Grace's pinwheel petunias
I have yet to be successful with tomatoes. A mocking bird has found the ripe ones again this year.
Grace gave me this small bouquet of lavender.
Right now Phillip is teaching the girls and Benjamin how to play a new game. Once he gets everything explained, I'll join in.
Although Fern seems to be enjoying her nap in the sun. Maybe I should try that instead. :0)
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your family! Do you have any special plans?
Hi Kelli, I love all the blooms you showed us. Today we spent time with my grandparents, mowing their yard and making sure they had plenty to eat. We also had a graduation open house to attend. Tomorrow after church, we are going to finish planting our garden. Monday we will go to the zoo to see the special exhibit on koala bears who are here for the summer only. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I can't wait to see which recipes you try.
I wish you could teach me how to make pickles. I love them.. I should have watched my MAWMAW (grandma) when I was little. I just wanted to play outside back then. Glad to see you are passing that to your little ones. Nice to meet you, Susie H
All of your flowers are very pretty. I recently mulched too, and it really perked everything up!
Fern looks quite content. I think I'd join her. (Though on the bed instead of the floor!)
Greetings from way north Texas!
Hi Kelli, I love the columbine. I think I have a couple coming up where I planted some wildflower seeds earlier in the spring.
Have a good cookout. I'm thinking of doing the same.
No special plans here but I enjoyed seeing what ya'll are doing. Is there some way you can tie an aluminum pie pan on the tomato bush? I've seen people do that in fig trees to keep the birds out.
Kelly,I really do not have any special plans for this weekend.
I'm just going to visit with my MIL for a spell and go visit a couple of vets gaves that matter to me the most My Dad's and My Father-in-laws.both are WW2 vets.
Back from our time in Paris - so lots of unpacking and laundry! Kids off school tomorrow, so maybe a short trip tomorrow or catch up with friends.
I only recognise a few of those flowers, lovely to see the others which we don't have here.
Trying to enjoy the warm weather and doing projects around the house here. We canned 13 jars of strawberry jam yesterday and plan on making some more today. Your pictures are great.
Gardening time! Love the photos of the flowers, I grew columbine from seed last year and it has really come on this year, its so pretty.... I think my plans are to potter in the garden, my parents bought a hedge strimmer so i think we will be doing both our gardens over the weekend.......
Enjoy your week
Priscilla x
Your flowers are gorgeous! Fern looks a lot like my calico Meekie.
Meekie's real name is Amica (girlfriend in Italian). She's a good napper, too.
Wow such beautiful blooms. I love Grace's pinwheel petunias.
We don't really have any plans but you never know what will come up.
Have a wonderful Memorial.
Sounds like a wonderful Saturday, and your flowers are beautiful!
Our company left around 11 pm last night from Hubby's birthday game weekend, so today we are relaxing. :-) I'll probably post some pics soon.
Hi, Ms. Kellli! I love your flowers! - Lizi
The flowers are lovely. I think I'm going to follow Fern's example and go have a nap in the sun.
Hi Kelli,
Love the blooms!!
Just stopping in to say I hope you have a great weekend. We did some yard work and tomorrow our just married son is showing his new grill and cooking skills. I have a son that cooks and a daughter that doesn't. How did that happen?
Enjoy the marshmallows! YUM!
hugs, Linda
Your flowers look so lovely. How frustrating that the birds get your tomatoes. Could you put some kind of netting over them? Once we covered stawberries with some old sheer curtains. It kept the birds out, but the puppy we had thought they were something she should play with when the wind blew them :-)
We will be spending time with our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids tomorrow. I'm taking the potato salad. Have a wonderful day with your family.
Kelli, you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Love the pictures of your flowers.
God bless.
Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial day.
The flowers are beautiful and I especially like the pinwheel petunias. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
Tie some shiny aluminum foil pie pans to the top of your tomato stakes. Tie them loosely so they will flap in the wind. That will scare the mockingbirds away. Works in windy Oklahoma.
On this memorial day we will be grilling. My In-loves will coming to visit which is always exciting for me. I love the pin wheel petunias. I have never seen them before.
Please stop by my blog and check out what's growing in my garden.
What lovely flowers! You are always such an inspiration Kelli! You make me want to look up some summer recipes! I hope you had a beautiful Memorial day!
:0) Sharon
How are you? Did your holiday weekend pass by as quickly as ours did?
What's up with the white tomato? I've not seen that before.
Come see my new dining room floor. I'm putting pictures up later on my blog. Now I can do a little entertaining as well!
Happy Tuesday!
Your flowers are so pretty Kelli. I only have a couple of columbines in my garden, but intend to add more. They come in so many pretty combinations.
It just isn't summer without the scent of petunias!
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