
I put the salad spinner in the cupboard, put a wine rack in the left corner (it had been in the garage) and put place mats under the blender and food processor.

I moved the coffee pot over to the other side of the kitchen, by the stove.

Grace and Emily talked me into going to a few yard sales on Saturday morning so I have a few "new to me" things to show you.
I'm not sure what to call this, maybe a candle lantern thingy? ;0) Whatever it is, it matches my kitchen was was $2.00!

Lastly, here are some old cookbooks that I picked up for $1.00 each. I stacked them up on my dining room hutch.
~Mrs. Rorer's New Salads ~ 1912
~The Mystery Chef's Own Cook Book ~ 1943
~The Fannie Farmer Cookbook ~ 1965

I know many of you love to read through cookbooks and "The Mystery Chef's Own Cook book is perfect for that. It begins...
"Perhaps I should start this book by answering a question that so many have asked: "How did I, a man, ever come to take up cooking as a hobby?" Well the answer is - I didn't take up cooking as a hobby. Some would say I drifted into it by accident, though I myself don't believe such things happen by accident. I am a Scot, and therefore I see design in all things."

"The preparation of delicious meals in your home is a very important thing. Excellent cooking does not mean everything to the happiness of your home, but it does make a vast difference in any home. It is, I think more important that any other one material thing. The atmosphere created at the table around which the family gathers two or three times a day is something that is surely worth of the best that is in you."
I love the little lantern thingy. Is it a little candle in it, or a battery operated bulb?
Very pretty finds! I too like the lantern thingy - and its name, lol!
Great finds! Love the cookbooks. Fanny Farmer is a great one :)
I found a couple cookbooks from 1948 while garage saling this weekend!
I love the way you've arranged your books and the teacup and all on your hutch Kelli.
Thank you for the quote from the Mystery Chef. It is a timely message for me, as I'm feeling a little uninspired when it comes to cooking right now. The older Fannie Farmer cookbooks are some of my favorites. I have the 10th and the 12th edtitions and they are very different from one another.
I hope you have a great week ahead!
You are a great bargain hunter too, Kelli!
I love what you found~
Everything looks so nice~
Lovely! And I love the new touches to your blog on the header and the format with the new colors. Even the cute curly-que after your post. Has Phillip been busy??? Or are you learning new things??? It looks great!
The vignette with the cookbooks is just lovely.
I have the Fanny Farmer cookbook! You will love it.. tons of the old recipes... I love the look of your coffee center!
"The atmosphere created at the table around which the family gathers two or three times a day is something that is surely worth of the best that is in you."
We read this wonderful quote and now realize that so many families (that doesn't even mean what it use to!) don't even eat the evening meal together any more. Sad commentary on so many lives today.
When I was growing up the quote "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" was often quoted. Don't hear that one today!
Love how you are displaying the new cookbook finds.
You've done some rearranging on your site, too! I love your new look, and the little light is precious. I've been searching for some old cookbooks, too. How wonderful you found hardbacks. All I seem to find are plastic ones.
Your kitchen organizing is coming along nicely!
Your kitchen rearranging is looking really good! Can you come and do mine?
Don't you just love finding items at yard sales and thrift stores! :D
You went shopping without me again! :)
I love the quote and your re-arrangements look great.
I love the cookbooks. Also, I love the new look of the kitchen. Isn't it fun to rearrange with things you already have on hand?
love the little cute lantern and the books seem to be a lot of fun!
Your kitchen looks less cluttered now. It probably feels bigger too. It's hard to have open spots on the counter. It seems they "beg" for something to be placed there! I try not to listen.
I like your cookbook display--great idea! Good finds on your garage sale trip.
I LOVE that lantern, how pretty! What a steal, too. =)
Your kitchen is looking quite lovely! I love your garage sale finds - especially the book you quoted. I have to ask - and maybe you'd mentioned before - but who is the woman in the b&w photo on your hutch? She looks familiar... Oh, she looks like YOU! :) A relative?
I love that quote. Not something you're likely to hear much of these days.
Love your "new" finds, love your coffee/tea nook!! Can I come for coffee? Isn't rediscovering a treasure fun?!!
You've done a great job re-organizing and decorating...very nice. (I found my way here via Peaceful Corner)I'm off do read more of your posts :)
Your rearranging in the kitchen looks very nice!! You've given me a few ideas for my kitchen as well!!
Oh and I LOVE your cookbooks!!! I, too, love to sit down and read cookbooks!!
Mrs. U
"The atmosphere created at the table around which the family gathers two or three times a day is something that is surely worth of the best that is in you."
I so agree with this statement, after all we have to eat - it should be a celebration and a special time during the day to take 'time out'.
Love the new look in your kitchen.
Oh Kelli, you always have the best pictures to show :)
I love the little lantern, it's gorgeous and what a steal at that price. I don't even have to say what I think about the cookbooks, you know I LOVE them :)
Have a wonderful day,
Your kitchen looks so pretty. And I haven't been here for awhile, so I don't know when you did it, but I love the blog makeover!
"The preparation of delicious meals in your home is a very important thing. Excellent cooking does not mean everything to the happiness of your home, but it does make a vast difference in any home. It is, I think more important that any other one material thing. The atmosphere created at the table around which the family gathers two or three times a day is something that is surely worth of the best that is in you."
Love that quote!
PS. Kitchen and your great finds are also fabulous.
A great quote about mealtime and so true! Great finds and the kitchen looks so organized.
love the lantern...
lots of nice finds..
Your kitchen looks great. Those placemats really make a difference, don't they? Yes, yes -- I agree with your Mystery Chef's comment! :o)
Very cool yard sale finds and I love the lantern!
It's amazing what a difference we can make with just things we already have on hand! Everything looks great, and I really like the lantern!
Also, I really like the change on your header! Very classy!
Have a wonderful day!
You have an excellent eye! I would have passed up those books as "junk", but you saw neat decorations. I am impressed!
Oh, your new and improved counter looks very nice!
I'm always trying to get things more organized in my home too.
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