We had a fun kitchen quiz, and I promised to have another one in the future, so get out your paper and pencil! Let's go back to the year 1938...
1. When should the butter be put on the table and the water poured, at the breakfast table?
2. Suppose you accidentally spilled a cup of cocoa at the table. What would you do? What would you say?
3. What is the most important step in dishwashing?
4. How should crackers and breads be eaten with soup?
5. How thick should vegetables parings be?
6. Should pie be served for luncheon or for dinner?
7. What consideration should be shown the meat carver?
Any guesses?
Feel free to copy and paste any or all of the questions in the comment section and answer them there! Or you could post them on your blog but let us know, so we can come and read them!
Oh, my! How far we've strayed from etiquette at the dinner table!! My small-town, farming background did teach me wash my hands before meals, though. :) I'll be watching your blog for the answers!!
I can't wait to see the answers. I can only imagine how far we have strayed...
Okay, I stink. I'll have to go think about these questions and see if I can figure out any of the answers. :)
Now, since you participated last year, I’m stopping by to let you know that I’m hosting a 2nd Edition of my Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style recipe exchange!
I hope you can join me again this year on 5 October. And, would you mind helping me to spread the word by publishing a post about my holiday recipe exchange before next Friday? I’d sure appreciate it! I have the button in my most recent post.
Thanks so much!
1. When should the butter be put on the table and the water poured, at the breakfast table?
Dunno what the rules are, but I don't like HARD COLD butter, so here, it'd be time enough for it to soften and make it spreadable.
2. Suppose you accidentally spilled a cup of cocoa at the table. What would you do? What would you say?
Rules schmules! I'd be down on the tabletop slurppin' it up!!
3. What is the most important step in dishwashing?
making sure the cat's tongue is clean? My guess would be the water temp...and rinsing.
4. How should crackers and breads be eaten with soup?
With your pinkie raised in the air as you bring the cracker to your mouth, with dainty bites? No, wait...that's tea sipping.
5. How thick should vegetables parings be?
I rarely pare mine...I like the skins...that's where the vitamins are. Maybe just enough to take off the skin and see the 'meat of the veggies?
6. Should pie be served for luncheon or for dinner?
Can't have pie with both meals? Pro'lly dinner then. *shrug*
7. What consideration should be shown the meat carver?
Stand back 10 feet from them when they're wielding the carving knife? *shrug*
[that was fun...but in all seriousness, I am very curious now!!!]
THANKS FOR THE WELL WISHES KELLI!! If you'd like to add the link on Friday to mine, you're more than welcomed to do so. I'd appreciate it a lot. [I'll post it from my draft later this afternoon] Thanks again.
I was all ready to give this thing a try, and then I read hootin'ani's comment and I could not find words.
She says it all. Strangely, I agree with every one of her answers except the cat's tongue being clean. That one just did me in.
Kelli somethings must have changed for the better since, as I am personally thankful that I don't even think twice on #5 (how thick veggie parings should be)...did they really measure them? I can imagine the pressure to get them to the right stage of pared before my husband or company stared long and hard at my naked veggies.
thanks for sharing, it was fun and I realize how little I know about my kitchen ;-)
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
(was the dentist okay...glad God sent you a hug!) blessings;-)x0x0x
Trust you'll post the answers tomorrow. I got a kick out of Hootin Annies answers.
When I was born in 1934 and all through World War II, we only bought a 1/4 stick of butter at a time (1/4th pound) as we had no ice box to keep it in. So the butter had to be eaten right away or it might go rancid.
Abraham Lincoln
I'm going to beg-off answering, because I was only 1 year old, when this book and quiz were compiled. ,-))))
How is that, for an excuse!?!?!
1. When should the butter be put on the table and the water poured, at the breakfast table?
-When all have sat down.-
2. Suppose you accidentally spilled a cup of cocoa at the table. What would you do? What would you say?
-"pardon me!" and then dab it with a clean table.
3. What is the most important step in dishwashing?
4. How should crackers and breads be eaten with soup?
-On the side.-
5. How thick should vegetables parings be?
-1/8 inch thick-
6. Should pie be served for luncheon or for dinner?
-Dinner dessert-
7. What consideration should be shown the meat carver?
-A sharp knife.-
Okay, Kelli! Now I am curious! What are the answers?!
Can't wait to read the answers - but I will not embarass myself and even try to answer them on my own! How did we ever make it without microwave ovens anyway???
okay, the only guess I have...#3. Drying. My gram always said it was the dryer who had the most important job. (Of course it was probably to make me feel good about my job!)
I can not wait to see the answers!
I'm sorry to say that I have no idea about most of these ;) Will be checking your blog for the answers, though!
I posted your quiz on my blog. I thought it was fun. I put a reference back to your blog. Thanks for offering such fun things.
Hi Kelli! Fun quiz! Here are my guesses:
1. Right before eating.
2. Wipe immediately with a damp cloth and apologize!
3. Rinse right after meal is complete.
4. On the side in a seperate plate.
5. 1/8 of an inch thick.
6. For an after dinner dessert.
7. Give him a tip?
Thanks for posting this! I can't wait to see the answers! :)
I'm going to try and answer #7. I think you should seat the meat carver at the head or foot of the table so he/she has plenty of elbow room when carving....
the meat carver should get to fill his plate first?
1. When should the butter be put on the table and the water poured, at the breakfast table?
I would put the butter out after everyone is seated. Water for breakfast? No thanks-cooee for me please!
2. Suppose you accidentally spilled a cup of cocoa at the table. What would you do? What would you say?
I would probably say "Ouch!" and then "Excuse me" and get a paper towel. Oh wait, it's 1938-were paper towels invented yet?
3. What is the most important step in dishwashing?
Start with a clean, empty sink and fill with hot sudsy water. (Do I wash dishes this way-hee hee hee!)
4. How should crackers and breads be eaten with soup?
I like to break my crackers into little bits and put them in the soup. Bread I like to dip in the soup.
5. How thick should vegetables parings be?
I have no idea-I think I flunked this quiz already!
6. Should pie be served for luncheon or for dinner?
I like it for breakfast with my morning cuppa!
7. What consideration should be shown the meat carver?
I would be VERY considerate to that meat carver, for they are in possession of a large knife!
Oops- that's supposed to be "coffee" instead of water for answer number one-I could use a cup right now!
I just love how much fun you are having with your old book and how everyone else is joining in. I have an old 'fitness' book from 1942. According to this book my waist should be 24 inches! LOL! My 12 year olds waist is not even that small. Maybe I should post some fun stuff from my book too!
Very interesting. I can't wait to see all of the answers.
Oh, I love these! Mostly, I love nostalgia, so this is so fun.
But as for the answers...I'm clueless! Can't wait for the answers, though!
I believe all the possible answers have been covered. They had everything covered with rules in those days, didn't they. Were all vegetables pared the same?
Answers, please. I want to be sure to serve the water (at breakfast?!) correctly! :-)
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