Hear: I like to get a new wind chime every spring. I found this dragonfly, hummingbird and butterfly one at Hobby Lobby a few days ago.
I am also hearing my water garden fountain. It was in need of a good cleaning. Now I'm just waiting for the lily pads to start growing.
Smell: Light pink carnation on the living room coffee table.
Touch: I am touching soft baby cheeks. This is my sister Jenny and her baby, Jackie. Isn't she sweet?!
Taste: Jackie is tasting the baby carrots that Emily is feeding her.
See: I am seeing a basket of begonias and my resale find birds on my small patio table.
This is also a view from my patio. I hung the bunny picture up and found a spot for the terracotta candle holders.
Now that is warmer, I moved my wicker chair outside.
Jenny and Jackie are going home today but Uncle Stephen is here for a few more days. We are going to buy a few rocks for my garden, and probably stop by Sonic (fast food). Stephen likes their fruit slushes. :0)
Thank you for reading my Five Senses Weekend and I hope you all are having a great weekend!!
Everything looks so nice, and I am enjoying seeing all of the homes for last weeks finds. The chair on your patio looks like a great place to relax.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love your five senses weekends, Kelli! It makes me feel like I'm right there visiting with you in your comfy, cozy home:)
Cozy and comfortable weekend. Just the way I like them. The baby is adorable. And there is nothing better to touch than their soft cheeks :) Enjoy! Eat a slushie for me.
All your great finds look good in their new home. That chair sure looks comfy! I love to kiss baby cheeks!
I enjoy your five senses posts!
I hope you make it a regular feature..
Our water lillies lasted through the winter even with the freeze. I'm truly amazed. Love what you did with all your recent "finds"
I love your five senses weekend. We are doing a bit better, around here. It sounds like your week and this weekend are so enjoyable. Those Sonic Fruit Slushes sound delicious. I am sure Grace and Emily loved helping with the baby! Blessings!
I love your water garden fountain...they are so much prettier when the lily pads come in. I am glad that you are still enjoying time with your family. Have a wonderful weekend and yummy lunch!
Kelli, everything looks so nice. I really like the little patio table with the birds on it. I hope that you have a great weekend.
You planted flowers? I'm so jealous!! : )
Your patio looks beautiful. Enjoy your weekend,
Debbie in the snowy North
Hobby Lobby and Sonic. Two of my favorites. Two things I now do without. The nearest HL is two states away (WY). The nearest Sonic is...who knows where! Thanks for sharing the senses, though. Puts my heart in the ready mode for spring!
Babies and flowers! What could be sweeter? sigh
I loved the Pictures. I love windchimes. The baby is beautiful. connie from Texas
Oh, windchimes are my favorite! I have so many sets hanging from my back deck. I also have them in my front flower beds so that anyone who comes in the front door will hear them. They are just the most peaceful, beautiful sound to me. My girls and I also love Sonic. They love the Oreo blast and the strawberry-banana smoothie. I always get Diet Coke with fresh lime. Have a great weekend!
Hiya!! I loved the pictures! All looks so nice,
:) Candy
I love the new picture at the top of your blog! So sweet.
Everything looks beautiful as always. You are quite talented at decorating. I too love windchimes. I purchased a new one last year at the end of the season (90% off), so I'll be hanging it up at our new house tomorrow!!!
Now Kelli....speaking as one who now has TONS of snow on top of what should be a flowerbed, you are teasing me with your flowers!!! LOL Such a delightful post once again my friend...your little niece is just adorable!! Enjoy your day tomorrow...slushies are soooo good!! xox
Love the new springy header for your blog!
Oooohhh I like your senses!
Look at those cheeks! She is ADORABLE! *Smile*
Not looking very springy here this morning... It is snowing!
The new header is lovely! Haven't figured that part of the bloggy thing out. Yet! *LOL*
What a fun idea - I felt like I was right there with ya! Our snow is melting but the ground is still to frozen to do anything. Oh, I can't wait for spring!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! A new look!!! I love it!!! Soft pretty green and lovely Spring picture.
Now I must read the entry.
But I had to comment on the beeeeeeeeeeautiful new look to your Blog, first. :-)
This was wonderful ~ Jackie is just beautiful ~ oh I love the touch and smell of little babies!
Sounds like you had a good weekend. I love the sound of windchimes and have them around my garden. The 'In like a lion,out like a lamb' saying is very familiar to me, I've heard it ever since I was a little girl when my mum used to say it. It,s come in like a lion here so I have great hopes of the end of this month. I'm quite surprised at your calendar having umbrella's for March. This side of the pond the saying is that March winds and April showers bring May flowers.
Just wanted to make sure you got my email that I emailed you yesterday?
Candy :)
I love your Five Senses Weekend post Kelli! Your blog looks so pretty and spring like! Where do you find such nice artwork? Your home is so warm and inviting! I am terribly jealous that you are planting already, but I'll try to remember that you struggle with the heat in summer! Do you plant a lot of drought resistant varieties?
Oh Kelli... I just love your blog!
It is such a blessing to me!
Hope that you are having a wonderfully blessed weekend!
HI Kelli
I emailed again, let me know if you get it or not :) ANyways all I was saying in the email was that I enjoy your blog and its better than buying magazines on decorating and food because your blog is so neat! Thats all :)
I love windchimes, too. My great grandmother had them hanging all over the place and I can't pass one without remembering her!
Spring has sprung and it is good!! We are supposed to have 60's this week. I am very excited.
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