Saturday, May 05, 2007

Five Senses Weekend

Hello everyone! We are having a rainy Saturday. Phillip is out getting a tire fixed and then I'm hoping to go to the used bookstore. I wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who joined in for "Show and Tell Friday." Several of you mentioned that show and tell was one of your favorite things in school and it was for me too! Thank you for your comments about my hair. I didn't realize how red it looks in a few of the pictures, must have been weird camera lighting! I do have some red highlights but it's mostly brown.

I thought I would take a minute to post another Five Senses Weekend. I got the idea from Sandra.

See: We went to a few yard sales yesterday and I found this small table for $2.00. I'm using it as a plant stand in my kitchen.

Touch: Here is my new $1.00 table runner...

Here you can see a close-up of the pattern. I also got these 5 pale yellow napkins for $1.00.

Hear: Early this morning I was hearing the sounds of hammers. On the first Saturday of the month, Home Depot has a free kid's workshop. Today, the project was these mini herb planters, complete with seeds to plant!

I am also hearing the sound of new books being read. These two fabric covered books are in perfect condition (another yard sale find) and are going to be set aside for my niece's upcoming birthday.

Taste: I heard about these new "Bug Bites" from Rebecca. Aren't they cute? They taste good too!

Smell: My impatiens seem to be happy with all the rain we've been getting.

This flower pot sits on our front porch.

Thank you for reading my Five Senses Weekend! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, we are off to the bookstore!


Susan said...

Boy, you got some good buys at the Thrift Store.

Carole Burant said...

Such wonderful finds at the yard sales!! Isn't it amazing what some people get rid of...oh well, that's the way we find our treasures:-) Your flowers are looking so healthy!! It was sunny today but very windy and cool. xox

Anonymous said...

I always love your 5 sense weekend posts. And I have to tell you that we have the same china cabinet. I took a picture so I will have to post it sometime for you to see. It is in my dining room and I love it.

I also love those herb starters your kids made. Isn't Home Depot fun???

Jenn4Him said...

We just got back from taking a walk on a "rails to trails" near our new home. I could smell so many wonderful smells of nature. It would be fun to be able to bottle it and put it on my blog! I should have brought my camera. Next time. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Sandra said...

I always enjoy your Five Senses Saturday :) I didn't even get to do mine today LOL

I'm sorry I didn't get my Show and Tell post in on friday either, I was at INS all day talking to the nice lady LOL

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, it's raining here too so I'm using it as an excuse to watch movies in bed :)


Amber said...

I love yard sales. I have been going a lot these past weekends also. Looks like you found some wonderful things.

I will have to try those cookies. My girls would probably love them.

Christine said...

I love your plant table; you really got a great bargain there! Your impatiens are gorgeous; we have been enjoying some much needed rain, too.

Creative Life Studio said...

Your impatiens are looking great, the plant and plant stand look so nice there in the corner (plants always liven up a room, don't they?), and I LOVE those beautiful books you found at the yard sale. What a find!

Thanks, too, Kelli, for your kind words at my blog this morning.

Be sure to share your book store finds with us. It's one of my favorite things to do!

Trella said...

What great deals you found! I enjoyed all the pictures.
Have a great weekend,

homespun living said...

You found some really lovely things! The herb starters are a cute idea and the kids did such a nice job on them!

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Loved seeing your "thrifty finds" and pictures of your lovely home. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Diane

candy said...

stopping by to let you know I have a new blog,


Ruth said...

Cute buys and ideas!! I love your sense of affordable style!! I need tutoring from you.

Elena said...

Love you affordable buys....and so nice too.

Your flowers are just thriving. They look so nice :)

Henny Penny said...

Great deals!

The Kid loves Bug Bites. The cookie kind, of course. I think they are cute for spring/summer parties!

Unknown said...

Loved this idea! Your home seems very warm and cozy!!

Betty said...

Kelli, I do enjoy 'Show and Tell' and look forward to seeing what everyone shows.

I like your 'finds'......Thanks for coming by to see me......

Christie Belle said...

Great finds! You always have neat things to share in your five senses posts:)

Jenn said...

OH MY BOYS did the SAME project here at Home depot and I SOOO loved them! Basil, chives, parsley.....JUST waht I've been wanting to. Wow, Home Depot sure knows how to do it up for Mommies Day!!! :)

Susie said...

What a fun project from Home Depot. You will enjoy those throughout the growing season!!
Your Thrift sale finds are always fun to see!

Lena said...

Those little herb planters turned out great. My compliments to the little carpenters!
You found some wonderful treasures Kelli and your flowers are really pretty. I'm going to do a little shopping this week for my container plants...I hope!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Kelli, you found some wonderful yard sale items! The books look very sweet. Your flowers look very pretty, too.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Oh, and I love the herb planters...very neat!

Gena said...

I love your 5 senses posts. You have found so many cute things in your treasure hunting.

Also, your flowers are looking so pretty!

Have a wonderful week.

Lori said...

I love your five senses post.

I will have to try one of these sometime.

I like your new plant stand and new table runner and napkins, and books.
Well, everything. I love to find those good buys.
I also like the pictures of your flowers they look so preety.

Naturegirl said...

Kelli what I love about you is that you take every little thing and make it ~special~ Your children have a good teacher! Love the herb project for the children!!Start them gardening at a young age I say.LOVE your box in front of your house with the impatiens in it!!! Love love love it!! Happy gardening! hugs NG

Julieann said...

What wonderful finds you found at the yard sales---I love the little stand--what a perfect plant stand.

Your flowers look so pretty too.

I will keep a look out for the *Bug Bites* My kids would love them:)


Paula said...

Those little books are just darling!