Saturday, June 09, 2007

~June Blooms~

I thought I would share some of the flowers that are blooming in my gardens. We've had lots of rain and the really bad Texas heat hasn't started up yet so we are enjoying the outdoors while we can!

~Red Geraniums and tiny yellow daisies~

~Hot Pink Snap Dragons~

Greenleaf Euryops Daisies


~Pink Geraniums~



Thank you for looking and I hope you all are having a great weekend!


Lyndy said...

Kelli, I love all of your blooms they are beautiful.

I am not in a place to have my own this year and really miss my flowers. Thank you for sharing yours.

Blessings, Lyndy

Myrna said...

Really beautiful! I love all the colors--such a variety and so vivid!

Susie said...

The colors of your flowers are just so striking. Your garden must be such a pleasure to visit!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelli, your flowers are all so pretty!! Other than the roses, nothing much is blooming here. Yet. We had a fierce winter and many things that never die completely back, did this year. I am patiently waiting those first geranium and gardenia blossoms! Seeing yours is encouraging!

Ruth said...

Beautiful flowers, and I love your little ducks! My mother-in-law and hubby do such a good job with flowers. I, however, do not. I just look but don't touch. =o)

dot said...

I've given up on flowers this year so it was nice to see your pretty blooms!

theups said...

Everything looks SO pretty, Kelli!!

It's already incredibly hot here and I'm having a hard time with all my flowers this year. :( Hopefully they'll hold on and end up beautiful like yours!

Mrs. U

Doberlady said...

Kelli, so pretty and I love the 2 little ducks.

Anonymous said...

Beeee-utiful! I think geraniums are the happiest flowers. And those lantana in our heat are such troopers.

My garden is fully of lantata in bright yellows. Yellows, blues, purples and reds are my favorite garden color.

Soon I am going to post a picture of one of my hydrangea, which has 15 blooms on it! Oh, my!

Anonymous said...

Those euryops daisies are very cool..I'm also drawn to the impatiens. Blessings on the rest of your weekend...

Kelley said...

Kelli, what beautiful flowers!
I haven't gotten nearly the planting done that I wanted...
I need to at least try and get some more hollyhocks planted because they take a year and I want to plant some moonflowers and possibly some dahlias and I am saving for some English & heirloom roses!

Kelley said...

Ooh forgot to say that I like the new layout! *Ü*

Amber said...

Your superbells are beautiful.

We were getting a lot of rain there for a while but now we are getting horrible winds and it is drying everything out. Looks like we may get some rain this week and it will perk my flowers back up!

Susan said...

Your flowers look lovely. I love impatients and lantana.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

What beautiful flowers, Kelli! I've finally gotten the time to plant my flowers...hopefully I'll get to post some pictures soon!

CONNIE W said...

They're so pretty. Your gardening skills are evident, as well as your hard work. Excellent!

Christine said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! I love your blog makeover too! Blessings!

Sue Seibert said...

Love your flowers! Especially the snapdragons. We have lots of lantana, too, and the yellow is just going crazy. Hope you have a very blessed Sunday so far.

Amy said...

I love the snap dragons :)
and your new june layout!!

Melissa said...

I LOVE the 'ugly' ducklings!!!!!
Where did you find such darlings?
I went to the garden store today and saw a remedy for bothersome rabbits... a 6 foot long inflatable python! haha!

Melissa said...

I like the new look of your blog too!

Cherish the Home said...

Gorgeous flowers! (o:

Karen said...

Oh so pretty!! So full and hearty looking. Thanks for sharing pics with us!

Christie Belle said...

Oh my goodness! I bet it smells wonderful around your house! Such beautiful flowers everywhere! And oh, all the colors.

Sheri said...

Beautiful, beautiful Kelli! Thank you for sharing your garden with us...

Heather Anne said...

I love you blooms and the 'look' of your blog - so professional and polished! Lovely!

I still have not been to the greenhouse to find those 'fill in flowers' for spots here and there that need a little color - but I'm going - tomorrow if possible!
I guess I'm a classic late bloomer and my garden will be too!

Charree said...

All of your flowers are so beautiful. I really like your daisies.

Jenn4Him said...

Lovely June blooms! I can't believe it is June already! Thank you for sharing your lovely flowers. I am a flower addict. The lilies that were done blooming went on sale at Walmart for half off and I just had to bring one home this weekend. Now I need to find a sunny spot to plant it! (We have lots of trees)

Lulu said...

oh how pretty..I love your flowers blooming..

Disney for Boys said...

Beautiful!!! I love the superbells; I have never seen them before! Im off to learn a bit more about them :-)