Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Happy Friday! Today, I am sharing a new addition to our patio. I fell in love with this mini bistro table set from Hobby Lobby, and I especially liked the 50% off price tag! I was originally going to put it in my secret garden on the side of the house, but it gets more use here.
It is wrought iron and has that white shabby look.
Grace has a potted pink vinca on the table and there is a view of our water garden.
Our lily pads are slowly coming up and will turn bright green soon.
Speaking of tables...the fairies in our garden have been enjoying their patio table as well.
Just like us, they've been busy gardening...
and enjoying their springtime pond!
Thank you for taking a look at my show and tell and have a wonderful weekend!
Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions. Have fun!
You have a lovely new table set and a beautiful garden. Your photos are gorgeous!
Love the bistro set! Isn't Hobby Lobby the greatest! That tiny little fairy table is adorable too! Your garden is beautiful!
Oh My Gosh, Kelli! Everything looks so pretty. You have been working hard! We finally got some great weather here and Bob and I have been outside the last two afternoons working away.....but there is still so much to be done. Your pictures inspire me to hang in there and make our yard a wonderful place to visit.
Thanks for sharing. Love, Debbi
Your garden is so beautiful. I can't wait for a little warmer weather to enjoy mine. I love the silhouette card you made. Is that a stamp? I have a collection of silhouettes and would love to add that image. Mimi
Love that little table and 'scene' in they big pot. How fun!!
Thanks for hosting.
Barbara Jean
Very nice bargain and very pretty! I love bistro furniture, we have a table set too but in green.
Kelli, thanks for sharing your patio renovation! And how cute is the little fairies garden???
My post is up at http://mylittleplace.blog.com/4818846/
Love your garden bistro set! And the miniature set, too! How adorable!
Beautiful patio set and mini garden.
I look forward to seeing your pond lilies in bloom.
The fairy garden is very unique. I've never seen that before. I love your garden areas!
This is my first time participating in show & tell friday, but I've been coming to look at your beautiful things for a while now! Today is no exception...your little table and garden things are just beautiful! :)
You are SO creative Kelli. I love the little set in the garden pot. I also didn't know that lily's weren't green when they first start growing!
Love the fairy garden Kelli!!!
I do hope you had a peaceful Easter weekend.
My SnT is only crystal cardinals this time...I almost forgot it's Friday. LOL
Oh I just LOVE your fairies little patio. That is the sweetest, sweetest in the whole world! What a pretty, peaceful garden you have. I am sure it brings you HOURS of pleasure (and lots of hard work too!)
The little fairy table is so cute! Your bistro set and garden is very pretty.
I love your garden, Kelli. The new table is beautiful.
Kelli, Would you mind telling me where you got the tile that the mini table is sitting on. It looks like brick.
I love everything you showed.
Mama Bear
Oh, how pretty your bistro set is. The fairy garden is so sweet. I love the fantasy aspect of that tiny table and chairs. Silly me thought it life size at first glance.
How pretty! Looks inviteing. ♥ I would love to sip some coffee or tea there with you. :)
Hobby Lobby is probably going to have a run on those tables this weekend. Everyone will want one.
What a fabulous patio set!
I love your new bistro set. Perfect addition to your garden area. Your fairy garden is too cute.
I adore the white bistro set...your fairy garden is so beautiful! I have really enjoyed the Texas weather lately...we have finally gotten some greatly needed rain. Instead of everything looking burnt and brown...it's beginning to look so green. Have a wonderful weekend...Julie
Oh, Kelli, I LOVED the fairy garden!! Where in the world did you get the items that are in there? I have one in a bird bath in my yard and am always looking for new items. The bistro set is so pretty too!!
Hi Kelli, I love your new bistro set and the fairy garden with it's cute little table... I have shared with you my new plants that I found in N.C.while being here and taking care of my sister.. Have a great day.
Hugs, Baba
Your attention to detail is wonderful. Beautiful as usual!
Such a cute fairies table!! Your table is sweet, too! Hope you enjoy many a cup of tea out there!
What a beautiful garden!
Here in the North, we have yet to see so much green but it is coming :~)
Tell me kelli, how do you keep the miniture pieces from been knocked over by squirrels and such...
Absolutely lovely :)
Lady M
I love the table set! My daughter got one off freecycle! Wish she would hand it over. lol The fairy garden is so adoreable! What a great idea! Love it!
How inviting.
Very cute Kelli! I would love to do this in my garden! You have given me some great ideas! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Hobby Lobby... my favorite store! Cute bistro. I love your little fairy garden! :)
Kelli, how wonderful- patio furniture for people and fairies too!:)
I love both- and what a find at Hobby Lobby! So fun!
Who wouldn't want to come sit and enjoy your beautiful garden?!
Thanks again for hosting this lovely meme. I look forward to it every Friday:)
Linda C
Oh that is so absolutely cute!
Kelli your garden is so pretty and so much fun! Makes me wish my dogs were kinder to our backyard.
Have a wonderful weekend!
thats so lovely..You can sit and relax and read a mag or a book..
so peacefull.
Those are both so, so cute!!
Everything is lovely, Kelli! For once I was able to see most of the photos! How I envy you living where you can garden and enjoy the outdoors for more of the year. I guess I will have to wait until heaven for that!
Thanks for sharing!
God bless,
I loved your little fairy garden so much that I swiped the photo so that this summer I can make one. Now off to the internet to find a tiny table and chairs, I am so inspired.
Roberta Anne, the Raggedy Girl
very cute! i love that the fairies have everything you do, only fit for them!
I love the little table in the big pot.At first glance I thought it was another table you had and when I seen it in the big pot, I was happily surprised. Thx for sharing and have a great weekend.
Your pictures are so pretty. Your Fairy garden is so sweet. You are very creative. I enjoy so much coming here to look at everything.
I posted for the first time on Show and Tell last Friday and it didn't work. This Friday I do believe it did. My name is listed twice though. The first time I didn't link it right. Sorry about that.
Your garden flowers and furnishings look great!
I love the fairy table, it looks life size till you see the planter lol
Kelli...where did you get that adorable little table set in your flower pot? That is so cute! I love your show and tell today...so excited for Spring! I love your garden and your pond!
Sorry! I didn't realize I forgot to link you. Link is fixed now. Your garden looks great!
That is a sweet new set and a perfect spot of a cup of tea. I love the little fairy replication too.
I can't believe all the waterlilies you have and I see that you have impatiens in. We have to wait until May for annuals. : )
This is my first time to participate in Show in Tell Fridays... I am excited! Thanks Kelli, for letting us enjoy your beautiful garden as well.
Adorable, Kelli!
I loved your show and tell. It made me want to go out and play in my gardens. It has only recently melted of all snow...Hurrah! I also love your fairy gardens, above. I'm going to do that soon, too.
God bless,
I adore your blog! Your bistro table was so cute I ran to Hobby Lobby to get a set but my 13 year old son said " be orginal mother". I told him next time he stays home!We did pick up flowers and hostas for planting. Thank you for the inspiration.
Hi Kelli, You come up with the cutest ideas! I just love your mini garden table and chair set. So cute! Thanks for sharing with us. Blessings, Jax in Alaska
I absolutely love the table & chairs!! What a perfect place for coffee or tea. A romantic little getaway! I hope you post more pics of your lovely pond too!!
I like the table and chairs and am glad you got a good deal on them. Do you think the chairs would look good with some cushions you make out of colorful fabric for outdoor use? They would also be much more comfortable to sit on with a cup of tea and devotions. Thank you for sharing. I have not contributed but my explanation of what's happening is on my blog.
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Great post. I think one of the basic things that we should know know is that we must always make sure that you are safe in every transactions you wanted to indulge with.
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