Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A Bedroom Project

Good Morning! Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers about my upcoming recital! I feel much calmer and relaxed now! I went to my lesson yesterday afternoon and my teacher said to stop obsessing about it. ;0) Since there are 56 1/2 hours (who's counting?!) until the recital I need something to keep me busy.

We painted our bedroom about 4 years ago. It's called "Warm Nutmeg" but it looks like just a Wendy's frosty...chocolaty! I don't care for the color now but Phillip hates doesn't like the color of the kitchen so it all evens out!

Here is what our bedroom looks like right now. I found a great deal on a comforter and will be working on pillow shams, throw pillows, new curtains and lampshades. I need your opinion on the white netting above the bed...leave it or take it down?

Here's a shot of it this past Christmas...

The lights don't work anymore because of a little trouble maker named Fern...

Don't let that sweet look fool you. ;0) Btw, that is my sewing basket that she has taken over!

Here is a sneak peek at the new comforter. It's hard to tell but there is a bit of the wall color woven through it.

I'll share the new look next week. I'll be back tomorrow for Show and Tell!


Janice said...

What a beautiful romantic bedroom! I love the white netting draped above the bed! The new comforter is very pretty. Wow, Fern has grown!! She looks innocent to me (giggle).

Dani said...

I like the color of your walls, of course I am a big fan of Wendy's frosties too ;-)

I'll be praying for your upcoming recital.

Trella said...

I love the new comforter, and can't wait to see after pictures.

I won't comment on the white netting because I am awful at knowing what goes and what doesn't.
I bought new stuff for my new kitchen yesterday, and I can tell my sister hates it. She told me all kinds of different things to do with the windows, than I was going to do, etc. Everybody loves her decorating and always wants them to decorate their house, so now I am questioning everything I bought, and what I had planned to do:)


LadySnow said...

I like the new comforter a lot too. As for the netting...I also am not a good judge on that. Maybe if it draped a little more over the sides of the bed? Don't know.....

Lena said...

Fern has the most wonderful face!
I love your new comforter and the warm pretty colors. I really like patchwork too, so I think it's perfect.
You'll do great at the recital!

Corin said...

"my teacher said to stop obsessing about it."

As a Monk viewer, you could always use my new favorite line... "Hey, I don't make the rules!" ;-)

Your bedroom looks beautiful!

Christine said...

I absolutely love how pretty your bedroom looks at Christmas time!Fern is a doll!

Amber said...

I like the new comforter...looks very homey! I agree with someone else about the netting...maybe if it was draped a little more but then it would seem like it would be in the way. I don't know really! I bet it turns out beautiful!

Karen said...

I think your bedroom is very romantic looking, especially with the lights at Christmas. We have a four-poster bed, and I strung greenery and lights across the one bar over our heads, and liked them so much, we left them up.
I love the colors in your new comforter.
I just caught up on yesterday's post, and wanted to wish you well with your upcoming recital. I play the piano and I remember the butterflies before a recital. You'll do fine. It's like once you get started, you sort of forget the audience. What are you playing?

Karen said...

Oh! I forgot to say....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that picture of Fern! Very cute!

Jodi said...

Hey Kelli ~ I've caught up reading, but I'm going to cheat and comment on everything in this one box! :o)

I so enjoy your 5 sense weekend posts - fun to read! :o)

My eldest son really enjoyed Sugar Creek Gang when he was little. The Flora Thompson book looks like a great find! I've seen it all over recently in blogland; I need to keep an eye out for this myself. Your yo-yo's and embroidery turned out great.

I agree with Karen; the anticipation of a piano recital is much worse than the actual event. How long have you taken lessons?

I love, love your new comforter! ;o) I have the exact same one on my bed - lol! If your unsure of the netting, I would try taking a picture with and without and see which way you like it best. I can "see" things better in photographs sometimes than with my eyes. Looking forward to the big reveal! :o)

Momma Roar said...

Now this is just my opinion, but I say take it down, put a nice shelf above your bed with some nice smelling candles. One of those shelves with the pegs underneath - you can hang some dried flowers, little sachets...oh, maybe I need to go look at my bedroom! lol
Good luck on your upcoming recital!

Paula said...

I can't wait to see what your room looks like with the new comforter. Very pretty!

Your going to play wonderfully at your recital! :-)

TO BECOME said...

Looks great to me. I am sure the pillows will make it look even nicer but then I am a pillow person. Have a good week. connie from Texas

dot said...

I like the white netting!

Marci said...

I really like the white netting, especially with the lights.

Sharon said...

I was reading all the comments so far and laughed when I got to Jodi's, because it's the same thing I was going to tell you to do about the netting. Seeing it in a picture with and without should help you decide.

Wishing you all the best on your piano recital!

Lori said...

I love your bedroom. I agree it is beautiful and romantic. I like your comforter. I think it is very pretty.
I also like the color on your walls.
I like the white netting. It would be a hard decision. I agree take photos.
I do like Leigh Ann's idea of the shelf with the candles. That would be very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the new comforter. Are you making it or did you buy it?

I have one that is torn in a few places and I love the comforter so much that I think I am just going to mend it.

Not sure about the netting. I am not a good one to ask about that. Maybe after the new comforter is on you will be better able to make a decision. Either way, you are doing a great job.

Melissa said...

Hi! Love the new comforter. Very pretty. I love the netting too, especially with the lights (silly Fern!) But the shelf idea that was given is a very cute idea, even if you use it elsewhere. Maybe I'll use it for my room :D

Carole Burant said...

I say leave the netting, it looks soooo fabulous! I'm looking forward to seeing your new comforter on the always have such great taste:-) xox

Jenn4Him said...

Oh, what a charming new comforter! I love the different patterns together, very shabby chic. Poor Fern, getting all the blame..well that is what happens in my house too, but her name is Abbey the Cat. I'd have to see a picture without the netting before I could make a suggestion about removing it. Are you thinking about re-painting? I know I am no help. Sorry!

Tracy said...

I did a bedroom makeover today! I'll have to post about it soon.

Creative Life Studio said...

Your bedroom makeover sounds like fun... and your recital should be too. 1)I am sure you will do very well, but 2) remember that you are playing the piano for YOU and not anyone else - except, your Maker and He'll loves however you do! If you do make a mistake - or a dozen - you make them and go on. Make music and let it give you pleasure. I'm sure it started out sounding like something fun - so try to be sure to keep it that way!

I look forward to seeing your new room. I agree with the others about trying it with and without the netting. Or maybe go without for a few months and then bring it back with the lights again when it gets darker earlier again. I'm sure it will be lovely. :)

Ruth said...

Your new comforter is gorgeous!! I can't wait to see the pictures of the finished product. The Fern in my life is called Pipsy, and I completely understand the havoc that one can create!!

theups said...

Kelli, I think everything looks soo pretty!! I like the wallcolor, too, but if they reminded me of a Frosty, I'd probably get hungry in there! LOL!!!!

I think the netting looks romantic! Especially with the lights!

Mrs. U

Christie Belle said...

Oh, I'm excited to see the outcome! I already like the bedspread:) And I loved those little lights and the canopy! I know whatever it turns out like, that it will be beautiful!

Sheri said...

We NEED a bedroom makeover too. Great inspiration and what a beautiful room!

Amanda said...

Hey Kelli, I know it's rather last minute, but our church is hosting a concert tomorrow (Friday) at 7pm. You are all welcome to come! I'm singing, one duet, and one solo. :-D

Jan said...

I found your blog after going through about 25 that were not for me. I added it to my favorites list and will check back later. Like the flowers and your decor.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I think the netting is very pretty! I also just love the color of your new comforter. Fern is a beautiful kitty!