~If you have a beach sojourn this month, try to enjoy it at different times: an early morning browse to collect shells before the crowds come, a late afternoon visit to fly kites after they've left. Save one evening for a moonlight walk. If you are not alone, hold hands.
~Rediscover the books you loved as a child. Head off to a library and wander into the children's section. Recall those moments of contentment curled up with a good book. What was it? Little Women? Black Beauty? Anne of Green Gables? Nancy Drew? Little House on the Prairie?
~Lie in a hammock while you get reacquainted with your favorite stories.
~When was the last time you stargazed? One clear summer's evening lie on a big blanket in your backyard with a good bottle of wine or sparkling cider, cheese, biscuits, and fresh fruit. Look up into the night sky. Find a star to wish upon.
~Look for the moon while you are out there. The next full one will be on August 28.
~Be sure to spend some time enjoying the last of the pretty flowers.
~If it is really hot outside, bring some of the blooms indoors.
Here are some more fun and unique ways to celebrate August...
August 2 ~ National Ice Cream Day (We missed this, but I think any day is good for ice cream!)
August 4 ~ National Mustard Day
August 8 ~ Admit You're Happy Day
August 10 ~ Lazy Day
August 18 ~ Watermelon Day
Deep in the wood I made a house
Where no one knew the way;
I carpeted the floor with moss,
And there I loved to play.
I heard the bubbling of the brook;
At times an acorn fell,
And far away a robin sang
Deep in the lonely dell.
I set a rock with acorn cups,
So quietly I played
A rabbit hopped across the moss
And did not seem afraid
That night before I went to bed
I at my window stood,
And thought how dark my house must be
Down in the lonesome wood.
~K. Pyle
Ideas from Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Pictures can be found at www.art.com
Feel free to share what you do to enjoy these hot summer days!
That is a really sweet, cute post, Kelli. I enjoy my flower garden, but have to keep it well watered. I see you are very popular as a homeschooling mom. :-)
What a lovely bunch of suggestions. You should write books!
We'll start school back on Wednesday, which makes summer fel like it is over, except that it is still so very hot.
The poem you selected certainly took me on a little journey! Thanks for posting.
What great ideas to spend an August summer day! :)
This was very nice, Kelli! I loved the pictures too, and the poem.
The heat has moderated somewhat since August began, so I shall try to do some of these very things. I am off to the Capital Affaire (arts & crafts fair) today with my sis. It is cool today!
Thank you, Tracy but I got the ideas from the Simple Abundance book by Sarah Ban Breathnach! I left the Amazon link at the bottom of my post!
What a sweet post Kelli :)
Again, I realize I missed the Show and Tell, what is wrong with me??? Hope I can remember next week.
Thanks for all the great links and I love the pics you used too.
I just love that poem you chose!
For me, August is kind of like the last deep breath before we start up school again. I hope to get a few projects done, and my annual clean-out of the den/schoolroom. Ordering a few last odds & ends of curriculum, and then getting the school plans organized. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think I need to carve out a little time to sit on the front porch with an iced tea!
Kelli this was such a fun post. I loved all the ideas you shared, and especially loved the poetry.
One of the things we love to do in the summer months is to sit outside very, very late. When it is dark (and cooler here in Florida) we light the candles on the back porch and sit at the patio table in the dark. Somehow it is always easier to share your heart and talk of special things when the "lights" are off.
I learned this as a very young bride. My quiet husband is more apt to really talk in the dark. He of course has no idea this is strategic on my part :)
I like your suggestions and I've done some of those.
We've had such hot weather this summer, and the refreshing part for me has been the evenings in the swing on the patio, sipping a fruit smoothie made from my peaches.
All I can say is... I love your posts. And I agree with Tracy,you should write books!
My favourite thing to do is to sit on my patio swing just as the sun is going down...watching the sunset and feeling the cooler air is a peaceful time for me. Also, being able to sit and enjoy all my flowers is worth all the work put into taking care of them:-) xox
Nice post. I love the little images you used. Kelli, I especially like August this year because my Uncle Sam is going to start sending me a little money every month!
The picture of the little girl in pink on the beach looks a lot like my daughter!! I love it!!!
How sweet and so fitting for this last full month of summer. Thank you for the reminder to slow down and enjoy what is left.
I loved this, Kelli! :)
Nice, relaxing post Kelli. I smiled when I read your suggestion of star gazing because just tonight my hubby and I took our walk after dark, which we never do. The night sky was so clear and the stars were just a twinkling so beautifully. Hubby told me to just look up and enjoy the stars. We went on to discuss how we just don't enjoy nature and God's creation the way we should. I plan on doing it more consistently now!
I loved this post Kelli, and the thought of "Admit Your Happy Day". That's a good one!
I hope you're having a weekend every bit as sweet as you are.
I really enjoyed your August suggestions, but, admit it! You were looking to use those old fashioned illustrations, were'nt you? Don't you just love them?
Happy Sunday.
Cute illustrations! I love visiting produce stands in August for they are filled with so many wonderful things like sweet corn and juicy plums, peaches , and melons. Then when I get home, I like to sit on my porch and munch on some of my "finds" and let the sticky juice run down my hands. Makes me feel like a kid again.
what a lovely post! I alwyas enjoye how you put such sweet pictures with your well written words.
I'm so sorry my grandchildren and I missed Ice Cream Day! I didn't know there was such a day--They were out of town anyway. Oh Well, we won't let that keep us from enjoying some when they come over this week! they think no visit is complete unless they get to eat a little cup of Blue Bell. I'm raising those Tennessee kids right with Texas ice cream!
Lovely August ideas Kelli!
My favorites would include the beach activities and we are blessed to be so close to enjoy the Pacific ocean as frequent day trips..I never ever tire of that!!
Miller...my son..sat in his diaper while eating Watermelon on the deck. Very cute. We laughed as he was a true mess.
I will miss the flowers when they are gone. I do need to enjoy them.
Long walks in the evening are nice for the end of summer.
Just a true delightful post!!!! Love the pictures and poem and just everything!!!!
and my Artist Artsy Blog
Nice post! We have our 13th wedding anniversary tomorrow and Father's Day next week, so it's a special month for us!
I loved your post, Kelli, and all the pictures you posted to go along with it.
Sadly, it is SO hot here that our favorite thing to do lately is stay INSIDE and watch movies and eat ice cream! We have been having a heat idex of over 105 and our air quality is in the red zone (unhealthy for all groups).
I am personally looking forward to the cooler fall days. I do still enjoy watering my flowers that have survived the heat and going for the occasional swim. Other than that, it is the air conditioning for me!
Kelli you always share the most special ways to enjoy ordinary days! Thank you for the inspiration my dear sister in the Lord!
WONDERFUL list, amazing pictures, beautiful poem!
On my list... allow the girls to stay up and play games outdoors as late as they can for one night.
I'm having company on august 18th and now I know what we should have for dessert...watermelon since it's watermelon day. Thanks for the heads up. :) enjoy your August...
what a great post. i tend to get caught up with all the back to school stuff. august flies by without much notice. but your words reminded me that i should try to slow down and savor each and every day - the last days of summer.
I have something for you on my blog! Stop by and check it out!!!
I love sitting outside in the sun and enjoying some cold fruit, especially watermelon.
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