I have been getting a lot of sewing done. I finally made some progress on my yo-yo's. While searching online I found this cute way to store them...
I decided to turn mine into a hot pad. I really admire those of you who make bigger things like table runners and quilts! I will say it was nice to actually finish a project for once!
I also got out my pink fabric scraps and made 18 quarter size yo-yo's.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them but in the end I surprised the girls with a...
...yo-yo garland for their bedroom valance. And now I'm all yo-yo-ed out!
I would like to say a big thank you to those that left a comment for Grace and Emily's bedroom post. They loved reading through your notes and had big smiles on their faces. They would also like to say that no, their room is not always so neat. ;0)
We will be having a family BBQ tomorrow. Hot dogs, grilled chicken, baked beans and corn on the cob. The pantry is full of bad things to eat...Cheetos, Little Debbie snacks, etc.
Heroism, Dedication, Courage
Remembering with you the beauty of a life past, but not forgotten.
Whatever your plans are tomorrow, I hope you have a wonderful day and for my U.S. friends, a Happy Memorial Day to you!
Hi Kelli
I love your yoyo hotpad. I saw one of those vultures in our neighborhood recently. I'm glad you didn't share pictures of their dinner!!
Your cookout sounds delish. We're having one tomorrow too, but I think our weather will be sunny and nice.
Hope your rain clear up for the day!!
Oh, Kelli!! I love the yo-yo garland you made for the girls' room!!! I really, really do! The hot pad is lovely, too, but I really LOVE the way the garland turned out.
Turkey vulture, huh? We see those most every day around here and yep, what they eat is pretty gross; but they are efficient. Maybe one of these days I'll tell you how I totally cause Dani to panic when I'm driving and they're in the road ;)
Thank you for sparing us the vulture snack. lol We've seen that on the side of the road, too. yuck!
I love what you did with your yo-yos. I like the idea of how to store them, too.
Enjoy your cookout tomorrow. Sounds like a lovely time.
~ Christina
Turkey Vulture ~ well that's one way to clean up roadkill! (Ewwww!)
Your hotpad is so cute and colorful, and I love that yo-yo garland for the girls. It's just darling! Enjoy your BBQ tomorrow; sounds yummy!
I think the yo-yo garland is wonderful--a creative addition to the window.
I remember having a clown made of those when I was a child. I'm not sure how the face and hat were made--I think the face was a muslin cone with embroidered eyes, nose, mouth. I do remember that the arms, legs, and body were those little yo-yo shapes strung together. It was made for me by an aunt and was very cute.
That's alot of yo yo's! They look nice, both as a hot pad and as a garland for the girls room. A room that looks very pretty, I might add!
It's been dreary and raining here all day. I told Mr. Staggs that I was happy not to be out on a camping trip this weekend, like so many in our area are.
I hope your Memorial Day is a pleasant one.
Best wishes!
Happy Memorial Day to you, as well. Love the yo-yos! I've never tried to make them, but I should.
I love both your hotpat and the garland. How creative!! One day I'll do crafts like that...one day. =o) I hope your cookout goes great!!
Happy Memorial Day to you and your family as we remember those who gave their all to insure our freedom.....
Your yoyo hot pad is so colorful and the garland a great idea.
Thanks for your visit and comment...Betty
Glad the girls enjoyed the comments about their room. Love the yo yo's displayed in the bottle. Happy Memorial Day.
I wondered what you were going to do with your yoyos. I love the hot pad AND the garland. What a cute idea for the pink ones :)
And lo ... you have burst my bubble. To think that Kelli would have Little Debbie snacks in her pantry. Not because I thought you were so healthy exactly, but because I thought EVERYTHING you served was lovingly home made and beautifully presented.
I guess you'll just have to put those delicious Little Deb's on a crystal platter :)
Have a fun day Kelli. I so enjoy coming to your place. You always make me feel so welcome.
Happy Memorial Day to you, Kelli...
I am loving the yoyos...!!!!!!!!
note to self: Must make more yoyos.
I am impressed that you made all of those yoyo's! You show true perseverance. Have a great cookout. We will continue to dodge rain this weekend, which really doesn't bother me because we need it!
Happy Memorial Day to you and your family! Now run to the cupboard quick and throw those little debbie's out and make something good. When I was working in nursing we had a continueing education program and they said that little debbie's have a shelf life of 8 yrs. Now you know that ain't good! lol
Happy Memorial Day, Kelli! I love your yo yo's! Your daughters must have loved the beautiful garland. I hope your is a blast!
Coming over to raid your pantry...
Blessed Memorial Day!
Hi Kelli:-) I so love the garland you made for the girls' bedroom with those yoyos! Beautiful! I do hope your weather cooperates for the cookout...it's been wet and cold here the last two days. Happy Memorial Day to you and yours:-) xox
The yo-yo garland is very pretty. I think it is a great idea!
The yo-yos stored in the jar is the cutest thing. I'm not much of a yo-yo fan so I never make them but they would be worth making just to have a jar of them. And the garland for the valance is a terrific use! They look so cute.
I love yo-yo's! Did you know there is an easy way to make them with a plastic template now - and more templates to come this summer for flower shaped yo-yo's and other shapes too! I learned about them at lazygirldesigns.com/blog - they have some great ideas for yo-yo's too! Great job on the garland and hot pad! Such fun!
A finished project is satisfying, indeed! Thanks for sharing your photos. Enjoyed the vintage postcard you displayed, as well.
Beautiful idea for the valance and I love the hotpad too! I hope you had a wonderful long weekend and that the cook out was marvelous:)
We had turkey vultures come into town last summer (from the Missouri River). They all came swooping in to land in our neighbor elm trees at dusy. I think they are so creepy! Apparently they came into town because it was so dry last year. Since it is wet this year, hopefully we won't see them.
The yo-yo garland is adorable!! I have some vintage fabric from my grandmother...I may make on for my own room!! Thanks for the inspiration!!
Happy Memorial Day!
Hope your holiday is going well.
I'm headed downstairs to made potato salad, prep corn and shrimp, and get ready for a tea tomorrow. I think Little Debbies on the crystal platters WITH A DOILY would be perfect ;) Maybe I'll do that with Sweetheart's Oreos I bought today...
Just a thought: turkey vultures are SO ugly themselves--couldn't their dinner really look any worse than they do. Eewww! I'm glad your picture of the bird wasn't any closer up-I'd rather see the roadkill.
I think I'll have to look up how to make a yo-yo. I've never seen it done before. I think I'm slightly allergic to fabric and needles, though I'd trying to overcome it all. I really should sew.
I've never tried to make these, but they look so cute! I love the garland for the girl's room, too, which is too cute, by the way!
Enjoy your Memorial Day!
Your yoyo crafts are so beautiful, the valance is unique, I have to show it to my mom when I visit. There are so many things you can with that! Hope you had a great day!
You are so crafty. I like all of your yo-yo projects.
YOu are funny! You are all yo yoed out.
Love the yo-yos. My husbands great grandmother made a yo yo quilt. I have never seen anything like it, it's gorgeous! They're so fun!
God bless :)
i love Yo-yo's..love making them...find them to be VERY therapeutic..I have seen them sewn on totes...used on cards as a flower...placemats....anyone else have ideas?
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