Saturday, May 03, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Hello! How is your weekend going? It was a beautiful day here in Texas. Phillip opened our bedroom window this morning, so we could enjoy the breeze and the sound of our water garden fountain. Our kitty Fern had fun dreaming of a goldfish lunch!

Writing paper
Phillip took the girls and Benjamin out to run a few errands and I had a quiet morning writing some letters. I found these pretty notepads at the Dollar Tree.

Writing paper

I also spent a little time out in the garden planting flower seeds and weeding (there are always weeds!).
My jasmine is in full bloom now.

Creeping Thyme
Creeping thyme between the stepping stones in the secret garden.

This is my first year growing a southern variety of rhubarb. It hasn't been doing well, but just this week some new leaves popped up.

Benjamin loves the story of Peter Rabbit, so we planted a blackberry bush last spring. We can't wait to try the berries!

A rhododendron leaf. Doesn't it look like a fairy slide?

Two happy geranium blooms.

And finally some beautiful roses that Phillip surprised me with this afternoon. I like when he stops by the grocery store. :0)

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!


Missy said...

what a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

I saw those notepads. I bought some small flower shaped pads that are the same pattern. They're cute! Love the soft colors.

Kathy said...

Simply gorgeous, Kelli!...Kathy

Anonymous said...

It was a messy rainy Sat here in the upper west coast, so we spent it indoors...
These roses from Phillip are just amazing!!!

Unknown said...

What a sweet little post! The roses are gorgeous! What a hubby you must have! Hold on to him tightly!

Unknown said...

I can almost smell the jasmine!

Jen said...

What a sweet husband you have. Scott and I go this week to buy flowers and work in the yard. I'm so excited.

Susan P. said...

I couldn't help but notice that Fern was sitting next to her namesake :o) I think your family will soon be smelling some yummy blackberry cobbler baking in the oven!

Anonymous said...

Everything is so pretty. It is green here but not too many of my plants, other than the normal ones have even started to come up.
What a thoughtful husband you have. :)

smileymamaT said...

Very pretty! I am looking forward to weeding, because at least I can finally touch the soil. Hope all my flowers survived the hard winter!

Susie said...

How great that you've been able to enjoy your beautiful garden and relax during the weekend.
Loved seeing your pink petunias. It's just about the same shade as the one I posted..
Love the roses from your hubby!!

Julieann said...

So lovely Kelli--enjoy your weekend!


Heather Anne said...

I'm glad you are having such a wonderful weekend - what a blessing! Your rhubarb is looking wonderful - it takes time to get established, but it will be worth the wait, I'm sure!

Karen said...

What a sweetheart of a hubby you have! I'm glad you were able to enjoy some alone time. Moms don't get much of that. Your gardens are lovely!

GranthamLynn said...

What a lovely post. And well the ending you are Blessed. Those roses are beautiful. I smiled when I read about the cat and the fish. Hope you have a Blessed Sunday.

Mike Golch said...

what a great day,what a great bunch of photos.Oh did I mention it is a great day?

TJ said...

What a guy! How sweet.

Your garden is just beautiful! I posted a photo of my bleeding heart for you. I hope that yours will grow to the same size some day soon!

Glad you are enjoying the weekend!

Gena said...

Your flowers are just beautiful! I got the pens that match your stationery at our dollar store - so pretty.

Does your jasmine climb? I would like to try some of that here this year.

Jada said...

What beautiful flowers! How can anyone say they don't believe in God?!

Sharon said...

I found some of those same notepads at my Dollar Tree. I love them!

nancy said...

It looks so pleasant at your house! I love that view out the window. I'll bet the water sounds so nice.Do you get much scent from your jasmine? I think your blackberries look like they will be great.

Anonymous said...

Lovely view outside your window.

Sharon said...

Lovely view outside your window.