Thursday, June 11, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today, I am sharing special gifts...
My friend, Kimberly from Kimberly's Cup sent me a wonderful tea themed package that I won when she had a giveaway. A pretty teacup, notecards, napkins, heart shaped tea strainer, handmade lip gloss, mango tea, and clotted cream.

Isn't it beautiful?

It's actually a music box!

I set everything up on the tea stand in my dining room.


Thank you for the beautiful gifts, Kimberly!

I also want to say thank you for your comforting words on the loss of our tree. Sadly, it does have to be cut down and the stump removed. Someone will be coming by on Monday. In the meantime, we will be tree shopping this weekend. Many of you know how much I love acorns, so I think an oak tree will be perfect! Walnut, our neighborhood squirrel will love it, too.

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.


A Hint of Home said...

What beautiful gifts you got. Love that the tea cup is a musical.
So sorry about your tree.
We had a terrible storm this evening, trees are down here and we lost power for awhile.
Can't wait to see what tree you pick to plant.

KBeau said...

What an interesting tea cup. I'm sure it plays a lovely tune.

Ingrid said...

What a nice gift ! I just could drink a cup of tea right now !

The pictures of your fallen tree are really impressive ! what a storm you must have had !

Christina said...

Love the tea cup!! And it plays music to boot!! Very special. You lucky girl. It really is too bad about the tree. But, I am so thank-ful that it fell away from the house. Happy tree hunting. PS: we have a neighbourhood squirel as well but have not given him a name yet.

Unknown said...

Wonderful gift - it makes a beautiful display.

ItaJeff said...

The tea cup is lovely..what a wonderful gift :-)

Happy Friday

Lots of luv,

Hootin Anni said...

A Music Box? How awesome is that.

[I see your tree damage! How sad....we need to have one of ours cut out or really trimmed down...what with hurricane season now, it's bound to end up on our roof or the neighbor's vehicles!]

My Show n Tell is all about some glass pieces I have...

Hootin Anni said...

I don't see Mr. Linky's section...

So Here is the permalink:


Gracie said...

Every gift is really nice, but some are nicer, right?
My post at

Unknown said...

Dropped by from Jean's. Lovely Music Box..

Anonymous said...

I love that tea cup music box. I wonder where she got it and if you can still drink tea out of it.
Mama BEar

Anonymous said...

The music box tea cup is just too darling...

Vanessa said...

What a beautiful gift! I love tea cups. Thanks for sharing.

lady m said...

Oh Kelli, the teapot is lovely!

All the gifts look so pretty and the music box...quite ingenious ;)

Thanks for hosting, I so look forward to stopping by on Friday's and share with everyone a bit of my home.


lady m

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Kelli...

Thank you again, my friend...for hosting Show & Tell Friday! I sure do appreciate the opportunity you have made for us to Show & Tell!!!

Ooooh...what lovely gifts!!! That Kimberly has great taste! Such a beautiful tea cup and the fact that it's a music box is sooo sweet! What song does it play...anything familiar? I love the heart shaped tea strainer...that's so adorable! You set a beautiful tea tray, my friend! It's so beautiful!!!

Have a fabulous Friday and weekend!
Warmest wishes,
PS...So sorry about your tree...I just hate losing such grand old trees! I think that planting an oak tree is a great choice!!! Best wishes!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this asked yet and I'm curious, what tune does your musical tea cup play?


Serenata said...

Beautiful gifts! I love the tea cup.

Sherrie said...

Hi Kelli,
Congrats on winning all your goodies! That tea cup/music box is so cute! Mine is posted. Have a great day!


Kelli said...

Hi Mitford,
The tune is Music Box Dancer.

Susan of Pink Portuguese Roses said...

I love the tea cup music box!!!!

teachermomof2 said...

That is a beautiful gift! I love that the tea cup is musical. So neat!

Karen said...

I'm so sorry! The link was doing weird things and it ended up posting waaaayyyyy tooo many times! And the first one #7 - is my LAST entry. You can erase the first two of mine and just leave the last one.
Again - SORRY! Karen

A Wonderful Life! said...

I love Lady Like things.Society has gotten away from that so much its a real shame.

Jane said...


As usual I have goofed my first link. The second one should work. Thank you for sharing your treasures today. The music box teacup is precious.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

What beautiful gifts you have received. The teacup is so pretty and plays music too. Very unique.

I am so sorry about your tree. I have cried with every tree we have ever had to have cut down. An Oak tree will be wonderful and I can imagine how happy the squirrel will be.


Elaine said...

Love the wonderful tea gift! I've not seen a music box like that. It is a delightful idea.
I, too, have mourned trees but may I suggest you think ahead to 'litter'. Walnut will not eat all the acorns and they will be underfoot. So many beautiful trees litter disgracefully...can you hear experience in my voice? :-)

The Old Parsonage said...

What a great prize/gift. I love your cozy tea table and everything that's on it.

Thanks for hosting!


Heather said...

beautiful tea cup. very pretty. perfect for your collection.

Mrs.T said...

How lovely, Kelli! The teacup is beautiful and how nice that it's musical, too!

Richella Parham said...

I just found your blog. . . and I'm glad I did! What a beautiful place.

I've noticed that lots of homeschoolers have blogs, which I think is wonderful. I homeschooled my children years ago--back before we even had internet access. When I think of what resources we could have had--Wow! I'm happy with my kids' classical Christian school, but I still love the idea of homeschooling, and it makes my heart happy to see how much homeschoolers can network and share these days.

God bless you!

Mindy said...

I love the musical teacup, it's really pretty. So sorry about the loss of your tree. I know how attached we get to parts of our home that we cherish. I hope your new tree will be just as much of a blessing!

i cant decide said...

What a neat musical tea cup.

Mrs. Teapot said...

Oh Kelli, the cup is absolutely beautiful and musical too, how simply lovely. What a beautiful gift set to receive. Everything looks very nice. Thank you for sharing.

Mrs. Teapot

The Liberty Belle said...

Lovely! Congratulations on winning!

From the Old InkWell said...

Very pretty and unique teacup. I just came across your blog for the first time. I am going to make sure to come back and would like to join your party sometime. Looks like fun!

Sarah said...

What a lovely teacup, I didn't know they made them as music boxes. I'll have to file that information away as a lovely potential gift for someone. I'm so sorry to hear about your tree, but very glad it did not puncture your house.

Noor said...

Oh I have my show and tell ready but for 2 weeks I keep missing :(..

Love your gifts they were very sweet..

Tina Leigh said...

Wow what a nice gift! I would like to try the cream!

Audrey said...

Those are really pretty!

Shopgirl said...

Love this post, so interesting with all that you are doing. We lost a lot of large branches in our last storm, thank goodness now tree's. Lovely Tea cup, one day I hope to find just one little cup that will be my own.
Hugs, Mary