I have a piano recital this coming Saturday and if you are famililar with anxiety/nervousness issues that you'll know that I'm not a happy camper right now! If I'm not at the piano practicing, I'm starring off into space wondering how many mistakes I'll make. ;0)
I hope your week is going well and I'll be back soon. Hopefully with something more exciting to share!
You'll do fine at the recital, don't worry! At least not until Friday anyhow ;)
The pond is so pretty. Have you ever considered turtles?
Good luck with your piano recital. I bet it will be fun!
Thanks for sharing the pretty photo of the flower floating in the pond with us.
Your water lilly is so pretty!! Good luck with your recital. I am sure you will do just fine.
I pray that all goes well for you at your recital.
Love your pond!
Don't worry Kelli, you'll do fine!
What a nice picture of your first lilly... thanks for sharing!! I get nervous when I'm in an "up front" position too... so I understand and I'm sending up a prayer for peace. Blessings, Diane
Oh, I'm sure you'll do wonderfully at your recital, but I know about the anxiety, I do the same thing, in fact, I backed out of one of my recitals because I was so nervous, lol, I was only 10 though. Beautiful water lilly, spring has sprung:)
Good luck Kelli ~ I am sure you will be wonderful. I would love to be able to play, I can only know chopsticks!!
Awww, Kelli, please don't worry--I am sure your recital will be lovely---you do so well at everything you do, I just know you will play beautifully:)
The lilly is pretty:)
Beautiful!! Good luck with your piano recital.
Kelli, Thanks for coming by and commenting on the chicken......
I'm sure you'll do wonderful at the recital. One of the sweetest recitals Iever attended a grandmother and her grandchildren had taken lessons together and played in the recital together........
I am sure you will do fine.
I love the lilly, so beautiful!
Oh, you will do wonderfully. And you will feel so good about yourself when it is all over. Good for you!
Your water lily is lovely. Another treasure from your garden.
Beautiful lilly!! I'm sorry you are nervous about your recital, but you will do just great!!
Very pretty water lilly, and your fish look so happy and healthy too! I played the piano as a young girl and would nearly be sick with anxiety before a performance or recital...lol. So in answer to your question, yes I know how it feels, but it always turns out fine. You'll do great!
I'll be praying for you and your recital! You will do greatwith all that practicing!
This post was exciting! Watching God's handiwork could never be boring now could it?
Love your blog!
How I'd love to have a little pond in my backyard...maybe that will be next year's wishful project! lol Your water lily is just gorgeous:-) Good luck at the piano recital...yup, I know all about anxiety problems! Ugh! xox
But this is exciting! The water lily is awesome and I love those koi too. Are they hard to take care of?
Your lily and your pond are just beautiful!
You will do beautifully at your recital. Just take deep breaths and try to stay calm. I will keep you in my prayers.
Also, thank you for telling me about the yo-yos. I think we will be trying some of the yo-yo projects this summer.
Kelli, the water lily is so pretty! I'm sure you will do good at the recital. You seem to be good at everything you do!
Dear Kelli! Isn't your wonderful first lily a special reminder of God's love and care for you? He so wants to relieve your fears and replace it with His wonderful love! From the standpoint of a non-musical person, most of the time I attend rehersals I am so in awe of those who have shared their talent, I don't even hear the mistakes! I just sit there wishing I had stuck to those lessons so many years ago ....
How fun! A recital!! I wish we were close enough to come here you play!!! I'm sure you'll do wonderfully well!!!!
I LOVE your pond!! I tell Mr. U all the time that I can't wait until the day that we can have a pond like that!! It's soo pretty!!
Mrs. U
oh nice lily! you have a recital coming up? Where have I been? Breathe in and out and you'll do fine...:) I love the Mother's Garden passages!
Just chiming in to tell you that I know you'll do great,too!! Oh, but I know that nervous feeling, I still remember how I felt before my violin perfomances, and the last one was years ago!! But you are well prepared, and your performance will be lovely!! :-)
Your water lily is beautiful!
Good luck with the recital. I am sure you will do great!
You could always think about that lovely water lily as you're playing your music Saturday. That might take your mind off your nervousness. Wishing you all the best on your recital.
I have done my share of recitals. I have survived them all, although I was not sure I would. Relax and just enjoy it.
I love you little pond! I want one, but first I need a house of my own! LOL
P.S. Good luck with your recital
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