Monday, October 20, 2008

Autumn Front Porch

Hello! We just got back from a wonderful family camping trip and I have lots of pictures to share, but first I want to participate in Melissa's "Porches on Parade" event!

Front porch
My front porch is a small area, but I managed to squeezed in my garden table and piled it high with mini hay bales, pumpkins, apples, and Indian corn.

Front porch





Front porch
This grapevine swap with white lights has been up for many years. I added a leaf garland for Autumn.

Front porch
Thank you for looking at my cozy front porch!

Please visit The Inspired Room to see other porches or to join in the fun!


Adrienne said...

Hi Kelli -
Your porch is gorgeous. I wish mine were big enough to add a little table and chair. I think I'll have to work on something special tomorrow. My wreath is up but that's all. I have a few things I wasn't sure about but you inspired me and I think I have a plan. Thanks for sharing with us. Can't wait to hear about your camping trip.

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelli! Wow your front porch is beautiful! The squirrels in my neighborhood would love it too, "FREE BUFFET!" Just kidding! No wait, if I put apples out, my children would have eaten them by now just as well as the little grey guys! Very pretty anyways, I will have to check out the other porches in the morning!

Stitcher S said...

It's so beautiful--love the bricks. Our porch is very stucco, post-war tract home style--blah right now. You've inspired me again.

Christine said...

You make everything so pretty and homey!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful idea - your porch is aa treat to view! We dont do this over here, but one can dream right? maybe one day!

Missy said...

very nice and welcoming :)

threesidesofcrazy said...

I love your porch!! It turned out adorable! Really fall, warm and welcoming to scarecrows and ghouls!

Farrah said...

Looks GREAT, Kelli!!!

Tina Leigh said...

I love it! So pretty.

Kelley said...

Absolutely gorgeous Kelli!

Terri said...

Your porch is beautiful, Kelli! I love how you always manage to make even the smallest spaces absolutely gorgeous!

Arlene G said...

A beautiful display Kelli!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Your front porch is awesome Kelli! I haven't done any outside work...yet :). Again, you are such an inspiration for me to get busy!

Have a great Monday!
Kathi :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!

Your porch looks very pretty and festive! I haven't done a thing outside yet. It's been in the 80's, I've been wearing shorts and short sleeves! It's hard to feel fallish when it's still so hot and all my summer flowers are still blooming. But hopefully I'll feel like this week since we are finally getting some cooler weather!


Tracy said...

It looks wonderful, Kelli! :)

Juanita said...

As usual you did an exceptional job.Thanks for sharing and I will go check out the other porches. Have a blessed day!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

You have a very pretty front porch, Kelli!

Ramona said...

Kelli ~ Beautiful Porch! You have done a wonderful job. I especially love the lights in the grapevine...thank you for sharing.

Smiles ~ Ramona

Heather said...

great porch! i love the lights you added. hope your trip was lots of fun. can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I love the lighted garland.

Rhondamum said...

What a beautiful porch, although I am not surprised seeing how it is yours. This looks like something right out of a magazine. Such love and care taken to make it so warm and welcoming. I'd love to see what you could do with my porch!


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh, how pretty! I have a pumpkin, but that is about it. Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous porch. I especially love the lighted garland.

Kim H. said...

I love your porch! I secretly am glad that I don't live next door to you though because I'd have anxiety about my lack of decorating!

Pattie said...

How, beautiful, Kelli - and so inviting! Your front porch definitely says WELCOME!

Needled Mom said...

What a beautiful, welcoming entry. I love the lighting in the swag. I am sure the whole neighborhood must enjoy walking by and seeing such a pleasant fall decor.

Katy said...

Your porch is decorated beautifully kelli!!! I love it! :) thank you for sharing it with us!

Kim's Cottage said...

Your front porch is p-e-r-f-e-c-t. The table piled high with all the Fall goodies, the wreath is gorgeous, the vine with the twinklin lights, even the picture on the wall...everything. It's all so perfect!

Ok, it's official. I'm jealous.;-)


Kim's Cottage said...

Even the lantern. And the berry sprig behind the pumpkin on the chair. And the sign on the shelf of the table. Oh, I just can't get enough!


Susie said...

Your porch decorations really must make visitors to your home feel quite welcome.
Just right for fall!

Teresa said...

wow how creative- love all your ideas-

Kim's Cottage said...

Ok now. I'm beginning to feel like a stalker here, being my 3rd trip back to your porch. LOL But I had to tell you, I bookmarked this page. Hope you don't mind. I love your wreath so much, I'd like to use it for inspiration to make myself a new one next year. Mine's VERY old and VERY delapidated.

Ok, I'm leaving now. Really.;-)


Maria's Space said...

Beautiful. I wish my porch looked half as good. It is so inviting and makes you want to walk up and knock on the door.

Unknown said...

Beautiful porch. I love your mums. I went to the front porch site you suggested. How fun is that!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Kelli, everything looks amazing. I love the little table and chair you decorated! That looks wonderful and cozy. Would love to come for a visit-you are a little bit of a drive from S. Calif!! Hahaha, this was a wonderful visit!
Thank you

Vee said...

Wonderful! Just delightful!

Anonymous said...

Your porch is beautiful. Of course, I want to copy you and go buy more stuff for mine. HE! HE!

I missed your "Week-End Chit Chat" but I am happy that you and your family got to go camping.

I made the Pumpkin Cookies you posted last week-end. They were wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

Hope you have a blessed week. Debbi :-)

Laurie said...

Everything looks so pretty ~ I especially love the garland. Little white lights make it all so lovely.
Look forward to seeing photos of your camping trip.

Katie said...

Porches on Parade...HOW FUN! I love your porch, Kelli! It's great! Very welcoming and fall festive!

Ms. Tee said...

Hi Kelli - your porch looks so warm and cozy and pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow you did it again! Beautiful =)

rohanknitter said...

It looks adorable - I love the little arrangement on the table. I would try something like that but we get too much wind, I practically have to nail down everything I put out there.

Charree said...

Your porch is beautiful!

Suzann said...

Oh My! How pretty!!

YayaOrchid said...

Kelli, your porch decorating is beautiful! Love the little table vignette! I think I'm going to borrow that grapevine with lights idea. It can go from Autumn details to Christmas, right? What a neat idea!

TJ said...

Man, the only "Fall" decoration on my front porch right now is all the spiderwebs. Unfortunately, it's not intentional.

I cannot wait to hear about your camping trip! I'm doing a week of blog posts regarding camping because this weekend we are planning to take our last trip of the year.

Have a wonderful day!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Kelli! WOW! Your front porch is amazing. I love it. I adore all the little details you've put there. so welcoming!

Glad you played along, I enjoyed my visit to your porch!!!


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Kelli
Your porch looks amazing. I am so jealous of you. I would love a porch like that to decorate. In England porches are usually totally enclosed and not open to the elements. I have a small enclosed porch but it's just somewhere to keep our coats and shoes and it's cold in there!
I am looking forward to hearing about your camping trip.

Nancy M. said...

Another sweet walk around your home.
I love the front porch. So cozy.
Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Love the way it turned out! The lights are beautiful! It makes it really sparkle in there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,
What a wonderful looking porch. I wish I had a porch. It looks so very cozy. I love all those Autumn decorations !!!

GlorV1 said...

Kelli you always have such great ideas. I love the lights and grapevine idea and the colors are just beautiful. My time of the years. Thx for stopping by my blog. Have a great week.

Lois Christensen said...

Your porch looks beautiful! We have so much wind where we live that's it's difficult for me to keep anything nice on my porch! I find it blown over all the time.

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli,

I LOVE your porch! It should be in a magazine...I also absolutely love those little lights. Little lights like that always make a place look quaint, don't you think? :)


Jenn said...

You are a marvel! You have one of the most charming porch areas ever!!!

nancy said...

Kelli, It is absolutely fabulous! It looks like we have the same table and chairs on our porches. In summer we always fill it up with plants, but our fall porch is rather sadly deficient. I like to have the plants to make a kind of screen to sit behind, but I've yet to come up with anything like that for the fall. I suppose cornstalks, if I could think of a good way to arrange them.

Anonymous said...

Love the grapevine swag. Your home is your pallette.

Trixi said...

Oh, Kelli, it is so pretty. Very inviting.

American Homemaker said...

How fun... you've got an adorable porch.

Linda C said...

Your porch looks so cozy and welcoming! Are the apples real? They make fake ones so realistic now-can't tell:)
Really cute though!
~Linda C

Lady Katherine said...

What a welcome, The table I love it and the garland is wonderful. You have such great ideas. Looking forward to the camping trip, tent, RV, cabin, ??? I know your children loved it.

Lady Katherine said...

What a welcome, The table I love it and the garland is wonderful. You have such great ideas. Looking forward to the camping trip, tent, RV, cabin, ??? I know your children loved it.

GranthamLynn said...

Your porch is so pretty. Thanks for sharing it.
Have a great week.

Goldielocks said...

Oh my goodness, Kelli- i'm in LOVe with your vine and twinkle lights! see, out on the west coast there are no porches- out here in the south, Hallelujah -the front porches are everywhere!!! its a necessity for me while we house shop- its an entire room you can show off to the world- i love it, its so inviting!

Beth at Aunties said...


Your porch is wonderful! It is so welcoming and lovely. It is one of my favorites!


Linda said...

Kelli, your porch is so pretty and most welcoming. I love the wreath on your door and the grapevine wreath is a favorite of mine ...especially with the little lights. Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Evening, Kelli! Oh, your porch is just so lovely and fallen!! I love your wreath and that grapevine with the lights. What a beautiful entry into your home!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Picket said...

Oh Kelli everything looks beautiful...I love the way you did the front entrance with all that natural Fall bounty and I love that lighted grapevine idea...I use to have a big grapevine thingy at the top of my foyer filled with Fall leaves and gourds and grapevine balls...I kept it that way for years....hummm..I don't know why I ever took it down...I loved that look! lol Great post girl...have a wonderful week!

Tammy said...

Absolutely beautiful've really done a wonderful job, Kelli!

We don't really have a front porch with our current house, but tomorrow, I'm definitely sprucing up my front! LOL

We do have a few pumpkins and a big, friendly scarecrow there, though.

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful outdoor decor with us!

Unknown said...

Wow, thats absolutely gorgeous. Where in Texas do you live???

Cathy said...

Your porch looks great, Kelli. Your door is so pretty, and I love the vines and lights above it with your autumn leaves.

Bovey Belle said...

That is just SO pretty. Mine, I might add, is a collection of apples in boxes waiting for me to sort them (plus some bags to go to a friend's pigs - being bartered for eggs), and some gardening gloves, trowel, secateurs etc . . . Oh and bits of hay probably too!

A happy heart at home said...

Just beautiful! You have such a lovely blog!


Kelli@SassySouthernMom said...

Hey Kelli,

Love your front porch. I love those small hay bales. We don't have those around here, or at least I haven't found them. They're the perfect size for a porch display. Thanks for sharing!

cryssi said...

I love your porch...mine is not covered so we dont do much to it. Thanks for sharing.


The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Lovely!, lovely! Lovely!
All is charming and lovely!
Have a great day--Kelli!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you that your page has inspired me to make our apartment feel more like home.
Looking through your ideas I see so many things that can be done without spending a bunch of money or even being overly crafty. I will absolutely be on the lookout for things at thrift shops, yard sales and everywhere else for items to make this home. Thank you!!!!!!!

Carla said...

How homey and welcoming!

Shopgirl said...

Your porch wins hands down. I haven't decorated yet, I am so far behind. You have a wonderful eye for putting things together just right, Happy Halloween, Mary

Jen said...

I love homey....great look.

Lena said...

It is so pretty Kelli. LOL! I feel like I'm always saying the same thing each time that I visit you, but it's true! Everything always looks pretty, welcoming and simply charming at your home, and your porch does too!

Carole Burant said...

Hello dear Kelli,

I'm back from my trip and now trying to catch up with everyone! Omigosh, how I love the way you decorated your front porch, it looks gorgeous and so very welcoming!! I don't have a porch like that but I have a front deck that might work for a display like that...hmmmmm! lol You're giving me ideas:-) xoxo

suzeeez said...

Hi Kelli ....
Wow...your house looks as great outside as it does inside. You really are a great decorator . It all looks cozy & inviting .
:o) Sue

Brandy said...

Kelli, I have to say your porch is one of the prettiest on of all the ones I have seen. I just love how the fall colors look with the brick of your home!

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Kelli, your front porch is lovely and it looks so festive for the fall season.
Love, Ann

Hannah said...

Your decorations are beautiful. The apples look so real.

Mrs. U said...

Your porch is gorgeous, Kelli!! Makes me want to run outside now and spiffy mine up a good bit! What a beautiful area to greet guests!!

Mrs. U

playsdolls said...

You have a beautiful porch,I have a large porch but never seem to get it to look as beautiful as yours.You have done an awesome job.Love the fruit and garland with the lights.

Priscilla said...

Hi, I love seeing your porch at autumn, so much for the eyes to enjoy! I have been thinkig how to add apples to my decor, and your little basket is so simple yet effective! Thank you for the inspiration.....

Priscilla x

Kathy said...

You've inspired me to create my own front porch garland (actually, my dear hubby did it all!). Thank you for the fantastic idea! You can see our version here:

Missus Wookie said...

Gorgeous - I'm inspired but as a previous commenter said I'm not sure how long the edibles would last. But then my patio has lots of bird feeders already there and they'd probably presume this was too :)

Kelly said...

Such beautiful Fall decor! And I love your porch! All your beautiful cards and your tablescapes, they are all just gorgeous. And an etsy shop??? Perfect idea, now I know where to go to get all these awesome things you create, yeah for me!!!!
Oh I have been so busy with home and school and the kids and home and school oh and did I mention the kids???lol.... Hope to be visiting you more often, I miss all my bloggy gals!!! Oh and the Texas fair!! I have always said I wanted to go to Texas when the fair was going on, maybe next year!
