Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Gifts for a Friend

Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you some Keepsake Envelope Folders that I made this past weekend. They are very quick and easy to put together.

Basically you take 3-5 envelopes and stick them together, creating pockets for holding special things.

The fun part is decorating the front of the envelope.

There are so many pretty papers and stickers available now that most of the work is already done!

The back of the envelope.

Wrapped up with ribbon and ready to be filled.

Phillip and I are friends with a couple who are moving back to Florida for a few months and then will be heading to Uganda, Africa for three years. They will be working on translating the Bible for a small remote people group called the Ik. Before they can start on the translating though, they will need to figure out exactly what language they speak!

I wanted to give my friend a going away gift, but it had to be small and not one more thing for her to pack. I decided to give her one of the Keepsake Envelopes with hopefully some useful things tucked inside.

A small vintage hankie and a card with my address and phone number.

Various hot teas.

Lastly, a little spending money for their road trip to Florida. I suggested she share a little of it with her husband. ;0)

Thank you for looking at my Keepsake Envelopes! If you would like to make some of your own you can find the instructions at Martha Stewart.com


Paula said...

What beautiful keepsakes for your good friend!

Pen of Jen said...

Kelli...You are ever so talented! I love the thought and caring that went into these cards.

What a sweet idea, and thank you for being so thoughtful. We all can't go to serve missions, but we all can give some spending money to those who give up *me* time in exchange for the Lord.


Ruth said...

So very pretty! You are so talented AND thoughtful...a great combination.

Tracy said...

These are absolutely lovely! The perfect gift, from a very thoughtful giver!

Anonymous said...

Kelli those are so pretty. I have seen them somewhere before ... maybe it WAS Martha Stewart. But I have never made them. Lovely! And your friend will appreciate the thoughtful gift. Blessings to them in their travels.

Julieann said...

Oh, Kelli---they are so beautiful!!! You are such a good friend:)


Anonymous said...

You are soooo creative!!! I am excited to see what you put together next!

rohanknitter said...

That's a really great idea, thanks!
Your friend will love it.

Susie said...

What a thoughtful gift and perfect for tucking in a suitcase. She will love it.

Carole Burant said...

Such beautiful keepsake envelopes!! Kelli, you always amaze me with your talent, everything you make looks so gorgeous:-) Your friend will love one of those envelopes filled with these goodies you chose...all the best to her and her husband!! xox

Disney for Boys said...

They are absolutely beautiful!!! What a special gift to give, they are so pretty I would frame them in a shadow box and display them! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea for a sweet gift, and just lovely to look at, too. Thanks so much for sharing!

... said...

how cool! you are so clever. even if you got the idea somewhere else, yours are beautiful and your creativity extends to what you put into them. thanks for sharing.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

The keepsake envelopes are beautiful! What a sweet, thoughtful idea you had for your friends!


Rowan said...

These are so pretty - it would be a lovely gift to receive. They look simple to do as well so I might five it a try.

Kim said...

Man Kelli--everytime I come visit your blog, you have another cute idea! I will have to look at Martha's site and see if I can figure these out. What a thoughtful gift for your friend. :)

Lallee said...

Kelli, that is a beautiful idea. Your friend will be blessed by it.

Susan P. said...

Such a lovely and thoughtful gift, Kelli! You are right about all the wonderful things out there on the market today ~ I find myself "drooling" as I walk up and down the craft aisles! So much fun, isn't it?!!

dot said...

Cute idea!
Very interesting work your friends are going to do.

Susan said...

Those are absolutely lovely Kelli. You are such a sweetheart :o)

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Those envelopes are beautiful. What a sweet friend you are! Thank you for sharing these keepsakes with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful idea! Yours look great. I'll definitely have to make some of those sometime. What a great friend you are!!! God bless!

Christine said...

How pretty, Kelli! You are so creative. I love the elegant way you decorated these, and the lovely items inside.

Marci said...

Wow, what a great idea. It is something that could be tailored to any person and their likes or dislikes. Thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful gift for your friend!

I haven't seen these before, but have a ton of extra envelopes. Maybe I will make some too.

Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful day!

Jen said...

How nice. Your friend is lucky to have such a great person in her life.

Jenn4Him said...

You are so thoughtful and sweet. I think even I could make these! Thanks for sharing this awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh how very pretty!! Thank you for sharing the idea.
Have a blessed day.

CONNIE W said...

Kelli, Once again I dub you the Martha Stewart of blog-land. You are always so clever and full of ideas!

someone else said...

Those are really, really sweet.

Karen said...

What a sweet friend you are, Kelli! I know your friend will love this!

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, those keepsake envelopes are gorgeous, another wonderful idea of Martha Stewart! Very well done, the ones you did look sooo pretty!

XoX, Anita

Cris said...

Your friends will love this! Are they with Wycliff? There are some here I am friends with.

Jodi said...

Lovely! What a pretty way to bless a friend. :o)

Julie said...

What a wonderful idea! I would need to use huge mailing envelopes though. ha ha Yours are exqusite.

Sharon said...

A lovely idea and I good gift for your friends who will travel far and wide. You could write a book with all the good ideas you have.

Lynne said...

What a pretty idea. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sheila said...

Beautiful! What a clever idea.

Sonya said...

These are so pretty! I love them! Great job!

Anonymous said...

I love love love your keepsake envelops. They are so pretty. What a good idea.

Naturegirl said...

Beautiful charming a very good thing!
You are such a giving and sharing spirit Kelli I love that about your blog! hugs NG

Lori said...

What a neat idea. I think I'm going to use this idea for a gift sometime.
You are very talented.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

What a great project, Kelli! Thank you for sharing it.

Cathy said...

Those are just beautiful, Kelli. You are very talented and a sweet friend.

****** said...

What a beautiful idea!