Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Garden Home Tour

Notes from a Cottage Industry is hosting a Summer Garden Tour and I'm joining in the fun!

Welcome to our cozy back patio. The days are heating up here in Texas, but we can still enjoy early mornings and late evenings out here. My favorite thing to do is to relax with a cup of coffee.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.
~L. M. Montgomery

I have a great view of our water garden from my comfy chair.

The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.

~Joyce Kilmer, Spring

A birdbath hangs near an ivy covered wall in my herb garden.

It is the month of June,
The month of leaves and roses,
When pleasant sights salute the eyes
And pleasant scents the noses.

~Nathaniel Parker Willis, The Month of June

Fairy House
My herb garden is also home to several friendly fairies.

Tiny woods below whose boughs
Shady fairies weave a house;
Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme,
Where the braver fairies climb!

~Robert Louis Stevenson

Won't you stay for some iced tea and a cookie?

So sweet, so sweet the roses in their blowing,
So sweet the daffodils, so fair to see;
So blithe and gay the humming-bird a going
From flower to flower, a-hunting with the bee.

~Nora Perry, In June

I call this little area between the side of the house and fence our Secret Garden. Wisteria climbs up the wall and there are ferns, columbine, bleeding hearts and roses.

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon;
to me those have always
been the two most
words in the English language.

~Henry James

Water garden
Once the sun begins to set, I light candles around the water garden.

That beautiful season the Summer!
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;
and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all
the freshness of childhood.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


The quiet stars came out, one after one;
The holy twilight fell upon the sea,
The summer day was done.

~Celia Thaxter

There is also a floating mirror among the lilypads.

If a June night could talk,
it would probably boast it invented romance.

~Bern Williams


Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting! I hope you have enjoyed the tour!


Charity said...

So pretty! I love the candles and the water garden!

Anonymous said...

Your garden area is lovely!

Michelle said...

Your Garden is just so cute. If I wasn't so many hundreds of miles away, I'd be right down to relax.
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks enchanting, so beautiful, especially with the candles !!! Have a great day !!

Anonymous said...

I would love sitting on the patio having tea and cookies with you! I do candles on my porch too. The grandkids love being out there when they visit.

Paula said...

Very nice garden areas! We have several garden areas, some of which have been overtaken by the weeds--LOL!! But it does do a soul good to work in the garden.


smileymamaT said...

Beautiful!! What a relaxing and pleasant place to rest at the end of day or early morning coffee... especially like the water garden and candles.

dot said...

You have made your home a very beautiful place. Such neat ideas you have!

Michelle said...

So beautiful...love the candles & water garden!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden. I just love how you put candles around your water garden. It looks so pretty lit up.

Rose of Sharon said...

Everything is so pretty! What a lovely garden. You are so gifted Kelli!

:0) Sharon

Jen said...

I loved it all....just loved it. Wished I lived close I would take you up on the iced tea, lol.

Nancy M. said...

Your garden and poems are beautiful!
I love your secret garden as well with the tea and cookies!!

rohanknitter said...

Very pretty - I love your water garden!

Susan of Pink Portuguese Roses said...

So pretty! I'd love to stay for some tea and cookies!

Blessings to you,

Pink Portuguese Roses

Kimberly said...

Absolutely wonderful!!! I love the toes in the pictures, too! You've created a place of beauty and peace.

Lila Rostenberg said...

I was just thinking of that Henry James quote about summer afternoons. In England the afternoon may be divine but here in the American South, especially in the Ozarks, the morning with the birdsong and soft breezes is my favorite! Thanks for a lovely post!

Julieann said...

How so very lovely, Kelli!


Anonymous said...

Once again...I am inspired.

Between flooding and verocious rabbits, I don't have much to show for my spring planting efforts, but your pictures give me a vision - a goal, if you will for the rest of the summer.

Thanks for showing us your garden, Kelli

nancy said...

I surely enjoyed your garden tour. I like to put candles in and around the little pond, too. Light and water, a wonderful combination!
You do such a beautiful job on it.

joyh82 said...

What a beautiful porch you have and I love you little pond. What a cute ideal with the votives around it.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful post, Kelli

Anonymous said...

Kelli,thank you for the tour of your garden I really enjoyed my visit. That's my story. i hope that you are haveing a great day. Many Hugs and God's blessings you way.

Julie said...

I love the "humans welcome" sign--that is cute. Beautiful yard. Julie

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

What a wonderful tour with the quotes included. Just lovely!

hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Kelli, your garden is breath taking. What a wonderful secret hideaway you have.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your garden tour -thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is like a page from "Victoria" magazine! I love the patio furniture! It's beautiful! Wonderful photos!

Wanita said...

Kelli, your garden is beautiful. The candles around the water garden look so lovely and inviting!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Kelli, This was so pretty! I love the secret garden and your wicker furniture set! The little tea lights around the pond was so quaint!

Hope you are having a great week and enjoying your beautiful garden! Hugs, Rhonda ;)

Anonymous said...

very pretty. do you ever worry about snakes? sorry to bring that up, just wondering. I would love to do something like that with my back area, but don't think it would very practical where I live.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I wish I was sitting right there!

Sherri Williams said...

How beautiful!! What a lovely garden and patio you have. I love it!

Terri said...

Kelli, what a beautiful, peaceful spot you have there. Wow!

Sue said...

Your pond looks like such a relaxing spot to sit- especially when it is candle lit!

Kay said...

What a lovely idea to light the votive candles around the pond.... lovely gardens.

The Proverbs Wife said...

I would love a nice cold glass of tea and a cookie. Your garden is lovely. It's like a little paradise. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully I can join on on the garden home tour. It is right up my alley.

I spent most of the day garedning and doing yard work yesterday and still have much to do toaday.

Enjoy your day Kelli

Tori Leslie said...

Very pretty!!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Lovely! And so peaceful!

misskp said...

So pretty...love the "Secret Garden!" Your floating mirror and candles are an idea I will have to borrow...thanks for sharing!

Rowan said...

What a pretty garden, I love your Secret Garden and the pond by candlelight is a delight.

Kristine said...

Loved the tour of your peaceful garden...thanks for posting these pictures. So lovely!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful relaxing garden - and not a weed to be seen! I especially love your little pond at night.

Karen said...

As usual everything is so cozy and inviting! I'd love to sit out there with you and share the ice tea.
(love the toesies peeking out! ;o))

Cathy said...

I loved your beautiful garden pictures and verses, Kelli. And your water garden with candles is so unique and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my garden, yours is just beautiful! I would love a big comfy lounge chair in mine... I am sure my dogs would claim it though :)

Anonymous said...

Girl I need to be sitting there so bad! Looks beautiful.

Simply Heart And Home said...

Lovely, Kelli!

Do you need to bring your cushions from your chairs in when it rains?

The candlelight looks magical! The fairies must especially enjoy that time of evening!



Charlotte said...

I'm glad I stopped by for a visit. It was a beautiful experience.

Rosie's Whimsy said...

What a romantic garden. A perfect place to spend some quiet time! Thanks for the tour! :-) Rosie

Anonymous said...

Kelli~ thanks for your comment! I love your secret garden area with the brick backdrop. Very charming!

Anonymous said...

I love your water garden~ well I love all your gardens~ but the water garden in the cnadlelight is so inviting~Sharon@C'estChouette

Love Bears All Things said...

I love the first picture, such a cozy spot. We have had a little break in the heat and I was able to sit in my garden room this morning. So peaceful.
Mama Bear

Lori said...

Your garden home tour is beautiful.
I love it.
Thanks for showing us all the pictures. I would sure love to stay and have tea and cookies with you. Wished we lived closer.

Anonymous said...

your home and garden always looks so beautiful :)

the said...

Your garden is beautiful ! I really like the pond too, I could sit there all night long :)
Thanks for sharing,

.. said...

Lovely back-porch Kelli. I tagged you if you want to play come by my blog.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Kelli, your garden area is so beautiful! We are so behind in Minnesota, we're finally catching up. I love the lily pond with candles! Thanks for sharing your wonderful garden :)

B. said...

Beautiful garden- love that porch and the candles!!

Mrs. H. said...

I really enjoyed visiting your garden - it almost felt like I was there. I love the candles! They look beautiful and just magical!
Mrs. H.

Priscilla said...

Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures of your garden! I love the fairy door and sweet little garden, I have just posted a bit of a fairy post myself! The candles look so peaceful, how nice to sit out on a summer eve....

Priscilla x

Anonymous said...

That is the loveliest garden tour. So relaxing and inviting. I bet you had to tie Daisy to the mailbox to keep her from messing it all up for the pictures :)

Farrah said...

Your home garden is very poetic! :-)

Mrs. U said...

Kelli, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Everything is SO very pretty!! It looks so cozy and welcoming!

Mrs. U

Julie said...

I love the poems, the candlelit water garden and the fairy spot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...but i want to know...how in the world you get columbine and bleeding hearts to grow in Texas???? I am in central Texas and I have a hard enough time with wisteria!!
Loved your garden tour...maybe you are near me??

Anonymous said...

I looooove the fairy garden! The little wheelbarrow and flower pots... the painted door... just too cute!