Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday This and That

Good morning! Thank you to all who participated in Show and Tell Friday and the comments on my fairy calendar. I hope you had a relaxing weekend, with a little Valentine's Day fun, too.

This past Thursday was Benjamin's 8th birthday. We went out to lunch and then had Nana and Papa over for a pizza dinner.

I think he liked his new Webkinz.

Just like last year, Benjamin asked me to make him a "dirt cake."

Dirt cake
Layers of crushed oreos, vanilla pudding and gummy worms.

Valentine's Day was also fun. I left little surprises on the kitchen table.

And Benjamin wrote me a very special poem.

Now that we are finished with birthdays until May, I need to start weeding and cleaning up the yard. These daffodils just popped up in our neighbors garden. As you can see, spring comes very early in Texas!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I'll be back tomorrow with some recent thrift store finds!


Anonymous said...

A very, very special birthday to Benjamin and the wish of many more to come. God bless!
Sarita in Texas

Kathryn said...

Having grown up in Texas I love seeing the daffodils! Happy Birthday to your Benjamin, mine will be 2 in April! The look on his face with the new webkins is priceless!

Sue said...

That expression on his face in the second photo is truly priceless! That cake looks fabulous. It's been years since I have had one of those.
Happy Birthday, Benjamin!

Susie Homemaker said...

Don't you love it when you can see it on their faces how much they love a gift?
you get daffodils...we're getting a storm...
Ahhh, winter in New England.


Judy said...

You always make your children feel so special on their birthday's. Happy "belated" Birthday to Benjamin.
I walked the yard the other day looking for signs of Spring but really didn't find too many...your flowers are pretty and something I needed to see this morning with temps still hovering around 20° this morning.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Benjamin! Love the dirt cake!!!

The Old Parsonage said...

Flowers in Feb? I'm jealous, we just got snow Sat night!

Happy b-day to Benjamin!!

Jen said...

Our flowers are slowly peeking through. I love it...signs of Spring...Benjamin looks to have had a great day.

cryssi said...

Oh I cant wait for Spring..temps are still below freezing here most nights. Happy Birthday Benjamin! That look is Priceless.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a great birthday. I love his dirt cake, the very best. Great pictures. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

Hey Benjamin! I see that Kit Kat bar hiding behind your cereal bowl. The breakfast of champions!!! Especially in a birthday. Glad you had a good one.

Anonymous said...

It's still winter here and the daffodils are everywhere!
Looks like Benjamin had a fun birthday!
Julie D.

The Raggedy Girl said...

Happy Birthday to Benjamin and what a lovely family celebration.

Happy Presidents Day To You
from Roberta Anne

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! What precious pictures of your big boy. You certainly have had a busy, busy February!

It is still winter here but our daffodils are starting to make their way out of the soil. I need to get out and clean up our yard too.

Look forward to seeing your new thrifty goodies. Hope you, and everyone else you love, have a blessed week. Debbi

Tina Leigh said...

Looks like yall had a great birth-DAY and and good Valentine's Day. I love the pictures.

Jules said...

Glad you had such a wonderful time with your family. Enjoyed seeing the joy on your son's face after receiving a gift from you. The flowers are beautiful! Enjoy reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Benjamin !!!
That dirt cake looks so very yummy !!!
The Valentine's goodies look great.
Those two hearts were sent to me by a sweet friend from The States a while ago.
Have a fantastic day.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, a lovely family, and my belated H.B. wishes to Benjamin!

Just Mom said...

I would love that dirt cake recipe. Would you mind e-mailing it to me whenever you get a chance? Pretty please?? :-D

Happy Birthday to Benjamin, and Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family.

Just Mom said...

Oh! LOVE it that you have spring flowers already.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Kelli. How nice you celebrate events and such classic touches always. I know Benjamin had a very Happy Birthday because it showed on his face. Have a great week ahead and I look forward to your next post. Take care.

Bethany Hudson said...

How wonderful! Happy birthday to Benjamin! I love the dirt cake, and his poem to you was so precious. I'm jealous of your daffodils, though...we won't see any until near Easter.

Heather said...

wow that dirt cake looks yummy! glad you all had a nice valentine's day.

ohiofarmgirl said...

Wish spring would come early in not until April if we are lucky. Dianntha

Lady Laura said...

Happy birthday to your son! The picture of the daffodils is a sight for sore (longing) eyes. We're at 32 degrees in Columbus, Ohio right now. It will be several weeks before we see anything popping up. It helps you hold on to the faith that Spring is on the way when you see that it's already taken root elsewhere in the States. It's all just a matter of time--all things in His time.

P.S. You're a very lucky Mom to get a special poem from your son!

Mrs. E. said...

Daffodils in February! I can only dream as I look out onto our white snow covered landscape which will stay until April and sometimes even May!Enjoy!
Blessed Monday to you,

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a very special weekend! Glad it was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy your blog. I love the kit-kat bar along with the morning cereal. That's a breakfast my daughter would have eaten when she was younger. The dirt cake looks fantastic - do you put gummy worms in it?

I am so jealous that you are seeing signs of's still cold and gray here!!

Being Mrs Miles said...

oh Kelli, I am so envious of your spring, can you PLEASE send some here?

Your son's card is a treasure!

thx for sharing

Love Bears All Things said...

Valentine and Birthday traditions make memories. I used to do the same and make the cake the children chose as well as cook their favorite meal.
Mama Bear

Carla said...

Happy Birthday to your big boy! My dirt cake never looked so good:)

Pink Slippers said...

Handsome boy and yummy cake.
Happy Birthday to your sweet son.

Susan B said...

Happy Birthday to your son! The cake looks delicious. The daffodils are beautiful.

Mimi Sue said...

You will treasure that Valentine even more when he's grown. He's a cutie. Mimi

Joyce said...

That was just the sweetest post regarding Benjamin's birthday. He looks so cute!!
Loved that cake too....they are so funny.
The kids over here LOVE those crazy Webkinz....I know ALL about them even though my kids aren't little anymore.

My Daffodils are coming up nicely but aren't blooming yet....Spring comes early here in Louisiana too but apparently it comes SOONER in Texas. HA!
Be blessed,
Joyce in Baton Rouge

Secondhand Blessings said...

Daffoddils! I'm envious, we had snow flurries yesterday (Central WV) and they are calling for more snow on Thursday!
I also am a big fan of dirt cakes, they are so versatile. You can put them in a terra cotta pot with some garden tools, and an artificial flower of your choice, I've even seen them in a child's beach bucket with a small shovel.
The one you made for Benjamin is also very appealing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin! That dirt cake looks delicious!

GranthamLynn said...

What a fun birthday. Cake makes me hungry! I miss those days! Love the daffs...I have tulips popping up. Soon I'll have some pretty flowers. I am trying to get veggies in but I am fearful it is too early. I keep putting them out in the yard then bringing them back in at night!
Have a great week.

Brooke said...

That valentine from your son is an absolute keeper. What a very lucky Mommy you are. Put that one in a really special place.

Barbara said...

Looks like he had a great day and thank you for sharing the daffodils... I won't be seeing mine for at least 2 months...

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin! I love your dirt cake, made with our favorite cookies.
Oh, I wonder what treasures you found? Hugs, Linda

Jodi said...

I love his reaction in that second picture! Hope he had a great day!

Michelle said...

What a fun evening for Benjamin..and such a sweet Valentine's poem he wrote you. That dirt cake looks delicious!!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

That picture of Benjamin opening up his webkinz is precious! Happy Birthday, Benjamin!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday to Benjamin! What a great looking cake. The daffodils look so nice. I can't wait to see them here in Georgia.
Thanks for visiting my show and tell.

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin!!

marie said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Benjamin! Looks like he loved the webkinz and what an excellent choice of cake. Kelli, you even make a dirt cake look elegant!!

Lady Katherine said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin! Love your dirt cake, its great for boys! Your tablecloth looks so pretty. The Daffodils are blooming here too.

Ms. Tee said...

What a great birthday - the cake looks yummy. I don't blame him for asking for it again! The daffodil photo is gorgeous. Have a good week! :)

Julie said...

Thanks for that glimpse of spring. As you know, we won't get daffodils until April here in ND!