I woke up Monday morning inspired to work on the bedrooms. The girls and Benjamin do a great job cleaning and organizing their bedrooms when they put their minds to it, but they also love to get everything out at once, build forts, have sleepovers and then leave everything a mess. Now I know why my linen closet has been empty for the past month!
I also realized that they still had all their "baby" toys in their closets, taking up storage space that could be used for things they actually play with.
I let the girls and Benjamin decide what to get rid of and they filled up lots of boxes for Goodwill. I kept the washer and dryer busy.
Even Daisy was hard at work.
Much better!
We were so proud of all their hard work, we went out for dinner and then ice cream. Hopefully it will still look like this next week. ;0)
Doesn't it feel good to declutter? I have been doing the same thing. Living more simply this year is high on my list.
"Spring" Cleaning is good anytime of the year!! I love Daisy's face!
I too, need to be doing some decluttering but we have some things going on around here that will be preventing it for a while. You did a great job and I love your centerpiece below.
Hi Kelli, I wish I would wake up and get inspired into doing some January spring cleaning. HE! HE!
I had my 4 1/2 year old granddaughter here all afternoon. She thinks I am just her big 4 1/2 year old playmate. It is a lot more fun playing Barbies than it is cleaning. :-)
Have a good Wed. Debbi
early spring cleaning? it's waiting for me too! it's a great after-feeling when all is nice and tidy though :)
What a great feeling. Clean and tidy! Mimi
Looks lovely - much better. Nice and tidy and cozy. :-) I like to "spring clean" throughout the year too. It's a good way to clear my mind and feel like I've got a clean slate for a while.
I love going through the kid's rooms and really cleaning and organizing! My kids also do a good job on their own, but there's nothing like mom showing up once in awhile. Train them while they're young and hopefully they'll have nice organized houses of their own!
I cleaned and scrubbed for hours yesterday. I say any time is a good time - if you are in the mood.
Great job kids! It always feels better to wake up to a clean room/house.
Very inspiring. I plan to declutter this weekend. Wish me luck!
NO NO!Don't you start that spring cleaning again!
It's never too early to Spring clean I always say! Their bedroom looks great now and I'm sure they feel good about donating some of their old toys for some other child to enjoy:-) Isn't it unbelievable what you can find in a closet? lol xoxo
I get that bug at least 4 times a year. And I hear you about the kinds of things that end up in the kids' rooms. Lol.
Yesterday I finished up filling a huge laundry basket with books to donate to the library book sale, and deep decluttering in the boy's room. Today I'm off to the girls' room. I know I'll find a dollie and cute little desk like you have. Somewhere deep in the closet...
Daisy is so cute! I do some "spring" type cleaning in the fall and also now. In spring I'm out in the garden! It looks good!
I am always inspired to "sping" clean right after Christmas. We have been going through clothes! If we haven't worn it in a year, into the goodwill pile it goes!
I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now. I really enjoy your writing!
My spring cleaning is paired with the nesting instinct (I'm 6 months pregnant). It makes for some serious decluttering! I don't enjoy the amount of work it takes but I'm loving the results. I'm a long way from finished but progress is good!
Daisy is so cute, don't accidentally get rid of her. I love it when I get in the decluttering mood. It just doesn't happen often enough. I'm a much happier person when the house isn't a mess. As far as getting rid of clothes if they haven't been worn in a year, well I don't think I could do that.
Doesn't it just make you feel good to get in and make such wonderful order where there was none before? I feel like my home is another layer of clothing I wear and I like it to look nice. Good job!
Roberta Anne
It always feels great to declutter my kids rooms. It is an all day effort and I would rather be doing something else at the moment but the final results are worth it.
Hi Kelli, that is a great cleaning job. You are giving me ideas. I have to clear the clutter in my kids room too ; ) Have a great day !!
Thanks for showing us you're really real :-)
Oh I love decluttering. It just feels so good to get it done. You did a great job.
Hi Kelli, I've tagged you for a 6th Picture Meme. If you get time stop by my blog for more info.
was daisy in the toy box? lol. it sure does look like it! i need to get upstairs on work on the bedrooms myself, uggh. theirs look great!
There is nothing like a good declutter, make room for more great finds! ;o)
Thanks for sharing! Sometimes I feel like my house is the only messy one in blogland.
I too tackled the mess this weekend, and it felt so good once it was done.
I love the reward of dinner and ice cream, especially for MOM! I think we'll have to tackle bedrooms too!
I enjoy getting things back in order
in January too! I love Daisy in the box! It put a smile in my heart!
Great job everyone did!
I know how you feel Kelli, we put our Christmas decorations away on Sunday and now my house looks so bare! I started rearranging this morning, so far, I've only done an arrangement on the hutch and the dining room table. It's definately a work in progress!
Good Luck with yours and thanks for the card supplies, I got it in the mail yesterday!
Ahhh The feeling of Accomplishment! We have been doing "Spring" Cleaning around here also...It feels so nice and clean and I am sooooooo ready for actual Spring... Good Job kids...the room looks great!
My daughter enjoyed seeing the AG dolls on their beds. Since my oldest moved out last week, that's what we were doing with her old room, organizing.
I think you can do spring cleaning anytime. :) Unfortunately I will have to tackle mine as well and I'm TERRIFIED. LOL!
I actually love Spring Cleaning. We do a weekly cleaning in the kids' rooms including dusting, vacuuming, organizing the closet and drawers, taking out the trash, cleaning under the bed and changing the sheets. We usually sort the laundry then too. I try to have a treat ready for them when they're done. It doesn't take long for it to become a big mess again if we miss the weekly cleaning.
I'm in dire need of decluttering, too - your house looks great, &you deserve a treat! :)
looks just the way The Princess's room looks whenever I go over. Monday, I helped her pick up and put away things. It won't stay that way. For some reason, they like to throw everything in the floor.
Mama Bear
I remember those days with the kids bedrooms. They always felt so happy when their rooms were nice and tidy.
I'm in the mood for some spring cleaning myself. Nice clean up job.
Hi Kelli, Looks like Daisy was holding on to her little toy so that you wouldn't throw it away too!
I need to spring clean and declutter too. We have been gone since the holidays so now I can get caught up on all my work!
Love, Ann
Hello there dear friend been a while, but thats ok visiting today was just what I needed... I think this winter early spring cleaning is just what we all need... Course it doesnt help when the garden seed catalogs come in the mail box either and we get itchy to outside planting..
anyhow I have moved to blogger now and just had to drop on by and say hello
It's amazing how quickly kids outgrow toys and clothes. You have inspired me! I love your blog and I've nominated you for a double award at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/skeen/648679/
Great job, everyone! We are going to be decluttering around here as well.
My theory sometimes is--why clean up their rooms to wake up from a nap and mess it up again. BUT my hubby is way different. So with that---I have changed. Though it's hard getting the 3 and 4 year old to clean. And the 1 1/2 year old to not DESTROY the boys room.
I really better get to my cleaning. Spring cleaning though can actually be done in winter that way you don't have to do it spring. Hooray. Take care.
Wow! You were working hard!
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