Monday, February 23, 2009

My Daybook

I am participating in Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook today.

~For Today~
Monday-February 23, 09

Outside My Window...

the mourning doves are thinking about building a nest.

I am thinking...

that I need to get up earlier.

I am thankful for...
an early springtime.

From the learning room:
We are working on multiplication drills. Do they ever end?!

From the kitchen...

Monday~Creamy Oven Chicken
Homemade Pizza
Farmhouse Chicken
Thursday~Saucy Chicken Sandwiches

I have lots of chicken to use up this week!

I am wearing...

jeans and a black shirt.

I am creating...

coffee stained gift tags.

I am reading...

back issues of Martha Stewart.

I am hoping...

to make some progress cleaning up the backyard gardens this week.

I am hearing...

the girls eating cereal and Benjamin coughing. He isn't feeling well today.

Around the house...

are a few loads of laundry to finish and a kitchen floor to mop.

One of my favorite things...

my morning cup of coffee.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

On Tuesday, Grace and I are getting our eye exams. I've been wearing glasses for the past two years and am finally going to get contacts. I'm nervous though...any words of advice?

Here are two pictures that I am sharing...

This past weekend was the Cub Scout "Dad and Lad Cake Bake-off." Here is Benjamin cutting up strawberries.

The theme was "What America Means to Me, so Phillip and Benjamin made a delicious flag cake with homemade buttercream frosting and lots of strawberries, blueberries and exactly 50 stars!

Thank you for reading my Daybook and I hope you have a great start to your week!


Anonymous said...

HI Kelli! I enjoyed reading your Daybook. The "Dad and Lad" cake looks delicious. I bet it t was a lot of fun for your two boys.

Have a great day. Love, Debbi

Ladybug's Mom said...

I got contacts after wearing glasses for 20 plus years. I'd recommend getting the kind that you can wear for 24 hours straight for a month. Even though you would never do that, they allow the maximum amount of Oxygen to get to your eyes, so your eyes don't feel tired or dry.

Jen said...

love the cake...great father son good is the saucey chicken interested they look so good...i hope benjamin feels better soon.

Nancy M. said...

I enjoyed your Daybook. I love the recipes also. Thank you for sharing..
Have a wonderful early Spring Day!!
PS I really love your cards. You have a great talent.

Elena said...

Great post! You are a very busy lady with organiztion and purpose. Love the photos of your son and the cake. Beautiful job on the decorating. I made one similar last year for the 4th of July! Have a great week. Elena

Judy said...

I enjoyed reading your "Daybook" and the cake looks yummy. The guys did a great job.

Love Bears All Things said...

When I saw your name in the link list, I wondered if it was you.
I am visiting Texas in a couple of weeks and its nice to know the weather is good. I look forward to walks outside.
Have a good week and hopefully I'll see you Friday if I can figure out the picture thingy on this computer.
Mama Bear

LBP said...

Good luck with your contacts. Yngwie has been wearing them since he was 12 with no problems whatsoever. I too am headed to the eye Dr. this week and I am trying them again. My eyes are so dry that I haven't had alot of luck with them.

Anonymous said...

no, times tables never end!!!! i am hsing 7 kids for 16 yrs now so i know!!! lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Loved reading your daybook! :)

Marnie said...

Oh that cake looks wonderful! I have tried that same recipe for Farmhouse Chicken, and my family really liked it. I forgot about it though. So, hurray!, you solved my "What's for dinner?" question. Thank you!


American Homemaker said...

Sounds like a good day :)

Unknown said...

kelli, the cake looks yummy. I love your blog.
have a great day.

Heather said...

Happy Monday to you! good luck with the contacts. When I first got mine it would take me 45 minutes to get them in. That lasted about 1 week, then slowly but surely it started taking less time to get them in, 30 minutes, then the next time might be 15 minutes, etc., before I knew it I was a pro! Just stick with it. It's very frustrating at first, but I promise it gets easier!!! Just have patience and determination. Not wearing glasses is awesome!

Linda said...

Super cake and adorable young man. Have a great day, and I'm enjoying reading your blog. I think that's a good thing to plan your week ---I need to get up earlier too for my goal.
Blessings, Linda

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Kelli
I enjoyed reading your day book. The flag cake looks delicious.
I have been wearing contacts for 15years and I love them. They are daily disposables. I put a new pair in every morning and throw them out before I go to sleep. They took a bit of getting used to putting in and out but my advice is just persevere and you will get there!My daughter has just tried contacts last week. The optician put them in for her but she just couldn't do it herself so she is going back again later this week for another go.
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous cake!

I've had contacts since I was 14. Make them show you how to put them in for the first time, other people touching my eyes freaked me out in the beginning!

I prefer the 2 week kind but I take them out at night because I inevitably will rub my eyes during the night. Nothing is worse than a contact stuck on top of your eyeball! lol

TJ said...

Outside my window it is pouring rain! I'll look into your chicken recipe, since we are doing chicken on Sunday, and my hubby isn't a big chicken fan. Maybe a new recipe will make it better?

Anonymous said...

Loved the cake. My son just joined Cub Scouts I hope his group does that event it looks like a lot of fun. Hope your son feels better.

Unknown said...

It was fun reading your Daybook. The cake looks delicious!

The Parson's Wife said...

practice holding your eyeball open and poking it with your finger... no, just kidding really! This is the hardest part, getting the contact on the eye, but it usually takes only a few days. Don't wear makeup to the contact fitting, it will just rub off as they teach you to place it on your eye anyway. Bless you!

Tina Leigh said...

Nice Daybook Kelli! Handsome son that can cook...lock him up & throw away the key!! LOL!

GlorV1 said...

That was really nice, especially the Dad and Lad cake. How nice that you all share. Take care.

Bonnie said...

This is so cool, Kelli. I actually went to Peggy's and did one too. Love the flag!

Bonnie said...

This is so cool, Kelli. I actually went to Peggy's and did one too. Love the flag!

Linda said...

Hi Kelli, I enjoyed your daybook. Loved the cake and you are going to have some yummy meals this week.

I use to wear contacts and loved them...just besure to clean them as directed and you'll love them too...hugs, Linda

Sharri said...

Hi Kelli,
Great entry in your daybook!
Tell the guys they did a superb job on the dessert! (Did mom help any--or did the guys do it alone!?)

Jackie said...

Kelli, thanks for sharing your day with all of us. Mmmm, that cake looks scrumptious.

God bless.

Jennifer said...

I enjoyed your daybook - and your menus for this week sound great. I can never have enough chicken! Have a great week!

Divamom said...

The cake looks delicious! We did one of those for 4th of July and it turned out great! I wore glasses for 33 yrs and tried contacts for 3 yrs. I liked them, but my eyes would get extremely dry, so I went back to glasses this past September. My prescription was too strong (blur is my middle name) to get the ones that stay in continuously. They take getting used to, especially putting them in, but I did like them. Good luck! Be Blessed!

Dot said...

Oh boy that looks good! Bet you are proud of your two guys!
I love the daybook. Tina did it a few times and I really enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Contact?? I've been wearing them for 20 years or so. Practice a little every day wearing them and be patient with the putting them on/off thing. Good luck!

BECKY said...

Enjoyed your daybook, but then I always enjoy reading whatever you post!!

I'm going to purchase a couple of things from your Etsy for my 100th post giveaway!! I thought it would be great way to promote my bloggy friends businesses


CarJax said...

Hi Kelli,

I love your blog and this great post. I've also checked out your Etsy Shop. You create such beautiful cards and things!

I decided to stop lurking and introduce myself and thank you for your wonderful inspiration. :O)

Lastly, I wanted you to know that I'm hosting my first give-away (for a funny reason). Come see and join the fun, if you'd like.



Kathy Butryn said...

Hi Kelli! Fun to read your post today. You'll really enjoy contacts...think about the great sunglasses you can have!

I've worn contacts for about 30 years, so they've changed ALOT over that time. I think you'll love wearing'll do great!


Paula said...

I enjoyed reading your Daybook post, Kelli. Hope you have a great week! :)

Alice said...

Hi Kelli, I've been looking at your Etsy store. I don't know anyone locally who sells on Etsy. Is it easy to list? and, do you have good results with it? I am just used to eBay, but willing to try something new :O). Thanks, Alice

The Liberty Belle said...

Thanks for sharing your daybook Kelli. I have to say my morning cup of coffee is one of my favorite things too! The photographs are lovely and I certainly wouldn't mind having a slice of that cake!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

That cake looks yummy! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I love reading your blog and also saved all the seasonal magazines you put together. LOVE THOSE! I get so many ideas so thank you. I am sorry I do not wear contacts. I just keep switching my glasses whether I want to see far away or read. What a PAIN!

Anyway, I have a question for you regarding your pizza recipe. Can you please tell me how you measure the temperature of the water? I have wanted to make pizza dough for my family, but always stop because I can't figure this part out. Thank you so much Kelli

Carla said...

What a great cake! Have a great week:)

Kim said...

Hi Kelli,
I just found your blog after visiting Between Naps on the Porch. Your home is lovely, so warm and cozy and inviting. I love that there are so many young Christian mothers like myself in this circle of blogs. It is so peaceful to just browse through and "meet" all of you incredible women. Thanks for sharing your story!

Kelli said...

Hi Christa!
If you have a thermometer, get your water up to 110F. Most of the time I don't do that though, I just run my kitchen tap until it's quite warm, but not hot. This crust is very forgiving. Let me know if you try it! I've been making it once a week for a little over a year.

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli,

You are so organized. I absolutely love your Daybook and that cake..oh my gosh, it looks so delicious and beautiful!!

LillyB said...

Love your day book!!

Sandy M. said...

I made the Creamy Oven Chicken you have on your menu and it is so fantastic. I had garlic mashed potatoes with it which were great but I think it could also go over pasta. The flavor is delicious.

Farrah said...

Yum! I want a piece of that cake!