Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Today, I would like to show you my special Princess Diana books...
My mom got these books in the early 80's, and I spent many hours looking at them when I was a little girl.
I was only five when Diana got married, but when I was around nine or 10, we went over to a friend's house and their grandma had a VHS tape of her wedding. I thought it was so magical and watched every second of it.
Of course, I didn't know about her struggles and sad times, she was just a beautiful princess, married to her Prince Charming.
I also have a couple of magazines and a newspaper article from when the world said goodbye to her, on August 31, 1997. I remember it was a Sunday morning, I was pregnant with Grace and Phillip was sound asleep, so I just sat and stared at the television for hours.
Anyways, I didn't mean for this to be a sad show and tell! When I was little, some of my favorite pictures were of Diana's beautiful sapphire and diamond ring. My love of jewelry began early. :0)
Seeing these pictures again reminded me of the ring that Phillip gave me a few years ago.
It's a special keepsake of our 10th wedding anniversary! Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Photos of just people instead of things.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own. Also, do not put an additional Show and Tell Mr. Linky in your post.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No Place Like Home. Go HERE for the "Show and Tell" picture code to copy and paste into your post.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. (This will make the list easier to read.) I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
*If your name has been removed from Mr. Linky, please read over the guidelines before re-posting.
I remember getting up at 5am in the morning as a little girl to watch Di & Charles get married. I was at my Nana's house in New Hampshire. Funny how we remember things like that.
I'm giving away a vintage apron. Come check out my show & tell over at http://anapronaday.blogspot.com
That is definitely one of those dates that I won't forget. I can clearly remember having Mr. Wrong over and we'd just finished watching a video. Of course the only thing to see on TV was the news. I rushed upstairs to see if my parents had heard the news yet.
Beautiful anniversary present! Hubby did very good!
I remember watching her life unfold each week. A short life for a beautiful lady.
Well that was kind of sad. It is hard to believe that it has been that long ago that she died. And as you said , the wedding was awesome. Such a sad ending.
It does teach me that the things that are important can't be purchased.
My daughters loved her too (so did I!) they got up at 4 or 5 to watch the wedding too. They still have her books too. I have a Diana doll (in the Elvis dress!)
I love your ring, it's very similar!
I got up to watch the royal wedding, too. I followed the couple through the years and was sad that they divorced....she really was a fairy tale princess....
I'm having a 300 post give away...a gardening bunny.....Betty
I was fascinated by her too. I was one who got up early and watched the wedding. I love the ring!! Absolutely beautiful
I loved Princess Diana. I think it was because she was similar in age to me and we got married around the same time and had babies around the same time. She was so beautiful. I was so sadened by her death. Your ring is beautiful!
Fondly, Sharon
That's a very nice Show & Tell ! I remember watching the marriage the whole day with my MIL in Italy because my son had high feaver and had to stay in bed. That's why I watched from morning til late afternoon. When she died I was in London just a few days after the funeral. I went to Kensington palace and what I saw there was terrible I could never forget ! The whole parc full of flowers, little teddy bears, letters and people crying everywhere !
The main thing I remember about her death was thinking how sad it was that the media was so much more obsessed with her passing than Mother Teresa, who died close to the same time.
I am having a giveaway to celebrate one month of blogging! It ends Friday night!
What a beautiful ring. I was away at Brownie Camp when she died. We were in the grounds of the Big House, and saw the flag was at half mast and asked why. We thought that the Queen Mum must have died - such a terrible shock to find it was Diana . . .
I remember the wedding well.
It truly was a fairy tale wedding.
We can only hope, there will be
others who believe in Diana's
heartfelt ways.
I love your Lady Diana style ring.
What a sweet guy!
wow Kelli.. that is so neat... I will never forget when they got married and her tragic accident too !!! Your ring is gorgeous. I also wanted to thank you for stopping by and praying for our family regarding our gramma. It will take forever to heal.. but know she is with the Lord. Have a great week... and look forward to your comong posts... Hugs Mica
I too have some Diana Books, and some newspapers from the time of the wedding. The day she died I was 6 months pregnant, and remember waking at 5am, turning on the radio, and hearing the news. Your ring is beautiful.
That ring is goegeous !! I loved Diana too. It was the day I was celebrating my birthday, which was the 31st of August ( my birthday is on the 28th, but for family I held it on the 31st). I came downstairs to hear the news on the radio. I just couldn't believe it.
That was a much discussed topic that day.
I loved Di's weddinggown and when I got married, I wanted a real romantic dress too, with a long veil and that is what I did ; )
Have a great weekend !!
I remember when she got married too and it was like a fairy tale. Her later years, and the negative attention that she rec'd did not dampen the aura of classiness that seemed to surround her. It was Grace Kelly first, then Lady Di. I enjoyed your S & T!! Jen
Hi Kelli! Loved your S & T today. I remember watching her walk down the isle with her really really long train thinking that was the most beautiful thing I ever had seen - I was almost eleven years old then. Your anniversary ring is beautiful and so similar. How cool!
I've only read [sad to admit] one biography on this special lady. I've been so tempted to buy others...your share inspires me now. And the ring you received for your 10th anniversary is so close to hers...how wonderful!!
My Show n Tell is shared...a whole eclectic collection.
Happy weekend Kelli.
Note: Please remove my first show and tell link, I didn't type in my link address correctly...sorry
Ok, I'm back...I remember Princess Diana very well, we are the same age and had our children at almost the exact same time. Such a beautiful person with a sad sorry, especially for her boys.
I'm a little older than you and I remember watching it on television. It truly was magical to a little girl!
I LOVE your ring. How lovely.
Thanks for sharing.
I watched her wedding on television at some very odd hour, four in the morning I think, when I was living in Barrow, Alaska...an Eskimo village! I was ten or eleven years old, and I remember thinking she was "better than a Barbie doll" when it came to figuring out what "feminine" WAS for human beings as I matured. I loved how she mixed costume jewelry with "real," when she wore hose with bows at the ankles, and I begged for years to have a black sheep sweater.
When I became a mother, I admired how she never ignored children on her walkabouts or special events, and to this day, I'll often tell new teachers (I teach kindergarten), to practice kneeling down a LOT to speak to children ("Do a Diana"). Diana never lost her appeal as time went on- I loved watching how she evolved, and appreciated that she wasn't perfect.
Thanks for posting (I have a stash of books too!) this! :)
I had a special "connection" to her. I was born in 1960, being about a year older. I got married about the same time she did and we were pregnant at the same time. My daughter was born a couple of weeks after Prince William. My mutti gave me about 7 books on her for my birthday one year. I was curious and read everything about her I could. Gradually, my "obsession" died away and my busy life didn't make room for those pursuits. I was saddened by her early death and her sad life and kept the newspaper and a couple of magazine tributes to her. I still have those books on her though!
I love Princess Diana. I remember watching her wedding on television. I was married that same year but in July. :)
Your books are wonderful and your ring is lovely! Thank you for sharing them with us.
My URL never shows up in the name/url thing so I'll put it here.
I remember being in awe of her everytime I saw her on tv when I was little - the princess.
Your ring is very beautiful!
Maybe a little sad but what an awesome way to display your own ring. Kind of brings you down to earth and makes you appreciate your own Prince Charming even if our world is all glamour it is a Blessing. I got my show and tell home. I hope you enjoy.
I love Princess Diana. She was indeed beautiful and very special!
I do remember how endlessly fascinating Diana was. An amazing life.
it is sad, i must admit, that i never really knew, watched or cared too much about her(at the time i was still in high school)....other than the fact that she was beautiful women and i thought that she had the most amazing wedding.....
i love your ring though....its cool that your husband was able to give you a gift that will always help you to remember your love for her.....and him of course!
Nice collection of Diana. The ring is lovely.
I have the exact same ring (as yours) given to me by my husband on our 10th anniversary! We just celebrated 21 years!!
yes, how I remember that time...i was only 14 almost to turn 15...so romantic to hear all the tales, etc. I remember sitting in front of our t.v. watching the wedding from beginning to end! Such an event!
NOt participating today in "S&T"...had a little mishap...I posted a not about it on my blog.
Have a Blessed Day!
I was enchanted with Diana as well, even as an adult when she first came on the scene. I got up early to watch the wedding, because I had only gotten married a few months before! I believe she was a sweet lady and the tragedy of her death, I am sure, affected billions. Thanks for sharing your love for Diana with us.
I don't have a show & tell this week because I've had to work long hours all week...haven't had much time to think about anything else.
Grace & Peace
I love your ring.
I cried when Princess Diana died. I guess she touched a lot of peoples lives in some way.
Yes, Kelli, I guess some stories don't end "happily ever after", even for princesses. A beautiful ring.
I was always a little fascinated by Diana, too. I vividly remember driving down the road and hearing the radio announcer come on and tell about her car crash. So sad.
I really enjoyed your show and tell. I also have a collection of books and other items on Diana.
Thanks for sharing the book. Diana was such a beautiful lady - her death so tragic.
I love Princess Diana. I grew up sort of the same way. My mother was born in Canada and her family had a strong interest in royalty. I grew up with surrounded by books by her and pictures. I remember the night she died and we stayed up all night watching the news! I cried and cried!
I, too, as young girl wanted to have a ring like Princess Diana! It is just gorgeous! Yours is so pretty!!!!
We have so much in common! We truly are kindred spirits!!
Lovely memories of a beautiful woman.
I was in the early years of marriage when Diana got married. She was such a beauitful young woman and the whole story did seem so magical and romantic at first. I loved her sense of style. I loved the hats!! Wish those would come back into fashion here.
That ring is absolutely gorgeous!!
What a georgeous ring!
I entered my first show and tell!
What a beautiful ring! Such a lovely post...
I loved Diana and was shocked when she died. The world lost a beautiful woman that day.
There have been a few "I will never forget days" during my lifetime. Assassinations of JFK, Bobby and Dr. King, as well as John Lennon. Man walking on the moon. Princess Di's death among others.
A lovely show and tell.
I always loved looking at pics of Princess Di - she was like a real-life fairytale princess. It's sad that in reality her life didn't match the fantasy.
Your ring is beautiful!
I loved her too. My sister and I were in unbelief when my husband brought in the paper showing that she had died. Sharon was staying over night so she was with me. We talked about it all day long.
I love your ring too. Thanks for sharing. Kathi
I remember watching and keeping up with Princess Diana's story too... The wedding on TV was so magical..You have some great treasures...come visit me.
I am also a Royal watcher. I have a Diana book and video...put out shortly after her tragic accident. Her sons are about the age of mine.
My post is up!
What a lovely collection and gorgeous ring! I, too, remember watching the fairytale wedding -- I was about 14 -- and staying up all night to watch the coverage of the funeral. Such a sad story, but she did do a lot of good with her life.
Well, I wasn't a little girl when Dianna had her beautiful wedding.:-) I do remember taking it all in. I guess the "princess" in us does not go away when we grow up.Unfortunately, Di's story reminds us that some princess stories really are just make believe. What a sad family!
Your ring is beautiful!I'm sure you enjoy wearing it. Jewelry is such a good thing!
Princess Diana was loved by many. She was beautiful. I love your ring, it's very pretty.
I remember when my mom and I watched Di's wedding on tv in Germany. Truly a fairytale princess.
I remember where I was when I heard the sad news of her death. I imagine everyone remembers where they were then.
My Show and Tell is finally up. I'm running late today.
Oh you just sent me down memory lane. Although I wasn't born when they got married, I do remember the time and place when we found out about the Princesses untimely death. What a sad day that was.
I just love your ring. What a beautiful reminder of your thoughtful husband!
Hope you have a great weekend Kelli!
Oh my gosh I have those very same books, magazines etc....do you have any of the *stamps* for the stamp collection????? I have some of her and of William.....And the ring!!!!! Since the very first time I saw that ring I always admired it and wanted one, what a special gift! What a great show and tell!!!!! Oh I also have a plate where it is a picture of her on it.....I need to go through my boxes and find that.
i have always loved princess diana. she and charles was married a month or two after my wedding, so i felt a kinship. plus the name thing :] she was a beautiful woman - inside and out.
lovely memories...
HUGS Barbara
I remember that wedding as well... I have a pen with the royal stamp of their wedding on it :-)
Kelli, your ring is beautiful, and a cherished keepsake.
I remember watching Di's wedding and thinking what a beautiful dress she wore. I remember the day she died, how sad that was.
She was a beautiful princess.
Acelia and I forgot about the show and tell!! :( We will be there next week!:)
Kelli, after all this time I've been doing Show And Tell, I just realized what the permalink instructions mean! I wonder if I'm the only one that has missed that.
Hi Kelli,
I have really been enjoying show and tell Fridays. Thank you for doing all of this. I have just added on and hope I did it all correctly.
Mary Ann
I love your collection here, Kelli. I wish I had kept some of my Princess Di news clippings and magazine articles from when she was alive. I do have some tribute stories, though.
What a wonderful tribute to Lady Di! I admired, too and I still remember the day when she got married in the 80ies (when I still was a little girl).
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