Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Today I am sharing a favorite spot in my house: my sunny kitchen window. This past week I took everything off the shelves, dusted and replaced several dead plants. It appears my green thumb only works outside!
The doilies are recent thift store finds.
The three hanging crystals make pretty rainbows on the walls and floor each afternoon.
A new violet.
A fairy lives underneath it. My friend, Cathy gave her to me a few months ago.
Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!
Links are now closed. Please join us next week!
Lovely view, Kellie - I love all the plants too!!
After so long a time I'm participating in Show and Tell....
Your kitchen window, shelves, plants, doilies, accessories are so very pleasing to the eye....very calming and serene....
Wishing you a Happy Fall....Betty
HI Kelli! My favorite thing in your kitchen window is the adorable little fairy. Lucky you to have such a thoughtful friend.
Happy Friday. Debbi :-)
As always your show & tells are beautiful! Where do you find the time to do alllllllllllll that you do? Do you ever sleep??? lol
Beautiful window! The crystals are a special touch as well!
My cameos are posted.
Hi Kelli...
Your sunny kitchen window is adorable. I love the doilies, crystals and the violet with the resident fairy!
Hi Kelli! Your window is SO pretty! And you have such a pretty view, too!!! Oh, and your violet is gorgeous!! I LOVE violets! Their purple color is just so happy! The only problem is that I can NOT get them to last long! Grrrr!! Seeing how pretty yours is, though, sure does make me want to buy another one and try again!
Mrs. U
This is so pretty Kelli! I really like the crystals. I just had a kitchen window put in when we redid out kitchen a few years ago. I have the plants sitting on the bottom, but have perfume bottles and colored glass on the shelf. Great minds think alike!
I love the window. Your plants are lovely and the old bottles are great.
I LOVE old bottles.
Have a great weekend!
What a lovely spot!
Lovely ! what a pretty view when you look through your window !
Your window is beautiful, Kelli!
I was reminded of the the movie "Pollyanna" with the prisms that made rainbows on the wall.
I added a show and tell for the first time. Hope you have time to come visit:) Have a great weekend!
Linda C
Oh I love the plant shelves in your kitchen window! I'm dying for some window shelves to place my house plants on. They are on the counter now and take up absolutely too much space. Thanks for sharing Kelli:)
WHat a lovely window - very pretty (as always). Have a lovely weekend.
Beautiful window! Love the crystals! Everything you show pictures of is so pretty!
I love your window spot- very pretty! Love it!
silly me- I messed up my linky- can you please remove my mistake -
( i inadvertantly left my email address. ) thanks!!
wow! those are beautiful!! love it!
What I love the most are the crystals, I'd love to have them hanging from MY window!
Kelli, Your arrangement of plants, doilies and fairies is so pretty and enchanting. Kathi
Hello Kelli, the dollies sure do add alot to that shelf. It looks great. I also like that cute little fairy. So sweet!
I missed Show and Tell Friday last week because we were out of town. I had withdrawls!
Love, Ann
Hi Kelli, I love your kitchen window with all of the wonderful plants.My favorite one is the African Violet with the fairy on the bowl...cute..Have a fun day ...I had to do my posting before I get on the highway this morning..hugs, Baba
I'm french and I love your blog very very much. I come every day to visit you. Thank you for all the beautiful thinks you show us. Excuse my english.
Your window is beautiful. Love the doilies!
My Show and Tell Friday is posted. It is here:
Just click on Sherrie's Stuff and it will take you right there. Take Care!!
Green thumb only works for you outside? Ummmmmm, let me inform you right now, right here...it seems to be working just FINE indoors also. But the case may be Texas water 'cause my indoor plants suffer also, and the growth outside is overwhelming sometimes, I'm always having to 'trim 'em back'!! Oh wait it's the same water...well, maybe it's the Texas sun that is the miracle grow here. LOL
Beautiful Kelli! Love the violet and the fairy. I too have crystals on the windows here.
My Show n Tell are 2nd hand store finds this week too. But, as always this month it's Halloweenish. LOL
Hi kelli,
I love your window. That is something I thought about doing here. I really like the glass for shelfing. Have a great day.
That fairy is so adorable! I can see why that's your favorite spot in your house - it's all so pretty! Your plants look good! I actually do much better with all my outdoor plants than the indoor ones. I keep forgetting to water the indoor ones.
Good morning, Kelli! What a great way to make a garden window - I love the idea of the glass shelves and your plants look lovely.
How pretty Kelli...love the crystals hanging down. I do not have a window over my sink in this house and I do miss that!
Wow! I love the look that you gave your kitchen window.I love everyhing.Thanks so much for sharing and have a blessed day!
Perfect window for your plants...
Very pretty, Kelli.
Love the crystals. Remind me of Pollyanna!
Lovely kitchen window, Kelli!
So pretty!
I'l have to give this some thought on what I could do to participate next week.
That's really pretty! I love the crystals making rainbows on the walls! I would have water slopped all over the shelf, spilling it everytime I watered my plants! Ha Ha!
I have a rosemary plant I keep in the kitchen windowsill so I can garnish food quickly. Recently, while I was on vacation, my 21 year old daughter forgot to water it for 2 weeks and naturally, it died! Her fiance works at LOWES and so they replaced it. It is no longer the small little kitchen window sill plant, it's this "bush" that I am going to have to go plant outside!!! I am trying to "start" off of it before I do though!
Today, I shared some of my Fall decorations!
I have great respect for anyone that can keep that many plants alive! Cute fairy. Stop by and join me in my STIM-A-LA-TIN party!http://confessionsofa40-somethingmamaqueen.blogspot.com/
Oh, I adore this vignette you've created here.
Great job
I love the new window look. The fairy is so sweet. I now have a kitchen window and every morning I get to see the sum come up across the pasture. I love it. It is not a big window like yours so I can't put much in it.
I noticed your little bottles. I have a couple just like yours. I love them.
Thanks for sharing. I am going to do community service with me girls at the local food bank so I'll pust this afternoon.
I hope you enjoy seeing what I have planned. Just a few of my favorite things.
Have a great day.
Kelli, I love what you have done there. I have been looking for a way to display and just have my plants face my east window and get some sun. That is also my over the sink kitchen window. That is a great idea. And looks so good.
I love your window! It is so pretty! :)
Kellie I love your display of your plants. Oh and the fairy is so pretty with the violets. I just love it all! I am not much of a greenthumb but looks to me yours look verry well taken care of.
You have a green thumb too! Your plants look very happy in your kitchen window! I love the little fairie! :)
that fairy is just adorable Kelli! I love the way she is trying to climb fout from underneath the plant - oh so cute!!!
Very pretty. I would love to do something like that.. but our window a/c sits there in the summer.
I think you have a green thumb!
How beautiful Kelli! I love the glass shelves, I may have to do something like this in my kitchen window, our winters can be long here in Minnesota, this would make it pretty. I too have a hard time with indoor plants, they survive but barely!
Have a Fantastic Friday!
Kathi :)
What a wonderful spot in your home. Love the window.
I love your kitchen window. It's so pretty. I don't get much sun in mine, as I have a very large porch off of it. I would love to look at plants while doing some dishes. So pretty.
Pretty window Kelli. The little pixie is too cute, plus I really like your bottle collection..hugs, Linda
I love your kitchen window. I want to know if you put the shelves in, or if your house was built with a window like that. I would like to do that with my own kitchen window, but it just has a plain old window in it.
I love the way you've done your kitchen window. I haven't had one in years but it is nice to be able to look out while at the sink. I wish you'd identified the plants. I recognize the Ivy, Aloe, and the Violet but wasn't sure about the others. I also like the Fairy. Aloes are so good to have on hand in case of burns. I have one at the other house. I will put it in the kitchen here. NOt sure of the location. Maybe on the hutch where it will get some light. I've seen doilies at the dollar store.
Mama Bear
i love the violet with the fairy underneath. how cute!
I really love your plants and especially the crystals! My mom has a long front porch with several crystal windchimes and they really are beautiful when the sun shines through. I know you must love yours as well.
I hope that I did the Show and Tell Friday correctly. This is my first real week blogging and I am still learning. Thanks so much for the idea.
thanks for hosting this. It is so much fun to look at everyones treasures.
lovely,lovely....your sunny window...
Kisses Barbara
I love your doillies. I wish I could find a use for them other then putting them in my hope chest.
Kelli, The plants just brighten up your kitchen, I love the fairy hiding below and the african violet is beautiful. I used to grow them when we had a southern exposure, but they do not so well now I have the nothern exposure. My passion are antique dolies and new ones too. Your doilies look great and helps cheer up your kitchen window for the winter days ahead.
Thats a great view, your lucky :)
I do not have a green thumb for indoor plants however. I do everything Im supposed to do but they still seem to die :(
What a lovely spot! I love how you have the glass shelves between the cabinets, that is a smart idea!
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Sharon
Your plants look so healthy--mine all die!! Have a great weekend. Julie
Just when I think your kitchen window can't get any prettier, you go and add crystals!!!! Mine gets so much sun, I think I might have to locate some, myself, we used to have them in a dining room window casting Pollyanna rainbows on the walls! Beautiful, Kelli, just beautiful!
I love your window. So magical looking. I really like house plants but I don't have any inside right now. They are out in my greenhouse. When my little girl gets a little older, I will bring some into the house to decorate with:)
Hey Kelli!
I have mine posted!
Better late than never, right?
It's good to be back participating in this again.
Have a good weekend...Lisa
I just love that fairy and the glass bottles.
Beautiful and inspiring as usual.
Thankyou for sharing.
Hi Kelli -
That new violet is beautiful, and I love the little fairy peeking out from underneath.
Thanks for sharing your cheery, sunny window!
Kelli your plants are so alive and thriving in that nice window. I wish I were better at plants, not that I kill them...I just sometimes forget to water them! Ha!
I agree, your doilies are just lovely! What a green thumb you have! Thanks for hosting this meeting place to show off our stuff!
Kelli, I love the window treatments and the doilies are a find. It looks really nice. I would love to be sitting in a chair in front of the window having a cup of latte. Thx for sharing, have a great weekend.
I love your kitchen window. I'm so fond of violets but seem to have a brown thumb when it goes to growing them (keeping them alive, actually) so I've given up.
I just love your blog, too!
Marilyn in NM
Pretty stuff as usual!
Hi Kelli,
Happy Friday! I love your plant window. Thank you for sharing - you've done a wonderful job of bringing the outdoors inside:)
What a pretty spot....certainly would make doing dishes a lot nicer. I've never really "accessorized" my windows (other than curtains) but how nice it looks - might have to think on that!
Hi Kelli
Your kitchen window is so pretty. It's like a little mini garden in your house. I love it.
I sooooo envy you! I love the shelves. Our kitchen is under major renovation and probably won't be done for a while yet. Meanwhile, I wash dishes in the laundry room sink.
~ Canadian in the country
I love your kitchen window. Those little jars are so neat. I love them.
I like your plants too .
Ohhh I love your kitchen window, I use to have glass shelves in mine too, humm where did I put those LOL yep gonna have to find where I put those glass shelves & go buy some plants now LOL!
Hi Kelli,
My post is finally up. My Fridays are getting really busy but it is a huge Blessing.
I love Show and Tell so as soon as dinner is done I'll be checking all the other wonderful posts.
Have a great weekend.
I love the green! The doilies make me want to start to crochet again :) I have one of those African Violet holders too!!
Beautiful display
Love Kerri
I really like your African Violets. I have some but they haven't bloomed in over 1 1/2 even though I fertilize them. How do you get yours to bloom?
Sorry it was so late in the day, but I finally got my show and tell posted!
Oh, so beautiful, Kelli. It looks all sparkly, green and clean! Don't you wish there was never such a thing as dust?! :)
Have a great weekend!
Your window is very pretty, Kelli. I love the little vases. And your picture of the violet is so pretty.
Crystals like that always remind me of Pollyanna. :-) Isn't decorating fun?
Your kitchen window is so pretty, such a pleasant spot as you're working in your kitchen!
I hope you have a blessed weekend.
I love the glass bottles! And the fairy is adorable.
I love your window Kelli...just beautiful...
I have been reading your blog for a while now and I just love you last show and tell with the kitchen window. I told hubby about it too! I can't wait til Friday when I can post my own show and tell! Thanks for the inspiration!
Kelli, I love what you've done with your kitchen window! I was inspired by something similar in a Martha Steward magazine - now I've see how you've done it, I've set my mind to do something similar when we get settled!
Have a wonderful week!
Beautiful window! Love the crystals! Everything you show pictures of is so pretty!
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