Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fairy Calendar~Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes for Benjamin! We had a fun day and I'll share pictures next week. For Show and Tell, I'm sharing a "Fairy Days" calendar that my sister-in-law made me a few years ago.

Even though it is out of date, I still keep it displayed in my kitchen.

Take a look at all the wonderful details...

Valentine fairy



Mermaid fairy


Christmas fairy

What was your favorite page? It's so hard to pick just one!

Love fairy
Thank you for taking a look and Happy Valentine's Day!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


Jadehollow said...

Very Cute! I love the September/October page.. Fall is my favorite season.. very creative using the leaves to make the dress.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

My, they are all so pretty. I guess if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the November/December one, closely followed by the March/April. You are so lucky to have such a talented sil!

Have a great weekend!

{oc cottage} said...


M ^..^

Me said...


I LOVE it! I just added homemade calendar to my list of gift ideas. :)

My favorite is the crazy surprised fairy with toothpick legs. Lol

~CC Catherine said...

Hi Kelli! The Calendar is precious! Full of personality! ;) ~CC Catherine

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

What a special calendar, I would continue to display it also. If I had to pick only one it would be March/April. Thanks for sharing it.

Kathy said...

What a precious calendar and a wonderful gift!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Gattina said...

Adorable, it must have been created with a lot of love ! and difficult to say which page is the nicest, they are all beautiful !

Anonymous said...

I think I would do the same thing and display the calendar year-round, too! I can see why you enjoy it so much.

Mimi Sue said...

The calendar is adorable. I love the card you showed yesterday. You have inspired me to make a few valentines this year. Happy Birthday to Benjamin. Mimi

Barbara said...

what a cute...very pretty..
Greetings barbara

Susan B said...

What a cute calendar! It's a lovely keepsake. I think I like March/April (my birthday is in March), and September/October pages the best. Though they all are very cute, and creative!

Carrie said...

The calendar is very special with all the beautiful crafting done to represent the various months. A very nice gift indeed. She is very talented and imaginative.

Ms. Tee said...

What a cute calendar - I love the *windy* one :) Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

Grammy said...

Hi Kelli, You are so creative! I love them all. My collecting side has awaken again so I'm back. LOL Have a great week.

Tina Leigh said...

So this creative DNA runs in the family! That is precious & who would have thought of such a sweet thing?! I love it Kelli!

The Bliss Journey said...

I love it, very creative and fun

Judith said...

My favourite page would have to be March/April because my birthday is in April. Judith

Pink Princess said...

I have entered again.
I adore the Fairy calender, so cute.

Hootin Anni said...

Your sister MADE this? How awesome!!! I'd be keeping it too, for sentimental reasons. Absolutely great.

My SnT is the 2nd of 3 installments of troll doll collection. Hope you can stop by. Have a glorious, wonderful Valentine's Day!!!

Liesel said...

It's beautiful! If it were mine I'd cheriish it <3

My favourite must be March/April. Reminds me of the flowers fairies by Cicely Barker

Anonymous said...

My fave is the march/april page, it's really cute. it's a very nice idea for a Christmas gift!
I posted my own S&T and as usual Mr Linky doesn't work, so here's the link to my post

P. said...

This is such a lovely idea.


Kim said...

I love the calendar. How precious! What a wonderful keepsakes for you and your family for years to come. Love and enjoy your blog!

Anonymous said...

Kelli!!!!!!! your so inspiring me that I am finding I'm spending a fortune on supplies at the craft shop these days!! Can you make more 'boring ' things please so that I dont get excited about making stuff!!!! LOL!

I just so loved your birds nest jar display that today I went and got some stuff to make a similar one for myself!! Have a great weekend!

Missy Wertz said...

Kelli, it is very hard to pick one page. Your SIL did such a beautiful job! There is so much detail and it is so precious. Thanks for sharing!

SmilingSally said...

Your SIL spent hours on this; she must think highly of you. Thanks for sharing.

suzeeez said...

I love all of the pages,each one is so cute. I can't pick a favorite.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful, I can't decide which page is my favorite.

Constance said...

March/April is adorable! I love the cherry blossoms and the way she is being swept away! I would treasure it also, it doesn't matter that it's out of date. You must challenge one another creativly!

LBP said...

What a beautiful calendar! I like the November/December the best, though you are right it's hard to choose!

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelli.

The calendar is absolutely stunning. I would love to make this.
Could you show how to do each month in your Thursday crafting step by step? I can figure out what some of the items are on each page but not all. Would be nice to have a list of items required to complete each month. Thanks!!!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Kelli! I love this. I love little calendars. How adorable. Everything about is so sweet. have a blessed day!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

That is so cute, Kelli!! I think my fave is Mar/Apr, but they are all adorable. I can see why you still keep it out!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a special and loving gift. Hugs, Marty

Debbie J said...

She really put a lot of work into each of them, but as always, I love fall, so its the fall page that I like best.

cryssi said...

I love it! It is so cute. My daughter is peeking over my shoulder and going crazy because she loves fairies.


Anonymous said...

I love this. How pretty!

Jane said...

How cute! And I love the rose knob on the side of your cupboard. Where did you get it?

Jules said...

I think march/april is my favorite. very cute calendar. I love your cupboard too. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That is just adorable!! What a labor of love. I would still be keeping it up, too!

Heather said...

wow this calendar is amazing. definitely the coolest calendar ever! i love march/april!

Janet, said...

They are so pretty. She put a lot of work into it. I think I like the fall one best.

Katie @ said...

Oooh how inspiring. We're working on our remodel today (it's break time!), but once we're finished, oh how I want to make a few cards. You've completely inspired me.

Needled Mom said...

How clever! I can see why you would still keep it up. I love the one with the leaves.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your SIL did an amazing job, its so pretty. Thanks for sharing it.

Tracy said...

It's adorable, Kelly!

Susie Homemaker said...

How very cute this creative...


Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful Kelli! :) Have a glorious weekend!

Jennifer said...

Such a sweet labor of love gift!

Tami said...

So adorable! I think the sept/oct page was my fav or was it the july/aug.....they are all so cute!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Wow, how talented is she?! Beautiful!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Love it! My favorite is the last one, the blonde fairy with the very surprised face. Reminds me of myself half the time! thanks for hosting this Friday fun! Cass

Lura said...

That is so cool! I love the Nov/Dec. one!

Lilly's Home Journal said...

This is so favorite is a toss up between September/ October and March/April. She did a beautiful job!

Happy Valentine's Day

The Raggedy Girl said...

I was totally entranced by this calendar. I need another project like I need another ten pounds on my hips but this is so incredible I might have to give it a try.
Roberta Anne

Sue said...

I can see why you would keep it out, you are right there is a lot of detail in the workmanship, not to mention the love that went into making it.I want to wish you a very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.

Elena said...

That is just precious. It is hard to pick but I would say that March/April is my favorite. Have a Happy Valentine's Day too!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, I can understand why you still display it.

Can't find Mr Linky!

I will come back later to add it, but for now, here is my post.

Elizabeth said...

Kelli, That is just beautiful! I will have to get my daughter, Sarah (lover of fairies) to stop by and see it.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I think I like March/April as she looks like she is having fun floating around in the breeze!

Anonymous said...

Oh my
that is one of the cutest things I have seen

(I love the cupbaord too by the way)

Anonymous said...

those are adorable! :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Irma said...

Gorgeous! The Fall page is my favorite, I love the way she used the leaves!

Denise said...

I just love your blog and especially Show and Tell Friday! This is my first time joining in with you. Thanks so much!

GlorV1 said...

Kelli, I loved every month. I can't just pick one favorite because I think it's a great idea to make a calendar like the one you received. I love it and thx for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day.

Mindy said...

So cute!!! March/April is my favorite.

I added a fun poll to my blog, where readers can predict whether our baby is a girl or a boy. Come on by and vote!

Divamom said...

That calendar is too cute! The diva in me picked the Nov/Dec fairy for my favorite! Had to go with the glitter! Something that cute has to be prominently displayed no matter how out-of-date it is! Luv it!

Be Blessed!

Anonymous said...

so inspiring! thanks!

love, tina-kleo

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

I see why you have kept that special calendar around,It is lovely.

akawest said...

What an adorable calendar. March/April gets my vote as the cutest.

Happy Valentine's Day.

SueLovesCherries said...

I love the May/June page best! And . . . I LOVE fairies!

Linda said...

This is a precious book...a sweet work of art. I'm usually able to pick a favorite them all. Happy Valentines Day...hugs,Linda

Little House By The Sea said...

I love this calendar. I have posted an award for you over at my blog.

Naturegirl said...

Lots of love tied into that creativity! Lovely calender! Happy Valentine's Day to you Kelli!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

How cute is that!! Yes, it's too special to throw away just because it's out of date! She is very talented!


Anonymous said...

My show and tell are the pretty pink pillow cases and bedding I made for my bedroom.

Mel said...

That is one of the cutest things ever!

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

How pretty, Kelli! I also really love the towel holder hanging on the curio/hatch that the calendar is on. ;o) I love the glimpses into your lovely home!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Kelli. I love May/June the best.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Kelli!

Just had a chance to take a close look at your calendar. Really sweet and very creative. I especially like the Mar/Apr page with the pretty blossoms and embellishments.

Kindly, ldh

Carla said...

How darling!!!

Michelle said...

I think the Christmas page is my favorite.. but then again, I love them all! What a special, special gift.


Alice said...

Kelli - I love the fairy calendar. I would continue to display it also. A lot of love went into making it. My favorite page was the March/April one. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us.

marie said...

What a special treasure your fairy book is! I think my favorite page is Nov/Dev. I love the hairdo on the little fairy. A close second would be Sept/Oct with that cute little leaf dress.
It's all in the details!!


Oh what beautiful cards.. I love them all.. they are so colorful and just beautiful..
So glad to be a part of " Show-n-Tell".

Farrah said...

That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO neat!!