Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Today I would like to show you my hankie collection. I started it a few years ago when my mom found several of them at a yardsale and gave them to me. I keep them on my nightstand, on top of a few stackable boxes.

The lady that my mom bought them from would pick up a new one whenever she went traveling. The bottom left one says "Bermuda."

"Frae Scotland"

My friend Gwen gave me this yellow rose hankie (Hi Gwen!), and my friend Susan gave me the white and yellow one. They both know yellow is my favorite color. :0)

I love the delicate blue lace along the edges of this one.

My Nana gave me these two. Pink and yellow roses.

Lastly, my only round hankie. I found it a few months ago at a yardsale.

More lace...

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Childhood keepsakes
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-A favorite treasure
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.
Please do not feel that you have to participate every Friday.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home. If you don’t know the link code, email me and I will send it to you.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
That's it! After that, you can start visiting all the other Show and Tell participants!
Your hankies are wonderful. That round one is so unique. I am someone who actually uses hankies!
I love how hankies can be so elegant looking! Love the collection. :D
Beautiful collection, Kelli...Betty
Lovely! I really like the embroidery and the crochet lace! These are beautiful treasures. My great grandmother would make crochet lace - I have several pieces of hers that I just adore - some on pillowcases, some on hand towels - I so enjoy the dainty, touch of home they add to any decor.
Very nice collection! I love the yellow ones and yellow rose hankies! I almost showed my yellow rose hankie collection tonight too!
What a neat collection you have, its beautiful! Something about dainty handkerchiefs, i love them!
Hope you have had a wonderful week! I have enjoyed catching up with you tonight!
Wow, those hankies are truly beautiful, delicate works of art!
Love them!
Thanks for hosting this, Kelli!
I especially like the round hanky and its embroidery!
I had to smile when I just looke at the first pictures, Kelli. When I was a little girl, I had a hankie collection, too and I was very proud of it. And one of my first little tasks in at home was.... ironing hankies! I LOVED doing that! ;-))
By the way, do you already have a German hanky in your collection?
Have a great Friday!
Hugs, Anita
I like your hankies! I think it is neat that your favorite color is yellow - My Dad's favorite color is yellow too!!
Thanks for sharing - and hosting.
Those are gorgeous! I especially love the delicate stitching around the edges.
No show and tell for me today, I guess... but I wanted to say I loved your hankies! They remind me of my mom's that I just had framed for her for Christmas. She carried her lunch money in them to school as a child. They were too pretty to keep stuck away, so I splurged on a custom frame order. It was worth it - they are priceless.
Love your hankies. Something you don't see much of these days.
I loved seeing your hankies Kelli. I remember when I always carried one instead of kleenex. The round one is beautiful and so unique.
What a wonderful idea! You've inspired me to get mine out of the drawer and do something with them! What a gorgeous collection of them too!
Cathy :)
I loved your collection, Kelli - so nice and girly :)
Charming, Kelli, and so beautiful that you have them by you and in view each day - not tucked away in a box or a drawer.
Blessings and bliss
Hi Kelli :) How fun! I love antique linens. It's a joy to tuck a piece in my pocket or purse or spread a lovely piece on the tea table. Thank you for sharing your handkerchiefs with us! Love to you, Q
this will surely be a lovely collection to hand down to your daughter one day. what a delightful collection you have..Heres to many more hankies to come your way!!!
What a beautiful collection you have. I really like the one with the blue lace around the edges.
Happy Friday!
Wow....I didn't even KNOW they MADE round hankies. Learn something new each day, I do! I love the blue tatting on the one...my mom use to tat around her embroideried pillow cases.
Fascinating collection. Glad you shared them.
My show and tell is posted.
I love your hankies; they , again provoke so mnay memories in my mind! My mother always had pretty hankies and I have saved a few of them...I guess I should display some!! It certainly tells of a different generation, doesn't it? It is almost like affording beauty on a small budget--instead of an expensive painting, women could carry these happy little treasure with them wherever! ;-)
What a FUN idea!! I love it. Your hankies are beautiful. I was left my own small collection by a great grandmother. Maybe I will share next week. Enjoyed your blog.
Kelli, you hanky collection is just wonderful! I remember my gran always having one in her purse:-) I'll have to remember that you collect them because I always see some at the antique store I often go to! xox
I love your hankies. They are all so pretty. I have one or two that were my grandma's.
Have a blessed weekend dear friend.
These are so pretty! I have a few too. Several from my great great grandma, and a few more picked up along the way.
Wasn't it wonderful the time that ladies put into these little treasures?
I love your hankies -- especially the one "frae Scotland." :) Thanks for hosting the Show & Tell!
I love your hankies. I have a friend who collects hankies too! Everytime I see some at a yard sales or antique store, I pick some up for her.
I also have a really cute craft using hankies. I will try to find my sample and take a photo for you.
Those are so pretty. I have several like that, too, and I just love them. Your round one is really special.
Such beautiful hankies! My MIL has a collection of hankies that she started when she was a little girl all of her aunts, and grandparents used to send them to her in the mail she even got some in a hankie exchange from a magazine. She has now started my daughter collecting a couple.
Such a wonderful thing to collect they are so pretty!
Kelli, How wonderful that they are .
Dear Kelli - What a neat collection! I love the fact that your mother got you started on it! You have a great variety of them. It is amazing the work they put into the everyday things that they used! I love it! :0)
Hugs! Sharon
Those are beautiful. I remember when I was a little girl and we actually used hankies. My husband still does! Of course, his do not have flowers and lace :)
I love handkerchiefs!!! I knew you had a good many, Kelli, but had no idea you had soo many lovely ones!! How pretty, indeed!!
Thank you for sharing this!
Mrs. U
what a lovely collection. you have such nice and interesting collections. thanks for sharing this one with us.
hope you have a wonderful weekend.
These are so pretty. I would never have thought to collect them. I see them alot in our local antique stores so I'll have to check them out the next time I'm there!
Lovely hankies. I have quite a few hankies from my grandmother and great-aunt. They make wonderful substitutes for doilies! Thanks for the recipe in your previous post. Sounds yummy!
What a lovely collection! People back then probably never thought of handkerchiefs as being collectibles, but they surely were small works of art.
Thanks for hosting and sharing.
My goodness! Kelli, your house is a museum of great collections!!! Do you charge for admission?
I love it!
I don't believe I've ever seen a round hankie before! What a lovely collection you have. :)
Mrs. C
Cutiest hankies I've ever seen!
I grew up in the day when a lady would drop her hankie to get a gentlemen's attention. Just kidding of course, I'm not quite that old!
woww they're so pretty!!!
Hi Kelli,
I love your hankies, thank you for sharing!
P.S. I can't seem to be able to log on to your magazines's site ~ I joined on September 5th. It just comes back saying wrong password or wrong email.
LOVE the hankies! what a great thing to collect... I think i may .... :)
What a fun collection! I have never seen a round handkerchief before, how neat!
They're such beautiful hankies! I especially love the round one...purple is my favorite color, and it's just so pretty! :)
Beautiful collection. The lady at the garage sale had a good idea to collect them when she traveled. That would be an easy thing to pack for the trip home and a reminder of a trip.
I finally got my Show and Tell up today! Busy day!
I thought I posted a comment, but it didn't appear--I'll try again!
I think your collection is lovely--very elegant! The lady with the garage sale had a good idea to collect the hankies when she travled--easy to pack!
I finally got my show and Tell up today--Busy day at my house!
BTW--Do youknow why my name always has the smiley face on your comments list. I have no idea! It doesn't do that everywhere. Strange????
I like the way you display them on your nightstand, Kelli! I tend to put mine in a drawer, and I think I'll go get them back out and copy your idea. Thanks!
I enjoyed your hankie collection and always know I will see or learn something new when when ever I visit your blog.
Beautiful! My girls and I collect hankies, too. They are sort of hard to find now. Yours are so pretty.
Would hate to use those for real hankies. :)
Finally got mine posted.
I am so envious. I love hankies. They are so pretty.
What a nice collection your Mom got you started on. I love hankies and have all my Gramma's. I've been collecting them for years and still keep adding more. I love the foral prints, and I'm always looking for my inital or name. Happy hankie collecting...Linda
I love these! so pretty.
Hi..love your show & tell Kelli..Hope you'll check my new olde treasure too!!
No doubt about it -- when I send those other postcards to you I am sending you some hankies I have collected. I used to make handmade birthday cards for my book club friends and I included something special each year. The year I included hankies, one of my July ladies said, "Oh, hankies" (as if they were so "terribly common"). So you, who appreciates them, will get some hankies instead.
I love your hankies, especially your round one. They are all pretty.
Lovely! I also have a vintage hankie collection..I enjoy taking them out and looking at them every once in a while..I should make lavender sachets with them...Anita!! I need you here!
hugs NG
lovely hankies Kelli...I'm hoping to join your show and tell next week if I can figure it all out! :D
what neat hankies! my grandmother has bookoo's of hankies, she said that a proper lady never used to leave home without one :o) Many of hers have her initials stitched on them.
Love your collection!
I still have the ones that you gave me!
Your hankies are just lovely--and just makes me want to start collecting them. I wasn't able to join show and tell---I like to do it, when I know I am going to have time to go to everyones blog too--especially the ones that take the time to come visit me, Kwim? Anyway, I love your show and tell and hoepfully I can do it next week:) It is always so much fun. I also, looked at your magazine, and you did a beautiful job. Would you like me to add a link to it on my blog? Have a wonderful day, my friend:o)
Such a pretty collection. I really like the round one.
I remember my mom sending me to school with pretty, dainty hankies like those. But with my allergies and head colds, I really needed a "man hankie".
Thanks for sharing.
What beautiful hankies. What a fun way to 'travel' through the ones from certain places! I've been to Bermuda - its WONDERFUL!
They are all so pretty!!
I really like the yellow and white from your friend Susan. I remember my grandma's hankie collection when I was little. I started giving my daughters hankies and now they have quite a few. I have been lucky enough to find them some with their initials at the thrift shop. Thanks for sharing!
I too have a hankie collection! My beautiful treasured ones never get used. They are from my great grandma, my grandma, my husband's great grandma, and of course yard sales. I also have my everyday hankies for using, but I would never photograph those!
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