday girl or boy gets to pick out a special box of cereal for breakfast. Grace decorated Emily's chair with red streamers.

One of Emily's favorite gifts was a Koala Webkinz.

She also loved her new Polly Pockets.

Phillip came home for lunch and we had a brownie cake and ice cream for dessert. Then Emily and I got to spend the whole afternoon and evening together. Phillip and Benjamin had a Boy Scout day camp all week and Grace joined them on the last day. Emily and I went to the movie store and stopped for pizza on the way home. We watched Milo and Otis and then Emily went swimming in our small wading pool.

Saturday evening we went to Nana and Papa's house for a cookout.

My friend Heather recently shared a recipe for Refreshing Peach Fizzy, which is perfect for the summer.

I couldn't find white grape and peach frozen juice, so I just used plain white grape. It was very good!

Grace and Emily
Opening more gifts.

And enjoying *another* cake! Thank you for taking a look at Emily's birthday pictures!


Karen said...

Happy Birthday to Emily! Sounds like y'all had a wonderful week-end!

Just Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Emily.

Loved the photos.

Anonymous said...

Happy 9th Birthday Emily !!!! Such a great party and not one, but two, that is so great. You got beautiful gifts, I would love the koala too ; )
The cakes must have been so yummy, they sure look it.
Have a great day !!!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Happy Birthday Emily! I think birthdays are so much fun for the kids and I don't think grown ups should ever stop celebrating thiers ever!! We all need to feel special sometimes.

hugs, Linda

Jen said...

That cake looks so good..lucky girl..Happy Birthday.

Simply Heart And Home said...

Happy Birthday (belated!) Emily! Your day looks wonderful!

Kelli, those cakes look so delicious and I bet they were too! :)

Have a lovely day!

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday, Emily. What a great party! That birthday cake looks SOOO good! Have a great summer, honey.

dot said...

I'm glad Emily had a nice birthday. Great pictures!

Unknown said...

Love the birthday pics. Looks like a great celebration!

Kelley said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Emily!
Sounds like you two had a wonderful day together!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday to Emily! What a fun celebration she had. Hugs, Linda

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! Your birthday cake is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Looked like fun!!!

Oh by the way!!!
If you want to check out my blog go to:

Anonymous said...

Ahh a sweet day for a sweet girl!
happy Birthday!!

Shopgirl said...

Happy Birthday Emily! your Birthday pictures are magical, so special. Have wonderful adventures in your 9th year.
Thank you for coming by, yes, we are so glad for summer.
Hugs, Mary

Anonymous said...

HOw much fun!

Anonymous said...

HOw much fun!

Sharon said...

A very happy birthday wish is sent to sweet Emily on her 9th birthday. It looks like a fun day was had by the family.

TJ said...

Looks like you all had a great weekend! Kaia's 5th Birthday party is this weekend. My how time flies!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday Dear Emily~
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuoooooooo~

and watch the puppy around those cakes!!!
and our puppy LOVES webkinz, so watch those too!!!!!


Fairyluver said...

Glad to see Emily had a great 9th birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful get together for her big day:-)

Mike Golch said...

Emily,a Big Happy Birthday wish for you enjoy yourself! That's my story and I', sticking to it! Big time Hugs and God's blessing to all!

Jennifer Hoots said...

What perfect celebration! My Grace loves similar things. Imagine that! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Emily! Those cakes are works of art. And so CHOCOLATE :)

Shelley said...

Happy Birthday to Emily!! Looks like a fun family time!

nancy said...

What a fun post. I love to see kids having a good time! It looks like she had a great birthday weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! May the Lord bless you with an exciting and fun year!!!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! Looks like you had a fun time! Wow! Two birthday cakes!! Yum!


Farrah said...

Sounds like her birthday this year was wonderful! :-)

Michelle said...

Looks like Emily's special day was lots of fun! Glad everyone had a great time :-)

Brenda said...

What a special birthday weekend! Happy birthday Emily!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and many more!

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a beautiful birthday for her! I am so glad! :)

Hope you are enjoying a lovely summer day today!

LadySnow said...

Her cake looks delicious!

Julie said...

There's an award waiting for you at my blog--have a great day. Julie

Mrs. U said...

It certainly looks like Emily's birthday celebration was extra special!!!

Emily, you are a blessing to your family!! May the Lord bless you!
Happy birthday!

Mrs. U

Missy said...

happy 9th birthday Emily! have a blessed year :)


Sandra said...

Happy 9th birthday to Emily :)

Julie said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Emily. Nine is a magic age. You can tell I now have a grownup daughter. I am not familiar with the toys!

Anonymous said...

That is SOME cake! Looks like everyone enjoyed Emily's birthday, including the birthday girl herself. 9 is a good age to be.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Emily! Great parties and all of those yummy looking goodies! Oh my!
-Heather :)