Monday, May 07, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sewing and Reading. That's what I've been busy with lately. We have a comfortable bench out front so I can keep an eye on Benjamin and the girls while they play and ride their scooters. May is the best month in Texas. I always say that until October comes around and then it's my favorite month. ;0)

I've been wanting to learn how to make yo-yo's, so I found these great online instructions and got out my basket of scraps.

I don't have the patience for a quilt so I'm making a couple of potholders. This one is half finished and it took less than an hour.

Let me know if you try them!

I also finished embroidering a baby onesie this afternoon...

I mentioned that we were making a trip to the bookstore this past weekend. Have you read The Sugar Creek Gang series? Phillip and I read them when we were younger and loved them! The lady at the used books store said they are hard to find so I was surprised to see 5 of them on the shelf.

I've also been looking for Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson. I found a copy for less than $3.00!

An endearing and precise record of country life in England at the last century.

And last but not least, My Mother's Garden. An essay collection about Love, Flowers and Family.

I'm not finished the book yet, but here are a few quotes I've been enjoying...

"My earliest memories are of Grandmother Lovejoy in her sunny cottage garden, where the days seemed endless and the star-flecked nights were always warm and thick with the perfume of jasmine and gardenias."

"Mother had just pulled out two gooseberry pies, with fine golden crusts, from the oven when there was a knock at the door. Friends had stopped by for a surprise visit. Folks used to do this on Sunday afternoon drives in the country."

"A mocking bird sang in Grandmother's garden. He was king of the garden, and the rose was queen. Every night when the garden was still, he serenaded Grandmother; and she would lie awake and listen to him, for she said he told her all the glad tidings of the day, and helped her understand the flower folk and bird fold and insect folk that lived in her garden."

So, what have you been busy with this May?


Unknown said...

I have the entire collection of the Sugar Crrek Gang! I bought them about 13 years ago from Christian Book Distributors, I believe. I'm just about ready to start my second child on them! My eldest loved 'em!

The yo-yos are adorable. I have seen them before and have always enjoyed the happy colors everyone seems to use to make them!

Julie said...

There are lots of new and used copies of "Lark Rise to Candleford" on The prices range from $2.40 to $128.00(wow!). I would send you my copy but I can't part with it. Have you ever read "Cider With Rosie"? Another great book about pastoral England.

Karen said...

I've seen the Sugar Creek Gang books in our local library. I'll have to start these with Alaina.
I like your potholders, and I'd like to see them when you get them finished. I also love the adorable onesie! I'll try this sometime.

Henny Penny said...

Your yo-yos remind me of my mamaw. She always used her scrap fabric making them, then turning them in to something wonderful.

We are finishing up our homeschool year this week! The rest of May? I'll be planning for next school year! LOL

Lila Rostenberg said...

Those are lovely books! thanks for the quotes (I live on Mockingbird did the Munsters!)
I really enjoyed Larkrise to Candleford when I read it...I started making Griddle scones (you can find recipes on line) for my children...they loved them!

Amber said...

My sister has been making those yo yo's. I love the potholder. I know over Christmas a lot of bloggers were making garland. I thought it looked vintagy!

Carole Burant said...

I've heard of yo-yos before but I thought you meant the toy yo-yo, you know, with the string! lol Now I realize it's something else!! Can you tell I'm not into sewing? lol I've never read any of the books you mentioned...growing up, I only read French books so I missed out on a lot of old classics! xox

Sue Seibert said...

Wow, Kelli, I just read those quotes to Raf...beautiful. Yes, May is a very good month in Texas, and soon we will be back there to enjoy it. We had a blow out in Jackson, Tennessee, on the trailer, but everything is ok now. I am just beginning a book by a first time author called Signs in the Blood about the country folk of NC...written by a local writer, Vicki Lane. It is starting out very good. We found a wonderful, safe church yesterday in Hendersonville, Tennessee, and it was a joy to worship with those folks. Love to you and yours.

Ruth said...

Sounds like fun! I am not a sewer, but I love the look.

Tracy said...

Love the yo-yos and the onesie. You are so creative!

Rebecca said...

Kelli~this is TOO cool! I have two yo-yo projects in the works myself! Wa-hoo! I am making clown dolls from yo-yo's for each of the children and I am making a spring basket pillow from yo-yo's.

Great minds think alike, eh?

That onesie is too precious for words.

Melissa said...

I love the yo-yos! They must be so fun to do. Anything that can bring such fast satisfaction and be so pretty and nice to the touch is great! I thought you were talking about toy yo-yos too! I recognize them now though, I think I've seen a quilt with them on it before. The onesie is SO pretty! Love the cursive. The last quote makes me want to go make a garden and get to know the birdies!!

Paula said...

As you saw from my post, I've got a lot on my plate this week. :0)

Isn't it so fun to find good used books? I always look for them at yard sales.

Christie Belle said...

Oh, I love those three passages, it makes me think of simpler times. I also LOVE that onsie, you did an amazing job:) All these cute baby clothes is giving me baby fever, lol.
Hugs, Christie

P.S. I'm so glad the cookie recipe has come in handy for ya!

Lena said...

I've enjoyed reading both the Candleford book and the garden book very much.
Your yo yo's are turning out nice. There are so many things that you can do with them. I'm looking forward to seeing your potholders. My friend Liisa recently made a bunch of tiny ones. The were smaller than a dime and she strung them onto wire to make charms for a swap. We were thinking that they would make great earrings too...if you wore funky earrings.

Janice said...

Hi Kelli,
We used to have a pretty good collection of 'Sugar Creek Gang' books and I enjoyed reading them myself with the kids. Your yo-yos are are so pretty, as is your stitching on the onsie! Good job! You are keeping your hands very busy.

Terri said...

Are you kidding? I spend all day everyday wondering where we're moving too...when we're moving....Will we have room for a pony????
All these questions will soon be answered (hopefully) so I can move on to doing something useful!
God bless.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, as busy as you are, and you never seem to stop, everytime I come to your blog I feel more relaxed. Thank you for instilling such a sense of peacefullness to my day.

What have I been busy with? Believe it or not I am completely overwhelmed and stressed with the last days of school (as a teacher). I am retiring/quitting in 2 weeks and I am focused on that. Maybe then I'll make some yo yos with you.

Please post the potholder when you are done. I have a billion scraps to use up. ANd that sounds like fun.

Sheri said...

The baby onesie is oh so cute Kelli! And, you are so right... there is no place like home.

Trella said...

I love the Sugar Creek Gang books!
The yo-yos are adorable!
For this May, my plans are to finish school, pack and clean. Then move, unpack and hopefully not do too much cleaning!!

Gena said...

Your embroidery is beautiful! I also like the potholder. I want to try to make yo-yos. Do you think they are too difficult for girls under the age of 12? I have seen so many cute things done with them.

Lori said...

Sounds like you have some fun projects going. The potholders and onesie are cute.

My project yet in May are to finish planting the garden.

Just Mom said...

I had been gardening, but a really strong storm this past weekend put a stop to that. I'm hoping the ground dries a little bit more so I can continue with my newfound passion.

I love used book stores, by the way. I never leave empty handed.

Open Roads Mama said...

I don't know the books, but the quotes are soooo sweet! They must be very enjoyable to read.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Kelli, the onesie you embroidered is just beautiful! I also really like the yo-yo's. I've always wanted to make them but never knew how. I'm going to check out the link you posted...thank you! I've never heard of the Sugar Creek Gang books...what are they about?

I've been pretty busy with my dd's volleyball games...they just finished up. Now we'll be going to softball practices and games. Also, we're having new windows and siding installed on our home, so I'm patiently waiting for everything to be finished so I can get everything nice and clean again...I don't like things being out or sorts, but I do know that the end result of the mess will be worth it.

Also, I tagged you for 7 things...stop by my blog to read mine! Have a great day...God Bless.

Christine said...

Sugar Creek Gang stories are great! We own 3 of the movies, and we are hoping to buy some of the books. I love your embroidered onesie; it is just precious. I have been reading a lot this month, and exercising to get ready for my precious baby. Blessings!

Marci said...

We have almost the whole set of Sugar Creek Gang books. They were/are my sons.

SOunds like you got some great deals!!!!

Jenn4Him said...

I've been busy unpacking. I got the bird houses up along the shelf in the sunroom!

Jennifer said...

How beautiful! I just love that pot holders ~ too pretty to use :o)

My brother and new sister-in-law got married 2 weekends ago, so I have secretly been working on a Wedding Scrapbook for them to always remember their destination wedding :o)

(I also love sewing as well!)

Anonymous said...

I have a little seat outside where I read while I watch my kids play, too!! I've been re-reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" for the umpteenth time. The yo-yos look like the perfect little hand sewing project to work on when I am outside with the kids. Where did you find instructions on making them into pot holders, by the way?

Sandra said...

Kelli, I want to be just like you when I grow up LOL

Seriously, you always have the best crafts going on, I LOVE those yo-yos and Heather Bailey is one of my favorite bloggers to visit :)

Have a great day,

Kelli said...

Kim, here is something I found about the Sugar Creek Gang books...

"The tales and travels of the Sugar Creek Gang have passed the test of time, delighting young readers for more than fifty years. Great mysteries with a message, The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. Your kids will be thrilled, chilled, and inspired to grow as they follow the legendary escapades of Bill Collins, Dragonfly, and the rest of the gang and see how they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life."

Kitty, I found a small picture of a yo-yo potholder in an old Martha Stewart issue. I'll have to google for instructions on sewing them together. First I had better get busy sewing up some more. :0)

Cris said...

Your yo-yos look perfect to me! My mom makes lots of them for her crafts, she makes pretty embroidery and uses them to decorate kitchen towels etc. She puts a pearl button or a simple button in the middle and that makes them look like a flower!

theups said...

What fun projects you have going!! And what wonderful books to read!!!

Would you possibly mind giving more instructions about making the potholder?? How do you make the individual circles??? I think it's just adorable!!

Mrs. U

smilnsigh said...

"The mocking bird....told her all the glad tidings of the day, and helped her understand the flower folk and bird fold and insect folk that lived in her garden."

Oh such a lovely quote! I just love it! Thank you for posting it.

And also thank you so much for saying you enjoyed the picture I used in my last post. The beautiful graphic of a Victorian Lady, in nature. I was so taken with that, I had to keep cropping it and using it over and over, in that entry. :-)


Bethanie said...

my reading list

Amanda said...

Oh Kelli I just discovered yo yos about a week ago! I so want to learn how to make them! Now we MUST get together so you can teach me!

Marilyn in NM said...

Kelli, your basket of scraps looks so inspiring. It's great to start a new project, isn't it? Thanks for pointing us to the instructions for yo-yo's.
And the onesie is so cute. I have 2 that need embroidered for our new grandbaby that will be here in June.

I'm trying to play catch up here but did get my blog updated! I'm going to work on my afghan again when I take a break later! Projects!!!!!!