Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Glittery Acorns

Thank you for your comments on my fall tea tray and sharing your favorite teas with me! I'm also a huge fan of coffee and have two cups every morning. :0)

So, a couple of weeks ago I discovered tea staining and wanted to stain all of my white linens (I resisted, mostly). Now I'm on to glitter! I've never had good luck with it until I found the new Martha Stewart line at Walmart.
I had lots of fun glittering up some acorns this past weekend.

First, Grace and I went on a neighborhood acorn hunt.

Then I painted the acorn bottoms brown.

And brushed on a thin coat of glue to the tops and sprinkled with glitter.

Lots of glitter.

It was hard to stop!


Theresa said...

I LOVE these acorns, Kelli. What a cute idea. Acorns wearing bling!!


Anonymous said...

oooooh what fun love the glitter.
I love your blog it is so inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I love these acorns. I also collected a bunch of them and I was trying to figure out what to do with them. Now, I know what to do.


Sonia said...

how pretty! I'm hoping to glitter some pumpkins soon....hmm, i'll have to find some acorns :)

Anonymous said...

HI Kelli! What will you think of next? HE! HE! Now, I want to go looking for some acorns to pretty up. :-) It is raining here today so a walk in the "hood" might not happen. :-(

Hope you and the kids are having the best week ever! Debbi

Georgia Girl said...

Oh man these are so cute! I bought some of Martha's glitter and glue a few weeks ago but just not had time to do anything with them yet. I guess I need to get on the ball with it...thanks for reminding me!

GlorV1 said...

How really cute. I just got an acorn hat from a friend and it is the same color as your glittery acorns. I have so many pine cones falling from my trees out in back and I don't do anything with them. In the past I did. Maybe for Xmas. Thank you for sharing your acorns, they are tops.

Mrs. N. said...

I just did this very thing with pinecones. I think we got the same 3 pack of glitter. I loved the autumnal colors. The dark brown looked best on the pinecones that I have and add just a little sparkle when you walk past. Lovely.

Donna Gotlib said...

Kelli, You did a wonderful job with these acorns. We used to have so many of them back in Mobile and I always loved them so much as a child. Unfortunately I don't see them up here in Ann Arbor. You've got me wishing!

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

They turned out so pretty! What a nice touch to add for fall.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy how I just love love love acorns, I have the Martha Stewart glitter and adore it.
I am going to also go on a hunt for acorns and glitter away :)

Linda C said...

What a unique idea for acorns. I've seen Martha do many things with glitter, but I think you've go a new one here:)

Linda C

Grandma Faith said...

Those acorns turned out absolutely wonderful. Good idea!

Cathy said...

I love your pretty acorns, Kelli.

Elena said...

Beautiful! What a great craft.

TJ said...

These would look cute at a Fall wedding.

Tara said...

They look outstanding!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! Have you ever tried pine cones? I like to put glitter on them around Christmas time... but I think they would work for Fall too. :) Have a beautiful day today!

TJ said...

I love these! It's amazing what glitter can do to simple things.

And you only have 2 cups of coffee each morning?! You are my hero. I have at least 4... yeah that might be part of why I'm always sick!

Kim H. said...

I just found your blog through Google Reader recommendations - and wanted to tell you that you have some beautiful pictures!! I love the acorns... I wish I had some acorns around my house so I could do the same thing you have... very pretty!

Lola Enchanted said...

Oh what fun!! This is a great idea!!!~

prettiest acorns I've ever seen!

Carla said...

WOW! That is a super cute idea!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I love these acorns! Kelli, you are the Queen of Craft!

Jennifer said...

Okay, now I am going to have to send the children on a hunt for me! Do you think they will last longer than this season? Would you throw them out when you put your fall decorations away? Just wondering if they would spoil, or attract mice or something!

Anonymous said...

these are cute Kelli!

Pink Rufflez said...

Beautiful! What a charming idea :)

cryssi said...



Momma Roar said...

They are so cute!!

Just add a face and they could be little people!!

Heather said...

now that's a lot of glitter! lol.
very cool indeed.

Christine said...

These are adorable!

LadySnow said...

Those look so cute. :D

Tracy said...

What an adorable idea, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

The acorns turn out so cute!!! Great idea on the glittered tops!

Jodi said...

Those are precious! :) You'll soon be finding specks of glitter here and there! It's funny when it ends up on your husband or his clothes!

ohiofarmgirl said...

Oh if I just knew where to get some acorns...They are just stunning!!!Maybe I will go to the park tomorrow! Dianntha

LBP said...

Girl I am all about glitter!!!! I love the Martha Stewart glitter. It is so fine and sparkley! I thought of glittering pinecones but not acorns. They are really pretty!



Carole Burant said...

Kelli, they are just gorgeous!! What a brilliant idea...but then I'm getting used to you always having brilliant ideas! hehe How delightful those acorns turned out:-) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh! How do you come up with these great ideas! Very pretty!


Lindsay-ann said...

Great idea with the acorns. I would never have thought to do that. You are so clever. I will not show my daughter as she will want to do some right now! A little project for the weekend perhaps although I will have to dry them a bit as we have had rain today.

Janet said...

What adorable acorns Kelli - a great way to make autumn sparkle!

Kelli said...

Oh Kelli, your acorns look wonderful! Acorn hunting - what fun! We don't have acorns in Queensland :( but we do have hundreds of pine cones to collect!! :-) Hope your having a lovely Autumn!

Clare said...

The look wonderful.What a wonderful winter decoration.

Nancy M. said...

I used your idea on the tray. I now have my tray set for tea! My hubbys throat was hurting so I made him a nice warm cup of the tea but not the fancy tray! ha Thank you for the idea.

Lynn said...

I just got some of the Martha walmar glitter today. I am glad to know it works so well. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli,
This looks like a fun project...turned out very nice!

I may have to do some myself!

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Love them Kelli! What a great idea--I'm going to have to do some since I brought back a ton of "Maine" acorns from my trip!
Have a great day!
Claudia O.

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I'm going to HAVE to go to Walmart to check out the new glitter. I love glitter! Especially the really soft, teeny, powdery metallic kind.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Neat idea, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

They look so cute...what a cool idea.

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute!!! I love them. I have to find some acorns too. Maybe I could make them with my granddaughter. Very sweet.
Be sure to stop by my blog and see what I made tomorrow...something might look familiar...*s*.
have a lovely evening

YayaOrchid said...

Kelli, those acorns look beautiful!! I'm going to have to go to Michael's go get some of that glitter. I don't have acorns, but I could use pinecombs. They'll look great for Christmas decorating as well. Wonderful idea!! Thank you.

Hattie said...

I am just drawn to acorns. I have some that I have had for years. Have some new ones this year. I put some in a stoneware bown and placed a fall candle in the center.

I like your idea with the glitter. Now I will have to run out and get some!

Love your Blog.

Anonymous said...

oh so lovelu Kelli - anyway of attaching some tie or string to them and putting them on a twig tree?

We dont have acrons here in OZ but I used to love collecting them in the woods in the UK when I was a child, but we never did anything like with them! Good idea!

May I mention one tea I used to drink, and enjoy as a student(long long ago lol) but hate now...its called lap sang suchong tea...anyone tried it?

Deb said...

These are so pretty! I love that Walmart now carries the Martha S line. It's much more affordable than Michaels. God must be smiling at your creativity! Have a great week!

Heather Anne said...

Our children just love glitter - but I can't stand the mess it makes on our carpet! Somehow they always convince me that this time they won't make a mess and I give in - and it's weeks before the glitter is out of the house - but they love glitter! Me? Not so much! I do like your acorns though - do you think the squirrels would be surprised if you put a few out for them to find???

Anonymous said...

Kelli, just be careful. I read somewhere that there can be tiny white worms in the acorns and that would not be good. Cheryl

Lady Katherine said...

The acorns turned out so cute. Glitter is in!!

Carrie said...

This is such a fantastic idea! I love acorns since they abound each fall around here -- and my house is named Oak Rise Cottage.

Brenda said...

Are they edible?! kidding. They look so cute. We are surrounded by oak trees, I can't wait to try this with my 7 yr. old. Neat idea.
God bless,
Brenda :)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Those are SO CUTE!!! I just may have to *steal* this idea:) Thanks for sharing!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Kellie, Glam acorns...How cute! I am so stealing this idea!!! And I already have the acorns I couldn't figure out what to do with! LOL! I do love the MS glitter! Thanks for sharing! :) ~Rhonda

Bonnie said...

These look so cute! Great idea!

dot said...

At first glance I thought they were chocolate! Cute idea.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Thank You, Thank You for sharing the info about what kind of glitter to use and where to find it!! I can hardly wait to have some success at glittering a few things around my home!
Mary Lou

GranthamLynn said...

Beautiful. Great I idea. I love the bling too.
I put up my "More than a friend" invitation. Come by and take my button and give it to someone that has been a friend to you.
Have a Blessed Day,

Anonymous said...

thats beautiful!

Ms. Tee said...

Oh, I love these so much! They're so pretty! :)

Pattie said...

VERY pretty!!

Lady Farmer said...

The acorns are gorgeous! Even the unadorned ones don't look real! Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen a real one "in person!" :~}
(I must go to W-M and get some Martha Glitter!)
Nice job!

Tori Leslie said...

Great idea Kelli!
Love this idea, gonna have to go find some acorns now!

Terri said...

What a cute idea! Where do you get all your nifty ideas from Kelli? I don't have a creative bone in my body. I would of just looked at the acorns and thought, "Throw them out!"

Suzann said...

What a great idea! They look so wonderful. I can see them in a tall, skinny apotherapy jar. You really have some awesome ideas.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Kelli! I love looking at your blog each day!

Sarah-Anne L.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had acorns here! We don't get those just pinecones everywhere. Thanks for sharing!

Mommy said...

Very pretty, and what a neat idea!

Mel said...

Those are so lovely! I am a bit envious because acorns are rare to find in my area.

Unknown said...

Those are adorable!

Tammy said...

Wow- I so want to try this! Thank you so much for showing us, Kelli!

Oh- and come over and enter my little 350th post giveaway if you can! :)

Lulu said...

those are so cute

Laurie said...

These turned out so pretty, I love this color of glitter. Martha Stewart has some really nice crafting stuff. :)

Tina said...

I just love these and this whole idea of glittering something. I'm going on a hunt for things to glitter. Thanks for the inspiration

Jennifer Hoots said...

You do seem to be having a great time with fall's arrival. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kelly , have I told you that I love your site?

Julie said...

Yhose are so elegant looking! How beautiful!!

Sue Seibert said...

These are beautiful, Kelli.

Monique said...

Oh Kelli, they look gorgeous !!!
I'm like a magpie now, oooooohhhhh glitters !!!!!!!
Great job.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I bought the same glitter (at Michael's) I haven't used it yet. I love the acorns! Wish I had some real acorns, can't find them here in Florida! I'm still trying to decide what to use the glitter on. I had thought I would use it on mini pumpkins, but don't have those either!


Lori said...

You are so talented and crafy. Love your glittery acorns.

Lena said...

Oh my Kelli, I've never seen so many acorns in one place before! The squirrels usually beat me to my favorite tree, and I only come home with a few each year.

Your acorns would look lovely on a Christmas tree, decorated with all sorts of things representing nature. Hmmmm, have you ever seen a squirrel cookie cutter?

Linda said...

This is such a darling idea. At our little park we have acorns, but when I was there earlier this week I didn't see any. As soon as I find some you know what I'll be doing....hugs, Linda

Mrs. U said...

Oh. My. Goodness. These are so cute that I can't even think of any words to describe how darling they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE to make these!! OH MY!!!

Mrs. U (totally in love with these little acorns!!!!)

Love Bears All Things said...

These are so neat. You are so talented and I love looking at all of your crafts. I don't always comment.
Mama Bear

Farrah said...

I would have never guessed they were real!! What a fun idea for fall! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog last week and I love it! Especially your glittery acorns. I made some last week and posted them on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, It didn't list my blog link for some reason... here it is again www.lovesweetlove.wordpress.com

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the great idea. I finally made them and referenced your blog as having the great idea! Love your blog and thanks for the idea!

Linda Q said...

Love it! I want to start glittering too. Thanks for the inspiration. I thought it would be a good way to change some old outdated things and give them a new life!