Welcome to Memories Monday! This is where you can share your favorite memories of family, friends, childhood, and life in general. It will be fun to read about special memories each of us have. Pictures would be a nice accompaniment but not required!
Hosted by Revee, at Country Roads.
Today I would like to share with you some pictures and memories from my childhood. I grew up in Ontario, Canada, way out in the country. Our house was surrounded by cornfields and forests, so my siblings and I had lots of room to run and play.
This picture shows just a part of our big backyard where my sister Jenny and I were flying kites. If you look closely you will see my playhouse in the background.
August of 1984, 8 years old
It was a wonderful playhouse and I spent many hours "playing house" in there. It was a good size, with a window on each side and in the back. There were little cubby holes up in the roof rafters where I used to hide special things like rocks and pinecones.
Here we are, eating our lunch of peanut butter and honey sandwiches. My mom made whole wheat bread each week and the "honey man" was one of our neighbors. He lived in a yellow farmhouse and had a neat workshop with all of his honey equipment.
June 1995
To the right of our backyard was a hay field and our huge vegetable garden. If you look closely you will see a row of tall sunflowers. I don't remember everything we grew, but I know there were lots of tomatoes!
Here I am with my collie dog, Keala in 1986.
There were lots of trees on our property so my siblings and I were expert tree climbers! We had maple, pine, poplar and willow just to name a few.
An Autumn day back in 1985.
Thank you for reading about some of my memories of growing up in the country!
If you would like to join in for Memories Monday, please visit our hostess, Revee at Country Roads!
i loved reading about your memories. sounds like an idealic place to grow up. what's really cool is that you have pictures. i would have to do some digging to find some of my childhood pics. thank you for sharing.
Neat! I love heritage and memories!
How fun! Thanks for sharing your growing up years Kelli!
Thanks for your little childhood tour, Kelli!
Unfortunately, my parents did not take lots of picutures when I was younger because photography was not that easy as it is nowadays....
Have a wonderful week!
By the way, we had a fabulous Sunday yesterday, it was very warm and we spent a relaxing day out in the sun, reading books!
XoX, Anita
Oh, those are great pictures, Kelli!
Except, putting dates on these things makes me realize just how much older I am! Oh my goodness...you were just a little girl in the 80's! You are so young!
But honestly, I love each of the photos, and my favorite is of you with your collie! So sweet!
Enjoyed seeing the younger you.
What a very nice memory of growing up. I had to laugh at your picture from 1985. You were darling. And I was married with my second child on the way :)
Blogging is ageless.
Kelli, I loved seeing the pictures of you as a child and reading about your childhood! How much fun you must have had. :) The picture with your dog is so cute!
What sweet memories!
Wow...what a happy, happy childhood, and fantastic pictures.
What great, wholesome memories. Like you, I was blessed to have such a wonderful childhood.
Thanks for sharing.
Lovely memories. And photos. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the Memories...
I very much enjoyed reading of your childhood memories. Looks like a wonderful environment in which to grow up. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches used to be one of my daughter's favorites too..
Thanks for taking us done memory lane. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures from your childhood.
This looks like a fun thing to do.
Maybe I will have to join in when things slow down.
This was fun....I enjoyed all of your pictures....zwu
You're red coat brings back some memories!
Thanks for sharing your memories and pictures with us!
Have a blessed day!
How sweet. I love childhood memories and old pictures! It looks like your childhood was so bright and beautiful. :)
Kelli, your childhood memories from the country sound wonderful! I can alomst taste those yummy peanut butter and honey sandwiches! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures as well. Blessings ~
What a great place to grow up. I grew up on a big farm too and also became an expert tree climber.
Love your photos.
Hey, Kelli! What wonderful memories and great photos. Thanks for sharing.
I wanted to answer your question about the wood wick candles. You can find them at Cracker Barrel and Hallmark. They are long lasting as well.
Great photos, Kelli! Your little playhouse sounded wonderful. I wonder if it is still there?
What great pictures, Kelli! I love, love, love the ones with your dog! There's something so special about kiddos with their pups. :) I have many simila photos. Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a great place to grow up. I don't have a lot of childhood pics-mine are mostly on slides and they're somewhere at my parent's house.
Is that you in the tree? You were such a cutie!
I loved looking at your pictures. What a wonderful yard and playhouse you had!
And, I have to agree with a couple of others - you are so young! In 1985 I had my first child!
Which part of Ontario was it, Kelli? I'm just wondering if it was anywhere near where I am:-) Such wonderful memories of living in the country and I so enjoyed looking at all the pictures...such a sweet little girl you were:-) xox
ories Kelli. Doesn't it seem like yesterday 1985??? Time flys when your having fun. Thanks for sharing such fond memories.
Were you wearing a skirt up in that tree? lol - such a cute post! Thanks for sharing these memories and pictures!
such sweet memories...I have alot of those with my sister...I will have to post next week. Cute pictures. I also grew up in the country..but my mom was more interested in getting us out of the trees than taking pictures of us in them....too worried about us getting hurt. I too grew up in the 80's. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoyed your pictures. Sounds like you had a happy childhood.
What sweet memories!
It was neat hearing about your childhood in Ontario!
Wishing you a blessed week ahead
What a neat post!
Oh I remember climbing trees as a kid. My brother was always the one to get in trouble for climbing WAY too high. He was like a monkey!
Hope you have a fantastic evening!
Aww, Kelli--what lovly memories:)
What a wonderful childhood and what a
very nice memories .The picture with
your dog is great.
Have a nice week Regina
Loved all of the pictures it was great to read about your memories as a child too.
I enjoyed spending time reading many of your posts in your archives last night. Your family has so much fun~Enjoyed the pioneer days posts ;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope you find some owl pellets to dissect :)
Have a great day
P.S. ;) Posted about our Nature Scavenger Hunt!
Thanks again for the idea
Kelli, it sounds like such a wonderful place to grow up!! I was an "expert" tree climber, too!!
Thanks for sharing! I loved the pictures:)
God Bless,
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