Wednesday, June 20, 2007

~Happy Birthday!!!~

Happy Birthday,  Emily!!!!

We are celebrating a special birthday today....Emily is now 8 years old!  Before she went to bed last night we had some final 7 year old snuggles and she promised she would snuggle even when she's a teenager. :0)

We have a fun day planned...playing with new toys, watching a new movie and the birthday girl has requested grilled steak for dinner!

I'm off to enjoy the day, I'll be back later, with pictures!


Trella said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! I hope you all have a wonderful day. It sounds like you have the perfect 8 year old day planned.
Look forward to seeing the picture.

Mrs. B said...

Happy Birthday ! I hope you have a blessed day. Sounds like you picked a wonderful menu for a birthday dinner!


Julie B

thamily said...

And a happy happy birthday to little Emily!

Rebecca said...

Have a wonderful day Emily!

Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!

~*Marie*~ said...

Happy birthday Emily!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl! Hope you have a wonderful day!

My daughter still cuddles and she is nearly 20 ` and my 15 and 17 year old boys still want hugs!

LadySnow said...

Happy Birthday Emily!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emily. Grilled steak is a great choice for a June birthday. Blessings!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Emily.
Hope you have a fun and special day with your family.
Can't wait to see more pics.

Susie said...

Happy Birthday to Emily!
Hope she has a wonderful and fun-filled day!

Marci said...

Happy Birthday Emily!!! You look like your Momma!!! May the Lord bless you this year with your best year yet!!

Mary L. Briggs said...

Happy birthday to Emily!! It sounds like all of you are having a fun day!

Kelli, I hope your cayenne pepper works to keep the bunnies away. I have never tried it. I am wanting to plant some sunflowers too. I always mean to start planting them in April and plant more every two or three weeks, but it seems like time always gets away from me. You'd think I'd have more time since I'm not homeschooling anymore--my oldest just graduated from college and the youngest will be a senior in college this fall. I homeschooled them both K-12. Time goes by sooo fast!

Gena said...

Happy, happy birthday Emily! I hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy that yummy steak dinner!


theups said...

Happy Birthday, Emily!!!!!! I hope your day is extra specially blessed!! With your sweet mom, I'm SURE it will be!!

Enjoy your steak dinner!

Mrs. U

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday to your special girl!!! ;-)


Dani said...

Happy Birthday, Emily!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! I hope you have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! Have a very fun day!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a cutie! Happy Birthday to Emily!!
God bless :)

Lyndy said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! Wishing you a blessed day.


Karen said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Emily!! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Emily!!! Emily, dear one, enjoy your day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emily!

I remember when my 22 year old turned 10 and he was still snuggling with me. I asked him what he was going to do when he was too big to sit on my lap. He said I could sit on his. Awwww. They do grow up so fast.

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Emily!!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Cris said...

Happy birthday Emily! Wishing you a wonderful day! Blessings!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Emily. Wow, steak for must be one special girl! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Jenn4Him said...

Oh happy, happy day, a birthday! My Gracie is turning 8 the end of July! I will have to get the same promise from her. I am not ready for her to be 8. Somehow 7 seems younger. (hee, hee)

Creative Life Studio said...

Happy Birthday to Emily! It sounds like you'll have a lovely day.

Ruth said...

Happy 8th Birthday, Emily!! I hope you have a great day, a wonderful dinner, and the best year ever!!

dot said...

Happy Birthday Emily! You are a very pretty young lady. Hope you enjoy your special day.

Carole Burant said...

Happy Birthday Emily:-) I'm sure your day has been a wonderfully fun one...can't wait to see the pictures your mom will post!!! xox

Jodi said...

Happy 8th Birthday, Emily! :o)

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! Hope you had an absolutely wonderful day!!

HsKubes said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Emily!
I'm sure y'all enjoyed your day together.
My teen and I still snuggle, too. ;o)

~ Christina

Heather Anne said...

Belated birthday blessings to Emily - since I am sure she is safely tucked in bed by now - afterall, even 8 year olds need their sleep! I hope your day was wonderful and will hold special memeories for you for a long time to come!

Just Mom said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Emily.

Disney for Boys said...

Happy Birthday to your Emily!!! I hope you all had a wonderful day together! Looking forward to your pictures!

Teresa said...

Happy Birthday, to Emily. What a wonderful time eight is. I hope she always snuggles you, Kelli. My daughters are 30, 28 and 26. Snuggles never get old!

Be blessed!!!!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Emily!!!