Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007

Happy First Day of Summer!!

If you are still,
you may hear the sounds of toes,
giggling in the tall summer grass.


Anonymous said...

This little piggy cried, "Wee-wee-wee," all the way home! How fun!

dot said...

Kelli, this is a cute post!

Susan said...

Nothing like grass between your toes on a summer day.

Ruth said...

Love the pictures. Where DO you all find these?? =o)

Anonymous said...

Giggling it!

Tracy said...

Happy summer!

Kelley said...

Aww, what a darling post!
Happy 1st day of summer *Ü*

someone else said...

I've been a little behind in blog reading these days and the sights and sounds you've posted these past few posts have been delightful. Happy belated birthday to your daughter!

Trella said...

I love the pictures, too cute!!

Just Mom said...

Happy Summer to you.

Very cute post. LOVE the look of that iced tea. Yum!

Disney for Boys said...

Happy First Day Of Summer!!!

Gena said...

I love your pictures! Do you wear the cute straw hat?

Happy Summer!

Carole Burant said...

So THAT'S where all that giggling was coming from! hehe Happy Summer Solstice to you dear Kelli! xox

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I love the pictures! Very nice!!

Marci said...

Ah yes, feet in the grass... In florida, you were always afraid you would get a sand spur or that fire ants would get you. Here we can walk barefoot, lay in the grass.... Summer....

sugarsandsalts said...

You got beautiful toes!

CONNIE W said...

Such a nice first day of summer post.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Happy First day of Summer!!!!!

Myrna said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!
That iced tea--or is it sweet tea?--looks mighty inviting!

Anita said...

Hi Kelli!

Yes, it's really summer time! But unfortunately, we just have rain these days.... ;-(((

That blanket where you put the basket on is very pretty!

Have a wonderful week-end, hope the sun is shining in Texas!

XoX, Anita

P.S.: And have a great new Show & Tell Friday (starting in 30 min. your time), unfortunately, I've been to busy this week and did not get another post ready in time... ;-(((

Anonymous said...

Love it!