Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lily Pads and Jasmine

It's another rainy day, but the lily pads are greening up nicely.

And my Jasmine bloomed! Enjoy your day.


aimee said...

Have a blessed day!

Julie said...

Yes - and if it does not stop raining pretty soon...I am going to look a whole lot like that frog!

KBeau said...

It's quit raining for a while in Alabama. Just hope we don't have the drought we had last summer. Spring has been nice. Finally warm weather.

Mary Anne said...

Sometimes I enjoy rainy days. They can provide a nice cozy feeling. Your pictures are lovely.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Jasmine was on sale at the Walmart the other day. I almost caved. It smells SO good.

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet that fragrance is heavenly!

Ashley ~ said...

Your Jasmine is so pretty, and smells SO good*! ::sniff:sniff::
Hope you're having a great day*!

Anonymous said...

HI Kelli! The pictures are beautiful. It is raining here too but it rains here a lot. :-(

Have a great day. Love, Debbi

LadySnow said...


The dB family said...

Isn't it amazing how the rains make everything green up so beautifully!!

Audrey said...

Wow! Thats really pretty! I love that photo.
I really love all the crafts you do too.

Needled Mom said...

Ohhhh....I can almost smell the jasmine. Ahhhhh...it smells so good.

My initial look thought that was a real frog.

Heather said...

Beautiful jasmine. Must do better on your side of town...lol
Mine is looking pathetic.
Enjoy the rain.

Elena said...

Hi, you have such a lovely blog. I love your Show and Tell Friday idea - I would love to join in with the next edition - I have three blogs so I'll have to decide which blog to use it on.
Thank you for hosting it.

God Bless,
Elena :)

Love Bears All Things said...

I noticed a bloom on our Lily pads yesterday. And my Jasmine is yellow and blooms earlier.
Mama Bear

Linda C said...

Lilly pads remind me of summer Bible camp. I had never seen them before as a child and just loved the blooms laying on top of the water:)

Thanks for a peek at your new blooms- I love Spring! My tulips are blooming, so it has finally arrived here in the north too!

Have great day, Kelly:)

Linda C

Unknown said...

I can almost smell the sweet jasmine from here!

Ali said...

That looks so restful!

Ali @ Moon Garden

Barbara Jean said...

I just fouund and looked at several things on your side bar: crafts you have done, decorating for times of year.
They are wonderful.

If any of you have missed looking at those it's worth the time!!

Thanks for all the great ideas Kelli!!

Barbara Jean