Thursday, October 02, 2008

Little Women~Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Little Women
Little Women is one of my favorite books and I recently found this beautiful copy at the used book store.

Little Women
It isn't old, but the pictures are old-fashioned and really bring the story to life.

Little Women

Little Women

Little Women
There are also plenty of black and white pictures and I photocopied a couple of them and made a journal and hanging picture for Christmas gifts.

Little Women

Little Women
"There was a pleasing inequality in the table, which produced many mishaps to cups and plates; acorns dropped into the milk, little black ants partook of the refreshments without being invited, and fuzzy caterpillars swung down from the tree to see what was going on."

Little Women

Little Women

Little Women

Little Women
Tied up with a ribbon.

Little Women
"Jo was very busy in the garret, for the October days began to grow chilly, and the afternoons were short. For two or three hours the sun lay warmly in the high window, showing Jo seated on the old sofa, writing busily, with her papers spread out upon a trunk before her..."

Little Women

Little Women
Thank you for looking at my Little Women show and tell!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!

Links are now closed. Please join us next week!


American Homemaker said...

I love what you did with the pictures... they're beautiful!

Coach Paulette said...

I just love your creativity! You give us all so many great ideas!

Picket said...

That is absolutely gorgeous how you created such a beautiful thing from the pages of that book! beautiful post girl!!! Have a great Friday!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I love Little Women too! What a great idea to make gifts from the photocopied pages! They are beautiful!


Tammy said...

OH WOW...First of all, that is the same illustrator of the book that I have from when I was a child!!! And I love the pictures in it, don't you?

I am so impressed with your making, what a wonderful idea, Kelli! I would never have thought of that!

A great show and tell!

(I am still unsure if I will get my Show and Tell post done in time or have to wait til next week...we'll see!) ;)


Carla said...

So lovely, the pictures in the book, and your hangings!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

That is a lovely edition of Little Women! What a great idea to photocopy some of the line drawings for paper crafts!

{oc cottage} said...

What a find! And your creations are GORGEOUS!!!!!

M ^..^

Lynn said...

Very nice. Thanks for all your great ideas.

Ms. Tee said...

What pretty art! Little Women is one of my favorite stories. :)

Thru Pink Curtains said...

wow i have never seen such nice pictures of this story!!!! thank you for posting!

Mommy said...

Oh I LOVE Little Women! I have read the book about four or five times.

I can't wait to read it with my little girls either.

What a neat find, and those pictures are beautiful!

And what a wonderful idea to make cards with the illistrations. Bravo!

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli,
That is one of my favorite books too!

I love the cards your created using copies of the book!

Charity said...

I love what you did with the photocopies! So cute and nostalgic! :) Little Women is one of my favorite books. I love what Marmee tells Meg after the trip to the Moffat's:

"Learn to know and value the praise which is worth having, and to excite the admiration of excellent people by being modest as well as pretty, Meg."

Elizabeth said...

Where did you get the idea to make those beautiful decorations from the book? I would never have thought of that in 100 years. You are so talented!

I love those illustrations. They did such a wonderful job with those. Very detailed!

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, your creativity is amazing. What lovely ideas and the way you make them is so charming. Just beautiful!My Dd's loved the book and read them when they were young. I thought it was very important to introduce them to books like these. They were not popular reads over here,so we used to talk about these books at home, after they read them.

Anonymous said...

I have a copy with that exact same cover!! But I don't remember if it has the illustrations inside -- I'll have to look at it again.

Those are soo pretty. Someone is going to be a very happy recipient!!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a creativity ! you did a wonderful work there !!

Carrie said...

Your journal and hanging pictures are beautifully designed and executed.

Anonymous said...

That was one of my favorite books too! I remember sitting in my bedroom reading it all those years ago.
Love what you made-definite collage artist material.

Sarah said...

I loved Little Women! I read it so many times I practically had it memorized! Now I'm slowly collecting all the books by L.M. Alcott. Thank you for sharing! I think I have the double of your mirror in the button for Show & Tell Friday! It looks very similar.

Susan said...

What a neat idea! I know the recipients of your gifts will be thrilled with them. I have an Anne of Green Gables journal that I picked up on Craigslist for free that might be good for something like this.

Mary said...


What beautiful Christmas gifts these will make. I haven't been to a used bookstore in some time. You make me want to go.

Thanks for sharing and for hosting.

Mindy said...

You are so creative! I always leave yor blog feeling inspired!

Sue Seibert said...

Kelli, this is the very book my daughters had. My middle daughter has a daughter she often refers to as "My Beth". This is a favorite of all of ours! Thanks for the memories.

Lady Katherine said...

OH! KELLI, This is my favorite book and movie in the whole world. I have a copy somewhere. I will find it, one of those Christmas gifts, I'd love. They are so charming. I have to do this, such a great idea, I think I'll go for the journal book. This will be wonderful gifts for Birthdays and Christmas. Everyone is holding on to their money, and this will not cost much at all. My girls always watched the movie with me. Also I love to make one with Hedi and Scarlet O'Hara, I have been looking for a 16x20 print of Scarlet, in a red or blue dress, no luck yet. This is a wonderful SHOW & TELL!!! Thanks for such a wonderful idea.

Kathy said...

Kelli, the book is wonderful and your creations using text and pictures from it are just lovely. You are so clever and talented!

Lady Katherine said...

I love the pink roses and the torn edges I wish I knew how to add it to my blog, I'd make one and it would be my blogs first page! This is one of those things that make your heart flutter, when you love it so much!

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli,

You brought back so many memories with Little Women. I couldn't wait to watch the original every holiday season! It is one of my favorite stories. As always your artwork is fabulous!!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and wonderful memories.

Happy Friday!


Unknown said...

One of my all-time fav books - what a stunning find, and your gift is wonderful - very creative.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mimi Sue said...

Beautiful illustrations. One of my favorite books too. Mimi

Elissa said...

OOOOH, I LOVE what you did with the pictures!!!!!! Thanks for the idea Mrs. W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathi said...

Kelli, You do the most creative things in such a beautiful way. I love what you have made. Kathi

moreofhim said...

When I visit you, it's like a sense of peace just drifts down over my being. Your love of family and home is just so inspiring. I love your latest project and all the cards you've been sharing. They are beautiful - as always. Thank you for sharing your home and your heart!

God bless you ~ Julie

Anonymous said...

i love the book and the hanging- so pretty! happy friday ~happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I recently found your blog, so very nice. This is the first time I post a link to my blog. I hope this will be the beginning of a long relationship.

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely astounding! All of what you did with the photos...they're beautiful. ALL of them!!! Great job.

My show n tell this week, since all my visitors have been hankering to see some of my decorations for it's the outdoor solar lights at night!

Happy Friday Kelli...and as I've said many times now, thanks for hosting this weekly's one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

These cards are so very beautiful !!!!! I love the idea !! The story of the book is so great too. I love the movies they've made of the book very much.

Simply Heart And Home said...


I never cease to be amazed at your lovely ideas. Your card and journal are so beautiful. You should be selling these! You'd make $$$$. I do love Little Women and always always cry when I read it.

Thank you for sharing your treasures and your heart. I've finally joined you once again for Show and Tell Friday.


Pamela said...

Your journal and hanging piece are just exquisite! I have a friend who loves Little Women also and she would love to find a copy like this one.

Grandma Faith said...

Great idea! You are so talented and so sweet to share your gifts with us. Take care.

Momma Roar said...

So beauitful!

It reminds me of something I saw on tv yesterday, they took black and white photos and copied them onto transfer paper. They ironed it onto a piece of linen and made a wall tapestry. It was cute, but I love your's more!!!

Have a wonderful weekend Kelli and family!!

Gone said...

With your imagination, creativity and talent, you're able to create some of the most beautiful "pretties"!


Suzann said...

What a wonderful idea (Show and Tell Friday). I love how you've brought Little Women to life in your projects. Perfectly lovely!

Constance said...

I got that same book for my oldest daughter as a birthday gift a long time ago! She loved the movie and I had forgotten about it since she is married, lives out of state and has girlies of her own. Thanks for the nostalgia! I am back after a 3 month absence and have posted a little "somethin'-somethin'".

Grammy said...

What fun I think I will try this next week.I enjoyed what you had to share today too.

Anonymous said...

I love your creativity. Little Women is one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

That's one of my favorite books! I re-read it each winter and my daughter and I watch the movie every Christmas. I love what you did - you're so talented!


Tammy said...

Little Women was one of the first books I ever owned - it was part of a boxed set (with Heidi) that was a Christmas gift when I was nine. I love the story, and you certainly found a treasure in this book with the wonderful illustrations!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Kelli what a sweet Show and Tell. You are so creative.
I loved it.
Mine is up too. I am off to the food bank for the day so I'll visit the others tonight.

Rebecca said...

Kelli~ that is the loveliest editions of Little Women I have seen.

I delight in reading your blog every day, though I don't comment as often as I ought. I take some sort of comfort in knowing that you have so many other comments, you wouldn't mind my lack thereof. REally, dumb.

I just wanted to praise you on your idea to reproduce the images and create such beautiful things from them. They are LOVELY.

Baba said...

Hi Kelli, I love this book and have read it many times.. Your art work is great and beautiful..I am sharing a hospital tale..

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...


That book is beautiful! I love Little your gift idea with the pictures and text!

Kristy said...

What a neat idea! Your cards and journal are beautiful. And so dainty! I am new to your site and just love your creative touches! My daughter would love the copy of Little Women. She loves old/older looking books. I should find one like this one for her for Christmas.

Julian said...

how did you know that was one of my favorite books? Christina

letterstoelijah said...

What a cool and frugal idea! Never thought of that before!

Pattie said...

Hi Kelli -

Those illustrations are just charming! And what a great idea for a card. It's a wonderful way to share a book that has special meaning.

Charlotte said...

These pages are absolutely gorgeous. I love Little Women. I loved the original movie years ago.

I see I signed the wrong linky thingy last night. Thanks for changing it for me. At the head of the list too. Wow.

Mrs.T said...


I have the very same edition of the book! Same illustrations. Only mine *is* old, since I've had it 45 years or so.

What creative ideas for using the pictures. Kelli, you are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

God bless,

TJ said...

I love Little Women! Those pictures are so neat, and how you took all of that and created a lovely decoration, is amazing!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss M said...

I love Little Women, I'm reading it right now.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Kelli, I love what you have done with this! Beautiful Idea! I also linked up and posted my own show and tell post....Nancy

Kama said...

I recently found your blog and love seeing all your stuff. You do a great job. I did a little different type of Show and Tell with our 8 day old baby boy! I hope you guys enjoy the pictures!!

Unknown said...

Oh Kelli! I love Little Women! I'm working on making all the sisters as dollies. So far I have completed Beth and Jo and they are in my little etsy shop. Meg is on my work table and so far she is turning out so pretty! One of my most favorite books ever. I LOVE the artwork you created!

Cathy said...

That book looks like the one I used to have, Kelli. I remember my mother reading it to me. I don't know where it is right now, but I think the dog messed it up chewing on it! Those pictures you made are so beautiful!

Jen said...

I love what you did with the pictures. What a great decoration for a child's room!

Dawn said...

Your Little Women pieces are just charming!!!!!!

Sarah said...

Oh I have that book. I does have pretty illustrations

Frazzled Mom said...

Gorgeous as usual!

Baba said...

Hi Kelli, I don't know why I keep getting my name dropped off of the list for today..Baba

Skoots1moM said...

here it is...
blogger's having some editing issues today so it took me a while and the pics are in the position i wanted but...
here's the best i could do.

Just Mom said...

What a fantastic find!

Clare said...

Wonderful pictures and illustrations, has made me smile.


GlorV1 said...

I really loved and love Little Women. I could watch that movie over and over. The book you have of it is beautiful. Those pictures are great. I think your ideas are great.Sorry I had to re-do this because I have been noticing I am making too many typing mistakes. I don't know why. Have a great weekend.

Mrs. U said...

Kelli, you continue to amaze me!! The Lord has truly given you a wonderful talent for creating LOVELY things!!! Thank you for sharing these!!

Mrs. U

Tracy said...

Oh, Kelli, they are gorgeous!!!

Skoots1moM said...

thanks for coming by..enjoyed participating

nancy said...

Kelli, those *are* beautiful pictures! I just love what you did with the black and white drawings. What was that about "acorns dropped into the milk"?

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea!
Mama Bear

Picket said...

Jey Kelli...thanks for coming by ask about my header pic...I got that off of the web site called is in their Autumn greeting and is a free web site and that is where I also got the little blinking lamp post on the side bar...I just love it! You are suppose to be able to put the blinking ones on your post but I can't figure that one out yet!!! lol Take a look at that site when you get a chance..have a great weekend girl!

joyh82 said...

I love how you did your journal. So neat and what a pretty copy of Little Women.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. I love your show and tell. I love that era in life. I do bet all those clothes would be tough to wear hehe.

Missy Wertz said...

One of my favorite books, one of my favorite movies and these are just a lovely cards!

You have 69 participants this week! WOW. I hope to join you next week. Piles of stuff to post, just photographing and posting...

Now to go look and enjoy. :D

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I always forget to come and tell you that i have got my post up!! Forgetful.
I too love LITTLE WOMEN. Jo was always my favorite. How pretty what you did with those pictures..gorgeous!!

Julie said...

We have the same edition! I bought it for Kristen when she was young. She, however, preferred to read "Gone With The Wind" (while in elementary school!)

Lady Katherine said...

Kelli, each time I look at your post on Little Women, I fall in love with it all over again!!!

Jennifer said...


Thanks for stopping by my was nice to hear your comments. I wish I had something for show-n-tell....actually I need more photos and some practice. Hope I can join in sometime soon.

I love the gifts you made from the book lovely. Thanks for sharing -


Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Wow, that was just beautiful! Loved what you created, such beautiful details!


Anonymous said...

Lovely book, and lovely Christmas gifts!

Sarah said...

I know she is. She is so artistic

Jeanne said...

How lovely is your journal.
Thanks for the visit and kind words.
Much love and many blessings

Anonymous said...

What a pretty copy of the book - it was one of my favourites as a child too (along with all my pony stories!) I LOVE the presents you made using copies of the illustrations. I can see I am going to have to learn how to do such things too. Did you knit the beautiful lace edging too?

Jenn said...

Beautiful! Love the journal/hanging pics, and the fact they were photocopied out of the book, such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh,my! I wish I were on your Christmas list!

Linda said...

Hi Kelli....I love this book and the pictures are beautiful.
The hanging pictures are wonderful....a dear gift I know I would love to receive...hugs, Linda

Unknown said...

I love the grace and charm of your creations you truly brought the magic of yesteryear back to new life, very pretty

Amy said...

Kelli! YOU are so darling!!

I love love your Show and Tell Idea!! How beautiful! I am inspired!!!

Brenda said...

That was neat! I love your idea with the black and white photos, making them into gifts or journals. I'm so glad you and others just as creative are out here for the ones, such as myself, who need a little help in the creativity dept! Thanks for sharing that.
God bless,
Brenda :)

Kerri said...

What a great idea! I love the ornament and the journal. I am going to have to get my books out and see what I can do! :) I love those illustrations. Beautiful!!
Love Kerri

Marianna said...

I have that copy of Little Women! It was given to me by my aunt in 1977! I loved what you've done with the black/white pictures.

Lora @ my blessed life said...

I love Little Women! What a beautiful copy of the story. And I love what you did with the copied prints--very nice!

I've got to get back into Show & Tell, it's been a while:)

Anonymous said...

What you did with the pics are so pretty. Thats such a cute idea and will be a welcomed gift!
I have had my eye on your apple fritters and we're making them tonight for dessert. My mouth is just watering. can't wait. Yum.
Have a nice evening.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Little Women and your crafts were adorable and gave me some ideas for Christmas. How did you make the journal?

The Liberty Belle said...

Love it! What beautiful pictures!

Kathy said...

I love that book. Also love what you did with the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelli.

Loved the card and the journal. Can you give us a step by step on how to make the journal? I would love to give them out as Christmas gifts. Love your blog.


Shopgirl said...

Julie and I are having a fall challenge. I thought you might take a peek and see if you would like to give it a try. There is a award....Love this lovely pictures.
Hugs, Mary
I love little Women!!!!

Farrah said...

That book is beautiful, and I love the art you created! :-)

Susie Homemaker said...

You are blessed with creativity...thanks so much for sharing! Absolutely wonderful! I love "Little Women"...My sister and I went to see the play a couple of years ago...we were the only ones in the theater crying our eyes out!

Shirl said...

Hi Kelli, I love Little Women and have the same book. What a great idea to use the pictures in the book for scrapbookings. I love the banner and journal you made. Just adorable. I scrolled you blog a little and love it. The instructions for making the card were just great. Thank you so much for them.
BLessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

the old classic's too, I have Little Women & could read it over & over again, I also have the movie LOL loved your post,

Gayle said...

You are amazingly crafty. I am in awe.

Florida Girl said...

I am in love with that edition of Little Women. Can you email me and give me the ISBN number, the copyright date, and any other information that may help me track it down at our book store?
