The first water lily of the season.
It loves the bright sun.
Won't you come into my garden?
I would like my roses to see you.
~Richard Sheridan 1751-1816
My Joseph's coat climbing rose has so many beautiful blooms right now.
Can you spot the little visitor?
I hope you all are having a great weekend! I'll be back later with birthday pictures!
Your flowers are absolutely beautiful. You could make them a bit larger and they would be beautiful desktop wallpapers...hint, hint....
Hi Kelli :) It's been a great wknd so far! We will have a busy day tomorrow - Sundays always are :)
I hope that your celebration is wonderful, and that P has a lovely bday! Love, Q
I always wondered what that rose was called -- the Joseph's Coat. It has the most beautiful shades.
Very pretty.I imagine your garden is lovely.
I have roses now so I guess I should take some pictures, but not today, it's raining!
I love the water lily it is so pretty. And what girl could not resist a rose. Such pretty colors.
Thanks for sharing your garden I love to look at the pictures, our roses are not in bloom yet and I don't have any water lilies anymore.
Wow Kelli, all of your pictures are just gorgeous...thanks for sharing! Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful time at the birthday celebration!
Such beautiful flowers and the lady bug looks right at home.
Your flowers are so pretty and I love the little bug.
Hope ya'll have a really nice time celebrating Phillip's birthday!
I knew you would be out in the garden. I seem to be getting ready earlier on Sundays so I have time to visit before church. I love your water garden we are still comtemplating one. The roses are lovely. Thank you for the visit. I brightened my day. Happy Cookout today!
Great pictures! Do I see a lady bug? I too enjoy lady bugs!
Hi Kelli,
I love the delicate pink of your water lily. Mine is sort of a creamy white and also in bloom.
Your roses are lovely. Bet they smell just great.
Have a wonderful birthday celebration!
Oh, Kelli. I want tolive at your house. At least, out in the yard! Your flowers are beautiful. Even the bugs are pretty! Imagine her, posing on the yellow flower to show off!
Isn't it fun to see things in bloom? I'm loving my iris which are going nuts. Also, my first bachelor buttons of the year have bloomed. Oh, and dandelions, those are in bloom, too! No roses yet, though.
Hi Kelly
Your garden looks so pretty with all
this loveley roses.
I wish you a beautiful week
Beautiful flowers. Very cute ladybird (that's what we call them here in Northern Ireland).
Hi Kelli, I hope the birthday was wonderful and you had a lovely cookout !!! Your flowers look fantastic. Have a great day.
Thoes flowers are so so gorgeous! Wow, arent you blessed? Thanks for sharing, and I hope you had a wonderful celebration.
Christina Gomez
Your flower pictures were lovely.
Happy birthday to Phillip! He and my Jamie share birthdays. We are celebrating on Sunday as well. I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend.
Kelli - your flowers are beautiful! You take such wonderful pictures. I think your garden is about 3 weeks ahead of mine - we are nice and green, but there are just a few things in bloom. I will have to go out before the rain and see if I can take a picture or two! I hope the rest of your weekend was a delight!
Oh the rose is just gorgeous and I love the little visitor..have a great day..
The picture with the ladybug is so cute! :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope one day I find the secret of a nice clean pond. It was green when we got it, maybe a good clean is all it needs.
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