Friday, August 31, 2007

Show and Tell

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I want to show you my favorite patchwork quilt. Several years ago my sister and I were yard-saling together. At one of the stops we saw some quilts lying on the lawn, so of course I was interested! The lady that was having the sale told me that her husband's aunt had made this particular one about 20 years earlier. Her name was Audrey but she went by "Aud." She lived up in the Appalachian Mountains, in a cabin with no running water or electricity, and liked to pass the time by quilting.

It is a queen size quilt and every single stitch was done by hand.

All the colors of the rainbow!

A year ago I took it into a quilt shop and was told that many of the fabrics are from the depression era.

The top and bottom borders are this sweet horse and buggy print.

The side borders are a scene of a man, woman, little girl and a kitty. Their cottage is in the distance.

Lots of tiny stitches!

I'm looking foward to crisp Autumn evenings. This is the perfect quilt to curl up under!

Thank you for looking at my Show and Tell!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Childhood keepsakes
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-A favorite treasure
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

Please do not feel that you have to participate every Friday.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home. If you don’t know the link code, email me and I will send it to you.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.

That's it! After that, you can start visiting all the other Show and Tell participants!


Tracy said...

I love your quilt. We've had the same one on our bed for the entire 18 years that we have been married. My grandma made it for a wedding gift. It's thin, and has several rips in the top. One of these days, I'd like to make us a new one. I cover the one we have with a comforter when I make the bed each day. Neither of us seems to mind the tatterd look. It is certainly well loved!

Anonymous said...

My, it's just gorgeous! So detailed! How do you clean it?

Betty said...

Quilts made by those we love add such love and warmth to our homes....


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I have a quilt my grandmother made, someday I will share it! Quilts are so expensive these days, but there is so much time and work that goes into them, plus a labor of love!


Disney for Boys said...

Kelli, It is beaitful as is everything you share with us! Lovely! Can you beleive i do not own a quilt, of any kind! Im going to have to put that on my wish list as every comfy home should have one. :-)

Hugs ~

Anita said...

I looks wonderful, Kelli! I am dreaming of sewing such a big quilt one day, too! Maybe when I am retired and have lots of time.... in 30 years from now... ;-))

I can't believe that this lade gave away that special family heirloon made by her husband's aunt. It must have taken ages to sew it and do the stiching! What a pity, I hope she won't rue it one day!

Just two days to go and I'll get my "new" sewing machine cabinet! Oh, I am sooo excited already!

Have a fabolous Friday Kelli and lots of great and interesting "Show & Tell's"

Hugs, Anita

Myrna said...

What a lovely Show and Tell. I cannot imagine letting ogo of such a family treasure! Now it is your family's treasure!

BTW--Thank you for the email. I'm going to have to check a map!

Front Porch Society said...

What a beautiful blanket and with such a rich history behind it!! :) Truly a treasure to hold on to!

Pear tree cottage! said...

Kelli another lovely "show & tell" that shows us not only a beautiful item being this lovely quilt but also how much love is in your generations. beautiful!


retha said...

I do not know much about quilt, but if it is stitched by hand it must be amazing.
Wonder how long that took to finish.

Julieann said...

Kelli, you always find the neatest things. The quilt is very lovely--and I bet it will keep you warm in the fall:)


Anonymous said...

I love quilts, too. The one you found is charming. Quilts are so comfy, and when you're sick, there's nothing that feels as good around you. Yours is beautiful, (I especially love the edging!). thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, that quilt just makes you want to curl up with some hot cocoa and a really good book! Beautiful!

Britta said...

This quilt is wonderful, I love it. All the details...just great.
have anice day and a good start into the weekend.


Tammy said...

Beautiful quilt! I have never quilted but all my life I have admired them so much! In fact, I'm thinking of taking a class one of these days!

Thank you for sharing this find with us! (And it's great to think that someone from the Appalachians made it in an old cabin!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is just beautiful. I look at that and think of all the love that went into making such a treasure.

Take care,

Mine is up.

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome quilt! My mom had one --wish I knew what happened to it when she passed on-- but it was a beautiful one...and in each squared piece, all the women of the family embroidered their name and date. Oh well, I have memory of it from my childhood.

MINE show 'n' tell is POSTED

Susan said...

As always Kelli your Show & Tell item was just marvelous. I just love the many colors in this quilt!!!

Desperate Housewife said...

That quilt is beautiful. And that you know its history makes it a true treasure.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Beautiful quilt. I am excited to participate for teh first time!

Jodi said...

What a find, Kelli! It's beautiful and the detail is amazing.

dot said...

I love quilts and that one is a beauty!

Rebecca said...

What a treasure! I ditto Tracy. I was just lamenting the fact that our wedding quilt made for us by my friend, was getting all dingy and oldish looking because of use. I sure would love to get it washed up and display it somewhere and use a BIT less of a sentimental one for practical purposes.

I can't believe the things people sell.

LBP said...

Beautiful quilt. I love old quilts and come from a family of "quilters". I have made one and am in the process of making the top for another. So much work!


LBP said...

Where's Mr. Linky????

Jen said...

I love quilts too, I'm actually from the town Quilt City USA.....every year in April people from all over the world come here for the Quilt Show that lasts 4 days...pretty amazing what some of these women can do. I agree with you though that quilt looks so comfy for a cold Autumn night....and you even know the history with unique...have a great weekend friend.

Anonymous said...

I love your quilt!

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine anyone selling such an heirloom. But I am certainly glad that someone got it who will truly appreciate it. It is lovely Kelli. You are the perfect one to have it.

Thanks for sharing.

I can't find mr linky. Maybe you are having problems again. I'll try later.

Susan said...

What happened to Mr. Linky? He's gond!!!!

Susan said...

PS That should read "He's gone!"

Amber said...

That is beautiful. I love quilts and am always looking our for them at garage sales. That was definitely a great find!

Hootin Anni said...

I have a question...may I use my own personal Show N Tell header? If so, I would be willing to share it for a 2nd choice along with your title image.

My new header is shown on my blog today.

Jenn4Him said...

I adore quilts. I may have to show and tell the ones my great grandmother made. Perhaps next week!
Have a lovely weekend. I look forward to your next post.

Reviekat said...

What a beautiful quilt. Definitely a treasure and I love all the bright colors.

Gena said...

That quilt is just gorgeous! I love all the colors. There is just something about a quilt that says "love" to me.

Lori said...

I love your patch work quilt. It is so pretty.
I'm sure you will get lots of use out of it this fall. I love to snuggle up under blankets and read a book or grab a cup of cappicino.

Have a blessed weekend!


Paula said...

That quilt is absolutely stunning!! We have one of my great grandmother's quilts laying over the top of my mother's hope chest. And to think that my great grandmother had 3 or 4 quilts that were sold at auction when she died. My father kept one of them, which eventually was passed to me. Heirlooms are just priceless! I need to take a look at your Show and Tell.


charish said...

Kelli, What beautiful quilts. You have such neat items to share every week. I did a post but it does not fall in the guidelines so I did not link up to Mr. Linky. But stop by and have a look and have a wonderful day.

Lila Rostenberg said...

Kelli, you really have delighted my eyes this morning! I love quilts! Especially scrap quilts! I found some fabirc triangles all cut and ready to sew into this same quilt pattern at Mom's this week!

Lori said...

Kelli can you delete my name on line 25. I typed in my link wrong.
I linked up again on line 29.
Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelli,
I love your quilt! Quilts are so lovely aren't they! One day, I hope to sew my day! :0)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely quilt, great find!
God bless :)

SimpleFolk said...

What a beautiful quilt! I've missed being able to participate in show and tell. It's been so busy around here. I've posted mine for today. Have a wonderful weekend! :o)


inspired said...

gifted ;o]

Paula said...

I just love vintage quilts! How neat that you know a little bit about the person who crafted such a materpiece.

Mrs. C

LadySnow said...

That quilt is beautiful. Sorry I didn't participate today. I didn't have time to do a post. :)

Karen said...

I love the ties with the ones who handcrafted something I have. Sort of a link to the past, such as the depression era materials. What a treasure you have!

Trudi said...

Hi Kelly, I can't see your pictures. I keep check back. Your quilt sounds nice.

Coach Paulette said...

This is too funny - look at all the quilts today! I had my posting planned last night and it is great that so many of us are thinking alike today! Kelli - where did you find your great quilt rack? I really need one the size of yours!

Carole Burant said...

Such a beautiful quilt and I love it that you know the story behind the lady who made it! Just knowing that the material used is from a long time ago just adds to the beauty of the quilt!! I'm sorry I didn't participate in the Show & Tell today, Kelli, with having company yesterday, I just didn't have time to think of something! lol xox

Momma Roar said...

Another gorgeous find Kelli!! Her handiwork is amazing - I just love how so many different colors and patterns can go together to create such a beautiful piece!!

theups said...

Kelli, this quilt is SO pretty!!! I would love to have something like that. It matches everything, looks SO warm and looks like it was made with lots of love!! I can't believe that this lady parted with a family momento that is SO lovely to boot!!

Congratulations on your beautiful new treasure!!

Mrs. U

Patty H. said...

That is a beautiful quilt!! Wouldn't you love to meet the lady who made it?
Patty H.

... said...

beautiful quilt, kelli. have you ever done any quilting? i think it would be fun. but i never learned to sew very well, and heck, i don't have the time either.

thanks for sharing. hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Unknown said...

What a treasured quilt. so much work and much love put into it, and so lovingly displayed. I am late putting my show and tell up. I have had a bad day. See ya soon. Mica

Anonymous said...

What a true treasure that you are fortunate to have!
Thanks for sharing...

CONNIE W said...

What an extra special quilt you have and it's beautiful.

Cathy said...

What a beautiful quilt and look at all those gorgeous fabrics! A wonderful record of fabrics of that time and a wonderful adopted heirloom!

Cathy (hazelruthe) :)

Ms. Kathleen said...

Wow, that is just amazing and so detailed. A lot of work went into that quilt. There is going to be a very large quilters retreat at our camp in October. People coming from all over the US to teach. I look forward to seeing all the work.... 130 sewing machines all buzzing at the same time! I hope fuses don't blow!

Jennifer said...

What an amazing treasure you found yard saling!

My great-Granny used to quilt, everything (like your quilt) was done by hand. She said those sewing machines were too confusing and you couldn't take them with you when you traveled! Ha! I'm very priviledged to have a couple of her hand-made jewels passed down to me.

I love how you got the story on your quilt. It just gives it even more appeal :o)

Have a great Labor Day Kelli!

Stitcher S said...

That's gorgeous, and I can't believe someone sold it at a garage sale, but it's a gain for those of us who appreciate quilts like these.

Vicky said...

I'm baaack! (Did you even notice I was gone??!) I had a month in England with my kids, visiting relatives and friends. It was great, but I was out of computer range most of the month, which was a bit of a shock to the old blogging system! It feels like I have come home to cyber space too!

That is a lovely quilt - I was surprised that it was so old as it's a very modern, vivid design that would work with almost any decor. I am sure that whoever made it would be delighted to know that it had been rescued and was being loved and used once more.

*~Tamara~* said...

Beautiful quilt! What a treasure.

But I must say..."crisp autumn evenings"??? In Texas? We get like two of those, don't we? Don't let them slip by unnoticed! ;-)

Ladybug said...

I LOVE quilts. I have a collection of them. One was made by my husbands grandmother. All handstitched. Ugly but it was made with a lot of love. :)

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

I love your quilt Kelli! I also love that it has a history. Because I love quilts, I wrote a little story poem a couple years ago about an old woman who lived on a mountain in a cabin and she made quilts.
I'll have to post that for you one day.


Marci said...

You got a real treasure there Kelli. I am thrilled for you.

homespun living said...

An amazing quilt, and how wonderful to know a little about the woman who made it!

Autumn said...

It is so pretty! I can't even imagine how long it too to make! I started a little quilt several years ago, and haven't finished it. I don't really like quilting though...
The colors are so pretty!

Reginas Cottage said...

Kelli this quilt is wonderfoul.I just
love the many colors in this quilt.
Have a nice sunday

Amanda said...

What an awesome find! You always find such cool stuff.

Proverbs3122 said...

That was beautiful! I LOVE quilts. that's quite a treasure you found.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

What an amazing quilt...what a treasure you have indeed. Thank you for sharing it! My dear Gram made many quilts while I was growing up and fortunately I have quite a few of them. I remember helping her cut the patches while sitting at her kitchen table.

Cris said...

You can find so many interesting things at these yard sales, and I like the story behind it. That quilt holder is beautiful. Kelli, I think this is so American, and you should be proud of it, my friend gave me a quilt years ago and I cherish it so much.

Michelle said...

That quilt is beautiful -- I especially love the border prints. Doesn't it make you wonder how anyone can part with something like that?