Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day

~Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my friends!~

Hot Chocolate
Our celebration began last night when Grace suggested we have a "goodbye to hot chocolate" treat. Spring is only 3 days away, so we won't be drinking hot chocolate until the fall.

We used these cute little mugs that we found at Joanns for 50% off.

We also snacked on some peanut butter cookies. I added green sprinkles just before baking.

In other news, I'm happy to report that I have actually finished a project! Some of you will remember these Irish linen napkins that I found at the resale store recently.

I appliqued a shamrock on a corner of each napkin.

They match my very pale green teacups.

Finally, we are having company over tonight, and I thought I would share my menu:

-Corned Beef
-Colcannon (Mashed potatoes and cabbage)
-Spinach Salad
-Homemade Soda Bread
-Clarice's Chocolate Mousse
-Chocolate cupcakes

As you can see, we will be busy in the kitchen today. I'd love to hear your St. Patrick's Day plans too! Have a wonderful Monday!


rohanknitter said...

Your napkins turned out great!
The dinner menu sounds really yummy.

Tori Leslie said...

Your napkins are lovely, they do match nicely.
Also your dinner sounds yummy, I've never actually had corned beef except on a sandwich. Have lots of fun!!

Michelle said...

the child and I are going swimming ;) and making easter cookies..I love how you have decorated for St.Patrick's Day..

Anonymous said...

Everything looks really fantastic, I love those mugs and the nakins turned out great !!
We don't have St. Patrick's Day here in The Netherlands, but it sure looks like you all had a wonderful day !!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all !!!

Susan said...

You are so clever!!! The shamrocks were THE PERFECT touch to the linen napkins.

Tracy said...

Your dinner sounds delicious! Unfortunately, I have many an errand away from the house today so we are having a simple American pot roast!

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) Everything looks & sounds wonderful! I hope that today is a lovely celebration - Love, Q

Anonymous said...

the napkins are gorgeous!!

Sheri said...

Those cups are ooh so cute!!! I have also shared our St. Patrick's Day plans and a gospel tract about St. Patrick's Day on my blog.

Crafty Mom said...

We'll be having corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, and a chocolate pistachio marble cake. Thinking of making that chocolate mousse though!

Reviekat said...

Happy St. Patrick's day to you and your family, Kelli! The napkins look great. :)

I like Grace's "goodbye to hot chocolate" treat.

We will be making soda bread and Irish stew for our evening meal and the girls want me to make green pancakes for breakfast! LOL.

Have a fun day. :)


Jen said...

Your napkins are just adorable. Your menu sounds wonderful too. We dont have alot of plans...I'am making a casserole with broccoli in it for the green.....that's about it though. Sounds as if you will be busy busy...happy spring time to you...and ps I loved your hot chocolate mugs. Cute!

Heart 4 My Home said...

What a lovely post. We are not doing anything special today but I thought I might make a Sheppard's Pie if that counts. *grin*

Nancy M. said...

Such beautiful ideas! I think your menu is really nice! I so enjoy your ideas on the home!

Angela said...

You've made me very, very hungry:-). Love all of your goodies. Have a great day!

TJ said...

The napkins are lovely! We'll never say goodbye to hot cocoa. My girl loves it so much she drinks it year round. She'll claim to be freezing when it's 90 out just so she can have a cup.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Yum, Kelli!

I'm an Irish gal, and I'll bring the fam over for dinner tonight. Soda bread and caramel sauce in hand. ;o) Your menu is delish!

We're not doing anything in particular this year, but I did whip up some Irish Potatoes this weekend.

Happy St. Pat's!

Mom2fur said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hot Chocolate...I'll drink it all year round. Air conditioning makes it cool enough to do so, LOL!

Sandra said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, too!

Your menu sounds delicious. I'm sure you all enjoyed it thoroughly. I also love the idea of your last hot chocolate of the season. What a great way to finish one season as you prepare for the next. :o)

Shop girl said...

This is really pretty, even napkins, very nice.
I am a little bit Irish, so today I am spending alittle of my pot of gold///going shopping...spending of the green.
Have a fun day, Hugs Mary
No pinching please!

Sandra said...

Everything looks great, I love the mugs :)

Adrienne said...

I love the idea of saying goodbye to hot chocolate at the end of the season. And in such wonderful cups. The napkins turned out just perfect. What a great idea! ~Adrienne~

Priscilla said...

Happy St Patricks Day, what a lovely post, the cookies look great and the menu sounds tasty, have a great evening

Priscilla x

LBP said...

Your napkins turned out beautiful!

We are having a dish no one has ever heard of outside of our family. Corned Beef Pie, it is simply sauted onions, chopped corned beef, a little flour and some tomato sauce all simmered until thick then poured into a pie pastry and covered with another one. We love it! We will also be having Irish potatoes, and cabbage!


Kimberly said...

I made scones this morning and cut them out with a shamrock-shaped cookie cutter. That's it for here! I am making brisket in the crockpot, but I've never cared for corned beef.

Charlotte said...

What cute mugs. I love to get stuff at Joann's when they put it on sale. No hot chocolate until fall? That's quite a while. The menu sounds delicious.
Happy St. Patricks Day.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Kelly!

We celebrated St. Pastrick's day yesterday and I put the pictures of my meal on my blog. I made your recipe for orange cake again -- delicious!

Your napkins came out lovely!

Anonymous said...

Your napkins turned out lovely. I really like the appliqué idea, it dresses up a plain napkin so very well.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh it all lookes so great. And what sweet way to say good bye to the hot choco. The napkins did turn out really cute. I'll stop in tomorrow for leftovers! LOL

Needled Mom said...

The napkins are awesome!!!! How perfect for dinner.

Our meal tonight is identical except we are having a lemon meringue pie for dessert.

Happy St. Patty's.

The Liberty Belle said...

The napkins are just lovely. The hot cocoa looked delicious. Happy St. Patrick's day to you and yours...and my fellow devoted readers of your blog.

Just Mom said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! You can't give up hot cocoa until next fall. Hot cocoa never goes out of style! Lol.

Anonymous said...

Love your napkins and the meal sounds awsome. Didn't really get to do much. Work and doctor. Hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Coming by to say Hi & Happy St. Patty's Day!
*sprinkles Lucky Charms*

Julieann said...

Your linens came out beautiful!!

Happy St. Patrick's day:)


Missy said...

Have a wonderful day :) It's our anniversary :) No plans of cooking tonight.


Britta said...

What a loevely post Kelli. Even if we don't celebrate this day in Germany... I bet i would have had fun at this day.
I wanna wish you and your family a happy and blessed easter time.

Hugs, Britta

Jennifer Hoots said...

I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating. Our great grandma came for a visit. She is 90 years young!

Mommy said...

I love the napkins; what a wonderful idea!

Those mugs are adorable too.
I forgot it being St. Patricks day yesterday until I saw the google decorations, lol! So we didn't do much of anything.

I did take the kids to fly kites.

Also, I posted an article on St. Patrick that one of my college professers wrote. :)

T.Lyn said...

O gosh, I haven't been areound for a long time. Not sure I can give up hot chocolate yet... It's sill cold here.

Anonymous said...

How awesome it all is!

Unknown said...

Great post.

Happy St Patricks Day from N Ireland - I am only a day late.

I have never eaten Corned Beef and Cabbage, and know no-one here who does! Nor do we colour food green, or pinch those who don't wear green :)

I have learnt so much these last few days of how St Patrick's Day is celebrated around the world.

I have posted on my blog a few of the foods we would associate with our region.