Good morning! The most beautiful month in Texas has arrived. I'd like to share some of my favorite things from last May with you...
I thought that spring must last forevermore
For I was young and loved, and it was May.
When April steps aside for May,
Like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten;
Fresh violets open every day:
To some new bird each hour we listen."
- Lucy Larcom
"The world's favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May."
-Edwin Way Teale
"Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun."
-Kahlil Gibran
Thank you for taking a look at some of my favorite things about May. This past week I noticed that our Mourning Dove is back on her nest, above our front porch. I'm looking forward to seeing the new babies in a few weeks. What are you looking forward to this month?
All of the pictures are beautiful, but when I saw the ladybug on the flower my heart just went "ahhh... May!"
Thanks for these photos. They are all special.
Mama Bear
I'm looking forward to some sunshine.
You are right, it is beautiful. I'm ready for a bite of that watermelon!
You May photos are beautiful!! Your porch looks so cozy!! And I love your
returning dove!! How precious!
What a beautiful post! Delightful photos!!!
Great pictures!
Take Care,
Welcome May indeed! I hope you dove prospers.
Ali @ Moon Garden
I love all of your May pictures! Your flowers are gorgeous:)
Up north here we are wary of buying watermelon this early--often not ripe enough. But yours looks delicious:)
Happy Monday!:)
Linda C
So sweet that you met your husband in San Diego. :)
Lovely pictures! I am dying for a slice of watermelon.
Ah May... I love to watch all the buds and can't wait until they open. My peonies are getting ready to open and so are my clematis vines. Your pictures are beautiful.
HI Kelli! Your pictures are beautiful. We have lots of things blooming here in the NW.....azaleas, tulips, dogwoods, lots of flowering trees. It is truly beautiful but I do wish the sun would shine a little more.
In May I am looking forward to Mother's Day and on May 16th I am co-hostess for a Ladies Spring Tea at our Church. It is a really fun event for our ladies. I am also looking forward to getting outdoors and doing some planting.
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pictures. You have a talent for photography too. Love, Debbi
Love seeing all your pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing my flowers coming out of the ground and getting ready for summer.
We need to go up to the campground and get our RV ready for the season. The first weekend there will be over Memorial Day weekend. My two daughters and their family will also have their RVs there.
Two of my grandsons have birthdays in May we will celebrate at camp.
I'm loving the month of May in your post today, and right outside my window*! So pretty*! _Ashley*
very pretty. i love your little bunny tea set :)
What beautiful photos, I love the waterlillies photo xxx
What a wonderful post!
May is my favorite month. Not only for the welcome spring and all its beauty, but because its my birthday month and the month that I married my sweet husband.
Thanks for sharing the loveliness around you!
Your May looks much different from ours... LOL
I haven't seen any ladybugs yet.
Love your pictures. We have Koi too. They are getting huge!
Your photos are beautiful Kelli! I'm most looking forward to warm weather this month. I'm tired of the cold and the rain. Send some of that sunshine our way :)
I am also hoping that I might get lucky enough to find out the gender on these babies this month, and that will make it the best month of all. That may need to wait til the beginning of June though.
Such beautiful photos...I love seeing your morning dove! I just love May :)
You have such lovely photos, as you always do.
I am looking forward to my birthday on Saturday, and also my son's birthday this month, and my son-in-law's, and my 2 brothers' and my niece's. I am really looking forward to my daughter coming home for summer vacation in May. I am also looking forward to Friday when I hope I will have figured out how to participate in Kelli's Show and Tell!
Oh your pictures are lovely:)
I am looking forward to my peonies blooming!
Thank you for sharing,
Lady M
I noticed while walking on Friday that the magnolias are all ready to burst forth. I absolutely LOVE magnolias and can hardly wait to walk past bloom heavy trees.
Hi Kelli, love all your pictures. I too love this time of year and all the new life in flowers and nature's babies. We have several lambs that have been born, new Iris' in the garden, and a million lady bugs! I'm loving it!
Have a blessed day.
Kelli, I just love it when you walk around and take pics and share them with us!! I love seeing what you see and love!! Beautiful photos!!
In May I look forward to my birthday...another year God has granted me on this earth, to the seasonal rain, and then we get strapped in for hurricane season starting in June!!
Have a joyful week,
Lovely May post....everything looks so fresh and new.
Hugs, mary
Your pictures are gorgeous, Kelli. Just breathtaking!
May in TX sure is different than May here in CT. :) Things are just now beginning to pop up and bloom in my gardens. What I'm looking forward to this month is harvesting the rhubarb and making lots of strawberry rhubarb crisp.
Is that jasmine in the picture with the dragonfly? I love the scent of jasmine.
P.S. I did my first Show & Tell entry on Friday. Hope to do many more too.
I love your home Kelli & so glad you show it to us!
I'm looking forward to strawberries and warm temps this month.....cant wait!
Oh the photos are beautiful - so colourful. Thank you for sharing.
Elena :)
Thank you for a look into Spring. I knew it was coming! We are just a little behind at 6000'
I am looking forward to catching up on YOUR blog. Boy, I have missed this place! There really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
Thanks for being here, and I am glad to be back!
What beautiful pictures...thanks for sharing.
Here in Maryland, I'm looking forward to warmer weather and so far, May hasn't stepped's 56 degrees today (and rainy as well) So far, this is what May has given us.
What pretty photos! Can I sit on your patio and eat watermelon with you?
I loved taking a peek at your pictures! Spring is such a great time to greet!
I am looking forward to days spent in the garden and watching in awe as my flowers come back, esp considering how cold and snowy our winters are here! Love to walk barefoot in the fresh green cool grass too!
Lovely quotes and images of May. I am looking forward to celebrating our birthdays, all the women in our family are born in May. This May I turn 50, a milestone.
Very nice Kelli. Lots of flowers and that's really very nice. I stopped by your Etsy to check it out and hey, you are rocking girl! Very nicely done. Thx for sharing and have a great evening.
Kelli, your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your favorite things about May.
God bless.
I feel like I've just visited a friend! Thanks so much for all these gorgeous pictures of your favorite things of this time of year. The coy pond was so beautiful and relaxing to look at, but then so is that little spot all set for tea. Is the kettle on now? I think a cup would be nice right about now. :) Thanks again for the visit!
Yay! What a wonderful post. I have my glass of wine by my side and so it's tipped to you! To this May! Cheers!
Beautiful pictures!
Looking forward to the inspector coming back to say that the new roof is up to par. Looking forward to getting in the new furnace and swamp cooler and a new railing on the back steps. Then, we can relax and get on with our flower bed cleaning and planting! Ahh, how I love the Springtime!
For me, the weather getting cooler! (it is Autumn here in Australia). I love getting to use our wood heater! My daughter says her favourite season is Winter because "I love to snuggle, Mamma". :)
Your little bird is so sweet, and I just love the photo of your home in the rain- that big chimney just beckons, it looks so warm and comforting. :)
Oh that watermelon!! Be still my heart!
I'm totally looking forward to lots of warm, sunny mornings taking the girls down to the park near our new house. Nothing feels more blessed!
Very nice pictures. I have had to make two trips to East Central Tx in the last month and am amazed every time at how much prettier things are down there compared to up here in Northern Oklahoma. I cant wait for the end of May, first of June for our stuff to really brighten up!
Thank you for sharing all those lovely pictures! May has been pretty cold and wet, so we haven't had much time outside!
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